Working out when Sick - When did it start?

Argh. I've been ill the last two days (upset stomach, raging headache - flu time?) but I've been pushing through it and doing my workout regardless.

Today I managed to get 20 minutes on the elliptical! my first time doing that. The most I could manage before was 10 minutes, but afterwards I spent two hours in the bathroom ): . So my accomplishment was bitter sweet.


On top of feeling like **** I spoke to a personal trainer today and she mentioned it could take five weeks before I start seeing any results (well, not me specifically just that's how long it takes most people to start losing in her experience) and I made this face :sad: . Seriously, I'm a victim of instant gratification. I love seeing results ASAP, not in five weeks.

So right now I'm feeling pretty discouraged.

Can I ask a question? For those who started working out and eating right after a sedentary lifestyle, how long before you started to see results? Not just FEEL them, because I FEEL better (well, except for now because I'm sick, haha) but I don't look any different yet.

Also, I'm posting here a lot more then I thought I would. You guys just have too much fun stuff to say!


  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    Argh. I've been ill the last two days (upset stomach, raging headache - flu time?) but I've been pushing through it and doing my workout regardless.

    Today I managed to get 20 minutes on the elliptical! my first time doing that. The most I could manage before was 10 minutes, but afterwards I spent two hours in the bathroom ): . So my accomplishment was bitter sweet.


    On top of feeling like **** I spoke to a personal trainer today and she mentioned it could take five weeks before I start seeing any results (well, not me specifically just that's how long it takes most people to start losing in her experience) and I made this face :sad: . Seriously, I'm a victim of instant gratification. I love seeing results ASAP, not in five weeks.

    So right now I'm feeling pretty discouraged.

    Can I ask a question? For those who started working out and eating right after a sedentary lifestyle, how long before you started to see results? Not just FEEL them, because I FEEL better (well, except for now because I'm sick, haha) but I don't look any different yet.

    Also, I'm posting here a lot more then I thought I would. You guys just have too much fun stuff to say!
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member
    I could tell a difference in my clothes in about 3 weeks. The best thing to do is to take measurements once a week and you will be able to tell better how much progress your making. I also like to see instant results, but taking it slow is the best way to lose weight.
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    :smile: I've always been impatient. I play piano too and always play pieces at least three times too fast. Haha. But yeah, I think I will do the measurement thing. I just have a hard time measuring myself so will need someone to help. I get confused! WHERE IS MY WAIST???? REALLY????


    BTW, this is really random but you're super cute. :)
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member

    I measure my waist on the skinniest part of my midsection. My hip I measure the widest part of my bum. Chest I measure across my boobies. Rib cage I measure just under my Boobies. Thigh I measure at the thickest part and same with my arms. I've lost like 8 inches in my hips and I've done it so slow that it doesn't seem like I lost that much so I'm so glad that I have kept measurements to help reassure me that I am making progress. Every once in a while I'll hold the tape measure at the size I was before around me just to compare the old me to the new me.

    You will be surprised how fast you actually start losing.

    Glad you are feeling better.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I noticed changes in my clothes but I didn't notice physical changes until about 3 months.

    5 weeks is nothing, but don't force yourself to do this when you are sick and your body is asking you to heal, it may seem agonizing but your results will take less time if you get better first instead of pushin through and staying sick..:flowerforyou:
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I am like you. I want things to happen NOW!! I hate waiting. I think I was born without that gene. I started to do the measuring thing and OMG I was amazed! I was like if I can read it, why can't I see it??? But try it and you should be happy :smile:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm scared to take time off to wait to feel better.

    1. I always feel a little sick. Have had stomach issues for years that come and go (have re-occurring self-healing ulcers. ?? My doctor gave up trying to figure out why so I just tough it out)
    2. I have hypo thyroidism and always feel tired and worn out (just recently discovered and haven't quite regulated yet)

    If I took time off every time I felt sick I would never work out so I just push through no matter what. :frown:

    Thanks for the advice!!!

    I'm buying a measuring tape. Haha. And am getting someone to help me out. Seriously, I suck at measuring...
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    I'll come back in a minute... I think I have a link for you...
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member

    there's a basic idea for how to measure... it the picture I used to find out where to measure:smile:
  • nickybr38
    nickybr38 Posts: 674 Member
    OH! That's a thing of beauty! Thank you miss!!! :smooched:
  • DBranchaud
    DBranchaud Posts: 827 Member
    always glad to help:heart:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I have a trick for the arm, but could work anywhere. I put a peice of tape on the end then wrap around to measure, works like a charm on my arms!!

    When I had a month with NOTHING lost on the scale....I was so happy I had measured each month, cuz I lost an inch at my belly button and 2 inches on my hips!!

    You must be patient! Sorry, but I have lost 25 pounds 1/2 a pound at a time due to my very slow metabolism and problems with exercise due to injury in the beginning.

    Stick with it! I swear it was worth every moment!

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member

    there's a basic idea for how to measure... it the picture I used to find out where to measure:smile:
    Oh so KEWL D!!! Thanks !
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    People said they noticed a difference in my face after about 3 weeks - a month. I started noticing a difference in my clothes around the same time.

    People who aren't as close to me didn't start making comments until I had lost about 20 pounds.

    I'm a teacher, started MFP in January, and my goal was for the kids to comment on my weight loss before the end of the year. sure enough, 5 months and about 40 pounds later, the last week of school one of them FINALLY mentioned it!! I think I shed a tear...

    It was a long time coming, but SOOOO worth it!
  • cupcake568
    cupcake568 Posts: 178 Member
    People said they noticed a difference in my face after about 3 weeks - a month. I started noticing a difference in my clothes around the same time.

    People who aren't as close to me didn't start making comments until I had lost about 20 pounds.

    I'm a teacher, started MFP in January, and my goal was for the kids to comment on my weight loss before the end of the year. sure enough, 5 months and about 40 pounds later, the last week of school one of them FINALLY mentioned it!! I think I shed a tear...

    It was a long time coming, but SOOOO worth it!

    I'm a teacher too and one year (before my last baby) I had lost 30 pounds over about 3-4 months. None of my students said anything. I guess that's just how kids are!
  • briblue72
    briblue72 Posts: 672 Member
    Right! When I asked them how long they had noticed they said, "a long time, but it's not polite to talk about how people look!" Hehehe, guess I taught them a little too well! Their parents noticed way sooner than the kids did.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    People said they noticed a difference in my face after about 3 weeks - a month. I started noticing a difference in my clothes around the same time.

    People who aren't as close to me didn't start making comments until I had lost about 20 pounds.

    I'm a teacher, started MFP in January, and my goal was for the kids to comment on my weight loss before the end of the year. sure enough, 5 months and about 40 pounds later, the last week of school one of them FINALLY mentioned it!! I think I shed a tear...

    It was a long time coming, but SOOOO worth it!

    I'm a teacher too and one year (before my last baby) I had lost 30 pounds over about 3-4 months. None of my students said anything. I guess that's just how kids are!

    I don't know, I notice but I'm always terrified to say anything. I fear that people will be insulted, like I am saying they used to be a big fat cow and now they look SO much better. It depends on the person, how they will take it. So I never blame people for not saying anything. :smooched:
  • Anna_Banana
    Anna_Banana Posts: 2,939 Member

    there's a basic idea for how to measure... it the picture I used to find out where to measure:smile:

    Wow thanks for this. I was wondering how to find my height:huh: :bigsmile: