Mothers Unite!!!

Hello mommies!
I thought it would be fun to talk to some girls for motivation. :)
How many kiddos?
How much weight have you lost?
How much do you want to loose?

Have fun! :)


  • ravlomama123
    ravlomama123 Posts: 49 Member
    I'll start!
    I have one baby boy.
    I'm married
    I gained 62 pounds with pregnancy. I have lost 53.
    And I wanna loose another 20 pounds :)
  • llockwood83
    llockwood83 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 2 girls (9 & 3)
    I've lost 16 pounds so far on MFP (previously did slimming world and lost 14lbs) and want to loose another 54lbs.
    Long way to go but adding more friends on here has helped to spur me on xx
  • Married.

    Have 5 year old and 2.5 year old.

    Really just want to tone up my tummy and muffin tops! Have about another 5lb to lose, though maybe 10lb if I'm being honest.
  • DontStopMeow
    DontStopMeow Posts: 5 Member
    Hello all.
    I have three kids, 2, 5 and 7.
    I'm married.
    I've lost 12lbs since the birth of my 3rd. I'm a size 12 but want to be a 8-10 ideally (pre-pre-pre baby size!) 8 might be a bit optimistic but you never know unless you try! lol.

  • Hello!
    Two girls. 2.5 and 3 months.
    No weight loss. Just started working out and dieting since having baby. It's tricky because I'm nursing. So I'm eating 1700 calories. It feels like so much!!! But after counting calories I see I was eating more than that :/
  • fantasticelastic
    fantasticelastic Posts: 52 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hiya :)
    I have four kids..2 girls aged 8 & 7 and twin boys who are just turning 5.
    I also had a baby for my sil last Oct.
    I nursed my own kids, but obviously not the last one. Am finding it soooo much more difficult to lose the weight. Breast feeding def sucks you in !!
    I have 37lbs to lose to get back to my 'own' weight.
    Doing low carb would love to hear from others who are also doing it :)

    Oh and Im married..not sure why thats important tho as doesnt affect my weight Lol
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    This thread is discriminatory against Fathers.
  • Hi!

    **I'm married

    **Two kids (boy 12 and girl 7)

    **I am trying to lose around 25-30 pounds. I lost a bunch of weight last year then gained it all back in about 3 months :neutral_face:

    **I gained 35 pounds with my son back when I was 20 so it wasn't as hard to lose then. With my daughter I gained only 7 because she was hell on my body.

    **Also I've started doing yoga with Adriene on YouTube! She's doing a 30 day challenge for January!

  • Hey !
    4 month old son
    In a relationship with his father, not married (yet) lol
    I've been gaining weight since I had my son so I'm like desperate to lose it all . looking to lose about 60+ pounds !
    lost like a pound so far lol
  • Hiya :)
    I have four kids..2 girls aged 8 & 7 and twin boys who are just turning 5.
    I also had a baby for my sil last Oct.
    I nursed my own kids, but obviously not the last one. Am finding it soooo much more difficult to lose the weight. Breast feeding def sucks you in !!
    I have 37lbs to lose to get back to my 'own' weight.
    Doing low carb would love to hear from others who are also doing it :)

    That is awesome! I was going to carry a baby for my Aunt but it didn't quite work out for her :( Good luck to you!
  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member

    How many kiddos? I have a son (will be 5 in July) - gained 50 lbs with him - had preeclampsia and lost about 25 of it; and I have a daughter (will be 1 in April) gained 27 and was able to nurse with her, lost all 27 within a month or so. So after both babies, I was still hanging on to about 26 extra pounds from the first pregnancy. :(

    Married? yes - 5 year anniversary is Jan. 23

    How much weight have you lost? 19

    How much do you want to loose? 42 more for a total of 61. This would put me at the weight I was when I met my husband and I felt awesome! It's at the high end of my healthy range, so I may lose a little more. I am more concerned with how I look and feel, rather than the scale!

  • AllAboutThatPace
    AllAboutThatPace Posts: 151 Member
    This thread is discriminatory against Fathers.

    Ok, daddy... join us then!
  • Hello! I have 2 kids- a 13 year old and a 4 1/2 month old. I'm married, and I gained 36 lbs during my most recent pregnancy. So far I've lost 44 lbs (I thank breastfeeding for a lot of it) but I feel I was about 10-13 lbs over my ideal weight when I got pregnant. I'm 6 lbs away from my goal weight, but would also just really like to continue to get more toned and feel healthier overall!
  • Hello all!!!
    Married for 6 years with 4 children, 3 biological and one step. They are 12 (almost 13!), 6, 4, and 3. Oldest and youngest are boys with 2 girls in the middle. To date I have lost 40 lbs, with another 100 or so to go! Obviously I gained with each pregnancy and while I lost some of the weight I hung on to about 20lbs each time. Then I continued to still eat whatever I wanted, without exercising...and ended up here. Working to break the cycle :smile:
  • Ohwhynot
    Ohwhynot Posts: 356 Member
    How many kiddos? 2
    Married? Yup! And he's a hunk! ;D
    How much weight have you lost? Define "lost"... I was 225 with pregnancy #1 and came home after birthing a 9lb baby at 220. O.o I got down to 165, but then went back to my typical weight of 185. After baby #2, I settled around 190 and now I'm in the high 170s.
    How much do you want to loose? ;)30-40 lbs.
  • Sarahland
    Sarahland Posts: 65 Member
    Hello mommies!
    I thought it would be fun to talk to some girls for motivation. :)
    How many kiddos?
    How much weight have you lost?
    How much do you want to loose?

    Have fun! :)

    Hello everyone!
    I'm married with a 7 year-old stepdaughter and an almost 2 year-old son. I've lost 90 pounds so far and have 35 to go until I hit my goal weight! :D
  • sarahjfly2015
    sarahjfly2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there!
    How many kiddos? One daughter, almost 8 months!
    Married? In a relationship, I want to be a WHOLE lot slimmer before any wedding bells are rung ;)
    How much weight have you lost? I didn't gain anything really with pregnancy, since Xmas 2014 I'm down 9lbs
    How much do you want to loose? Another 80lbs, let's do this!!
    Oh and anyone in a similar boat feel free to add me as a motivational buddy :smiley:
  • ravlomama123
    ravlomama123 Posts: 49 Member
    This thread is discriminatory against Fathers.

    I'm sorry! You can join if you want!
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    This thread is discriminatory against Fathers.

    I'm sorry! You can join if you want!

    I don't know, I want to join and all. It's just that all you ladies scare me. : )

  • megginanderson
    megginanderson Posts: 276 Member
    Married with 3 Kids, 9, 6 & 3
    Lost 80 pounds since the last and now I am working on lean muscle and reducing body fat through nutrition.