What are you NOT going to miss when the weight comes off!!

I am just starting my change...I started to think, what are all the things I have put up with because I gained so much weight. My list keeps me going!

I won't miss:

The walk that comes with chaffing (waddling as fast as I could to find baby powder)
The inability to see my toes in the shower
Stubbing my toes in the dark so I won't be seen naked by my husband when getting into bed.
My Cpap machine
Taking up more than half the seat in the golf cart
Wearing ugly clothes
Not having any pictures of me with my kids

oh it goes on and on....

What won't you miss?


  • truetomyselfnow
    truetomyselfnow Posts: 1 Member
    My knees hurting
  • jacqbult
    yes knees and hips for me!
  • marcirossiter1
    marcirossiter1 Posts: 1 Member
    I won't miss the red band around my belly from my pants being too tight
  • maggikal117
    I wont miss feeling awkward... not being able to wear the clothes I want to wear... when sitting in the car feeling my back take up the whole seat and know that part of me is not resting against the seat... its stupid but it bothers me... I wont miss not being able to run and play with my nephews/nieces because I'm out of breath... I wont miss not wanting to go to the beach (when i live 5 mins from it) because I dont want anyone to see me... I wont miss my knees hurting.... i can come up with a HUGE list are you kidding me? lol
  • KimberlyB617
    KimberlyB617 Posts: 5 Member
    I won't miss being depressed every time I go shopping because nothing fits me right or I have to go up a size. I won't miss not being able to buy cutesy little clothes. I won't miss avoiding people and activities because I'm self conscious about my weight. I won't miss looking at other girls and wishing I looked like that. I won't miss being winded. I won't miss hating my pictures. I won't miss the XL tag in my clothes. I won't miss my back hurting. I won't miss looking in the mirror and saying, "ugh!" Lots of things!!! Lots of things I am looking forward too. ;)
  • FutureMrsEssman
    FutureMrsEssman Posts: 81 Member
    I won't miss being self conscious about being naked or having sex with my fiance (lord knows I love the exercise haha!) I won't miss being embarrassed to exercise in front of other people cause i'm breathing to loudly or having to stop moving because i'm tired. I won't miss being worried about pictures being taken.

    WOO go weightloss!
  • Momnoon1977
    Momnoon1977 Posts: 31 Member
    I won't miss being asked when I am due...seriously...All. The.Time.
  • SnM4ever1111
    SnM4ever1111 Posts: 9 Member
    edited January 2015
    I won't miss being winded from walking up stairs; the mark around my waist from tight pants; the inner thighs of my pants wearing our fast; struggling to paint my toe nails; not feeling sexy when intimate; not believing my husband when he tells me I'm beautiful; not finding cute clothes in the big girl section; hiding behind someone in pictures and so much more!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    My thighs burning through jeans from the chub-rub.
    Not being able to wear dresses without leggings for the same reason.
    The roll of fat under my belly button making all clothing fit weird.
    The 'shelf' butt.
    Hating the way I look in pictures.
    Being the 'fat' mom.
    I could go on........but I won't ;)
  • CanadianCountryGirl1973
    That feeling when the nylons roll down during the day and slip under the belly.... ugh....!
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    I won't miss my spanx!!!!
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    Knee, back and hip pain.
    My man boobs.
    Having to buy pants the big and tall store. I'll still have to buy shirts there for sleeve length, but still.
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I definitely won't miss

    - wearing tights under a dress or skirt thanks to my thighs running
    - Going through denim shorts that wear out in the legs thanks to my thighs running
    - Seeing my fat dimpled butt in the mirror after showering
    - The red marks from my clothes
    - People thinking in pregnant
    - Being so unbelievably unfit
    - Getting upset at the fact that nothing fits me.
    - Getting annoyed at the fact that if you are over a size 14 in Australia you must have big boobs
    - Chaffing in between my thighs
    - Hearing snide remarks like
    - oh seriously? A salad isn't gonna help your fat *kitten*
    - Do you really want that <insert yummy but naughty food >, aren't you fat enough?
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    Ooh and my suck it in undies!!!!!!!
  • mandimahoney5
    I won't miss needing to shop at specialty stores for plus size ladies.
    I want to be able to walk in to Kohls, old navy, Walmart, Target, ect.... And be able to find my size.
  • zoman33
    zoman33 Posts: 3 Member
    I won't miss that feeling that I'm ugly and unwanted.
  • Revcminor
    Just the other day I received a catalogue in the mail for plus sized women. Seriously. Did someone on the world wide web track what size clothes I purchased recently and target me in that way? I will not miss that.
  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    I won't miss my aching back or knees, or feeling self-conscious every time I leave the house because of a double chin. I won't miss losing out on jobs because a healthier version of me is more appealing. I won't miss the double digit jean sizes.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm not huge (UK size 14, US10) but I miss my pre-pregnancy size and I won't miss feeling self-conscious and I won't miss the muffin top in my jeans.
  • mkladynova
    mkladynova Posts: 3 Member
    I will not miss everyone assuming that I want the last piece of pie, pizza, or whatever is left! I won't miss aching knees. I won't miss the bullying. I won't miss the specialty stores. I won't miss feeling out of place and looked down upon. So many things I WON'T MISS!