Crazy schedule and I need help with what to eat

Yodee Posts: 84 Member
I work at a convenience store and my hours are different every week. One day I may work 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., then I may work 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. then have a day off. Then I may work 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and so on and so forth.

Although I am only on Day 2 of using MyFitnessPal, I have a good friend who has lost over 30 pounds using this and I will be working with her. I am looking for suggestions on what I can make that I can grab no matter what my schedule is and as crazy as it sounds, it needs to good cold because we don't get breaks, we eat while taking care of customers which on work days makes it very difficult to try and heat something up because it won't be hot once you get the chance to eat. I am not a fish eater so tuna is out but I could really use some help!

Also am I doing right by trying to eat five small meals a day to keep the hunger at bay?


  • Lezavargas
    Lezavargas Posts: 223 Member
    edited January 2015
    I started by just replacing one meal with a spinach smoothy. Add an apple or a couple oranges if you cant stand the taste. That way you atleast get all your greens in for the day. As a bonus, youll see the difference in your skin within a couple days
  • getstrongkaylen
    getstrongkaylen Posts: 137 Member
    sandwiches are great options. use whole wheat bread and fill with lots of veggies. a salad with lean protein like chicken is easy to make in advance as well. if im in a rush, my go to is a boiled, some apples and grapes, 2 small slices and cheese, and normally some sort of bread... I like muesli bread!
  • Rlyn444
    Rlyn444 Posts: 27
    It does help to eat smaller meals through out the day keeps your metabolism going and steady. Also you might need to prepare things before. Like cutting up fruits or veggies. Maybe a piece of bread with some peanut butter on it, maybe some crackers with hummus, nuts or dried fruit, salads or yogurt , hard boiled eggs
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I like black eyed peas with celery/bell pepper/jicama, hot peppers (optional), and oil and vinegar dressing. I've seen hummus and crackers packs--you could make your own.

    The five small meals thing might work for you or it might not. Meal timing is a myth, it's all about the total number of calories. If it makes you feel satiated, keep it up!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    edited January 2015
    Yodee wrote: »
    I work at a convenience store and my hours are different every week. One day I may work 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., then I may work 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. then have a day off. Then I may work 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and so on and so forth.

    Although I am only on Day 2 of using MyFitnessPal, I have a good friend who has lost over 30 pounds using this and I will be working with her. I am looking for suggestions on what I can make that I can grab no matter what my schedule is and as crazy as it sounds, it needs to good cold because we don't get breaks, we eat while taking care of customers which on work days makes it very difficult to try and heat something up because it won't be hot once you get the chance to eat. I am not a fish eater so tuna is out but I could really use some help!

    Also am I doing right by trying to eat five small meals a day to keep the hunger at bay?

    I used to eat 5 meals a day, but later on I got tired of that, and started eating 3 good sized meals and leaving some leftover calories for evening snacks.

    Things that taste good cold-

    EAS makes these little protien shakes, walmart carries them. They are shelf stable, and have 100 calories. The name is "EAS AdvandEDGE carb control" I buy the vanilla one.(4 bucks for a pack of 4 drinks)

    Apples. Really portable.

    Granola bars, we like the nature valley oats and honey one around here. its 200 calories, and very sweet.

    Lowfat chocolate chip granola bars (quaker chewy brand) are 90 Calories.

    Emerald 100 calorie packs of almonds- especially the cocoa roast flavor. Yum. I ended up getting a food scale, so I dont buy the little packs anymore, but they were helpful at first.

    Jif to go cups- 250 calories, great for making a quick sammich or dipping fruit into.

    So I'd bring a few of those things in my bag for a long shift, and try to combine it so it seems meal-like. Ie- a protien shake, an apple, and a 100 calorie pack of almonds makes 1 meal.

  • Yodee
    Yodee Posts: 84 Member
    Wow great ideas - keep them coming! I do find that if I have 5 small meals that I am not getting hungry so I will stick with that, at least for now. Is popcorn allowed and if so what kind is best? Thank you again for your ideas - they give me a starting point and that's what I need :)
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I like three squares and one snack instead of 5 meals, because it's less fussing and thinking about food, and because 5 small meals tends to leave me hungry, while with 3, I'm nice and full a lot of the time. It doesn't make a difference for weight loss.

    I'm wondering if a Themos might help, if you prefer hot food? Maybe you could just keep one at work, e.g. heat up your meal and then put it in the Thermos? That might be ok for stews and chilis.

    I'd probably go with sandwiches + salads or soups. You could use leaner deli cuts or low-fat cheese. I like whole grain mustard for a spread. If you like mayo, I feel like half-fat mayo's not that bad for taste (especially if you don't use much) and it has way fewer calories than regular mayo. I think smoked salmon and light cream cheese is nice.

    I like a lot of different kinds of salads eg these. Adding lentils or beans will give you fibre, which helps keep you fuller longer. Cabbage does the same thing for me anyway.

    Good luck!
  • jtong8co
    jtong8co Posts: 1 Member
    I feel you Yodee! I work at a good store so I ALWAYS have to have enough healthy options packed because otherwise it's too easy to grab pizza or wings or chips! It's torture! But I find that if I pack different flavors and textures it usually keeps me satisfied - some of my favorite and most filling snacks are a skim string cheese with apple slices and 100 calorie pack pretzels, or a mason jar layered with hummus or peanut butter on the bottom and then celery or mixed veggies sliced and put right in the dip! Easy and convenient! And kale salads! There are so many great recipes online! I put apples and quinoa in my salads to help fill me up and give me that sweet/tart/crunch I need too!
  • Yodee
    Yodee Posts: 84 Member
    Great idea I like the sandwich and/or salad ideas at least for the days I am working. I can alter my eating plan on days I am off and if I work mornings, I can plan a nice meal for dinner.
  • LifeInTheBikeLane
    LifeInTheBikeLane Posts: 345 Member
    Lezavargas wrote: »
    I started by just replacing one meal with a spinach smoothy. Add an apple or a couple oranges if you cant stand the taste. That way you atleast get all your greens in for the day. As a bonus, youll see the difference in your skin within a couple days

    Spinach is a staple in our diet and I have terrible skin :( But I also am highly sensitive to everything that touches me. Lol

    When we had busy months at my old job there was no time for breaks so I would keep snacks on hand. Try making bags of low sodium snacks that are also low calorie and keeping them close on hand if it is ever a day that you can't stop to eat. I enjoy the Honey Maid go packs, dried fruits, nuts...etc.
  • Yodee
    Yodee Posts: 84 Member
    Spinach .... hmmmm
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    Yodee wrote: »
    Wow great ideas - keep them coming! I do find that if I have 5 small meals that I am not getting hungry so I will stick with that, at least for now. Is popcorn allowed and if so what kind is best? Thank you again for your ideas - they give me a starting point and that's what I need :)

    I dislike popcorn so I can't answer the second part, but I truly believe that if it fits in your calories and keeps you full and happy, you should eat it. I've been working on a bag of tortilla chips this week myself. So yeah, popcorn is allowed. Don't know why you'd want to eat it, but it's allowed ;)