Needing some support

I just join this site about 4 days ago. I'm doing good just confused. If I exercise and it gives me calories back can I eat extra calories or should I just eat regular and let the calories add back up?


  • rand486
    rand486 Posts: 270 Member
    MFP tells you to eat them back, but that's to maintain the 1 lb/week weight loss or whatever you set as your goal.

    Personally, I don't eat it back, or I'll allow a small amount of cheating. MFP vastly overestimates burned calories from exercise, so I don't trust it at all.

    Besides which, many people exercise to accelerate their weight loss, not to stuff their face more.

    The one exception here is if your goal is to gain weight. Then eating back those calories becomes a bit more important.
  • crystalnichols395
    crystalnichols395 Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks I try to stay under my calories. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't messing up
  • agal129
    agal129 Posts: 215 Member
    I've heard that if you plan to eat any back, aim for no more than half. If you're using MFP to estimate how many calories you are burning from exercise, keep in mind that it widely overestimates.
  • Lizyarde
    I used to call them (the calories you speak of) a gift from God :) and eat them ALL back to the last available calorie allowed...well that was more in the beginning. I found taking it in stride was the best way for me to handle it. I stopped stressing and guilting out if I went a bit over and also when the MFP "yelled" (well gently reprimanded) at me for not getting enough calories at last check in. Once in the healthy routine that MFP helps establish-- like me I think you will find that this issue will become less and less important as your habits become more fitting to your new healthy lifestyle. Just sayin'~ Viva MFP!