Losing 100 pounds and carb cycling

hello all! My name is Ashley and I'm on a mission to lose 100 pounds this year by carb cycling. I learned about carb cycling through the tv show extreme weight loss. Chris Powell wrote a book about it and after doing research realized this was a lifestyle that I could do. I'm nervous. Scared to death that I will fail but hopeful to see results. I would love to chat with all of you!!!


  • Kristyai3
    Kristyai3 Posts: 48 Member
    I started carb cycling when I hit a plateau. It worked like a charm. If you weigh daily, you will see a big jump after a high carb day. Don't let it derail you. Good luck!
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've attempted to do this but couldn't handle the high carb day. It was too unnerving for me. I preferred to be consistent in my meals. I have read about carb cycling that bodybuilders do. I think I "may" have see the Powell book but not sure. If I recall, it wasn't as extreme as a bodybuilder version I saw.

    One thing I have heard is that carb cycling is very effective for FAT loss but works better for those with less fat to lose, if that makes sense. Meaning, they are already somewhat lean. That is, the more you have to lose, the less effective it is. I dunno if this is true but have read this many times.

    When I get closer to my goal (I'm about 50lbs away - so when I'm maybe 20lbs away) I am going to give it a try to see if I can make some "gains" in terms of fat loss so I have more muscle definition (I do strength training).

    One thing I would suggest is for your to try to be more active on the high carb days and less active on the low carb days. I think the book may also suggest that. I used to do my tough legs workout on high carb days and abs and cardio on my low carb days.

    Good luck and let us know how it goes!
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    Kristyai3 wrote: »
    I started carb cycling when I hit a plateau. It worked like a charm. If you weigh daily, you will see a big jump after a high carb day. Don't let it derail you. Good luck!

    How long did you do it for? Can you give more details on what you experienced? I'm having a stall (not a plateau) but I may be past it (scale dropped this morning). I'd be willing to try it if I ever hit a plateau... Thanks.
  • Kristyai3
    Kristyai3 Posts: 48 Member
    I did it for 12 weeks and lost 20.6 lbs. I was 30lbs into my weight loss when I started. I follwed the Turbo Carb Cycling plan laid out by Chris Powell. M-T LC, W HC, T-F LC, S HC and S Reward Day. I also watched my calories. LC days at 1200 (I'm 4'11 and sedentary), HC days at 1500 and Reward Day at 2500 or less.
  • We are really excited. We can already tell a difference in the way we feel!!!
  • Nayners21
    Nayners21 Posts: 76 Member
    I have been looking into carb cycling the last few days and have see Chris' book. The problem I have is I think my body is the opposite. If I have an intense workout, the very next day is when I need my carbs. I cant seem to have a high carb day, then workout. I'm too full and bloated. Plus, my workout schedule fluctuates and I can't always plan my workouts. SO I feel carb cycling wouldn't work. Any suggestions?
  • I haven't had this problem yet. I have felt very fatigued but it's the first week and my body is getting used to eating good carbs such as fresh veggies. I'm not sure what you can do. I guess keep eating carbs and restrict calories.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    I like bi-cycling instead.