Need advice !

I am 19 years old. My height is 5"6 and I am currently at 222.8 pounds, down from 230 about a month ago. My highest weight was 265 , even though I was full term in my pregnancy. After I stopped breatstfeeding I stopped losing weight as well. I had my daughter as a c section so the area I'm wanting to target most is my lower abdomen. Also my thighs, back and arms as well. I have completely cut out fasts food, I never drink pop, all I drink is water, green tea with honey, and an occasional coffee. I don't eat much when I do eat. I exercise everyday to Jillian michaels 30 day shred with a sauna suit on. I can definitely feel my heart rate up and I am drenched in sweat by the end. However my weight loss has stopped. I don't see a difference in my body anywhere except a little in my arms. I'm currently in size 18 jeans and Xl shirts. Half the time I don't wear jeans though because of how I look in them. I have always been on the bigger side but not this big. I am really trying to get this weight off and keep it off but I'm concerned with the fact that I have yet to see any results at all. Someone help! I need diet advice and exercise advice. What could I possibly do to start my journey! Starting to feel very hopeless.


  • babbalita
    babbalita Posts: 25 Member
    Try community/discussions/joan6630. We list our goals " Just for today" on this discussion started by Joan6630. Nothing to join, just participate.
  • dizustyross
    dizustyross Posts: 23 Member
    First off its impossible to spot target certain areas of the body when it comes to fatloss, it will be burned equally around the whole body unless you have a unique genetic disposition to lose it in a certain spot first. Second it is also possible to not eat enough which can do bad to your metabolism. Third, it takes time, take a photo every week and keep looking back, its hard to see any difference day to day, but you should week to week if your sticking to your plan. Also log everything so you do know how much your actually eating, it does really help
  • Prayforya
    Prayforya Posts: 68 Member
    When you eat, is your food intake within a healthy caloric range? It could be that if you're not eating enough, in an attempt to lose weight, you're actually encouraging your body to maintain the weight if its in "starvation mode". Also, while routine is good for habit building, our bodies are smart and will adapt. Perhaps varying your exercise routine, including rest days and weight training will shake things up a bit. Don't give up! You're on the right path, just gotta find the right speed :)
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    Are you tracking everything? Every bite you take you need to track. You can't deceive yourself. Also make sure that you are not consuming ANY empty calories. Make everything count. Cut out the honey from your tea. You don't need it. Get rid of all artificial sweeteners, too. Train yourself not to have that sweet tooth. Make sure there is significant nutritional value to everything that goes in your mouth. And walk. I've lost over 30 pounds with MFP and I don't do any special exercise. I just walk. Walk everywhere. Put your little one in a stroller or strap her on and get hoofing. Don't worry about problem spots like your tummy. Everyone has them. I had a c-section 14 years ago so I totally understand, but focus on your overall health and the other things will fall into place.
  • lindsaycummings2
    First off its impossible to spot target certain areas of the body when it comes to fatloss, it will be burned equally around the whole body unless you have a unique genetic disposition to lose it in a certain spot first. Second it is also possible to not eat enough which can do bad to your metabolism. Third, it takes time, take a photo every week and keep looking back, its hard to see any difference day to day, but you should week to week if your sticking to your plan. Also log everything so you do know how much your actually eating, it does really help

    Thank you that helps a lot!
  • lindsaycummings2
    Prayforya wrote: »
    When you eat, is your food intake within a healthy caloric range? It could be that if you're not eating enough, in an attempt to lose weight, you're actually encouraging your body to maintain the weight if its in "starvation mode". Also, while routine is good for habit building, our bodies are smart and will adapt. Perhaps varying your exercise routine, including rest days and weight training will shake things up a bit. Don't give up! You're on the right path, just gotta find the right speed :)

    I'm usually under my calorie goal by a lot. Only because I don't really know how to shop for healthy foods. So I just make quick things and they don't ever have many calories in them like turkey sandwiches. I didnt know that being under was a bad thing! I will quickly change that. That's probably my problem
  • lindsaycummings2
    Are you tracking everything? Every bite you take you need to track. You can't deceive yourself. Also make sure that you are not consuming ANY empty calories. Make everything count. Cut out the honey from your tea. You don't need it. Get rid of all artificial sweeteners, too. Train yourself not to have that sweet tooth. Make sure there is significant nutritional value to everything that goes in your mouth. And walk. I've lost over 30 pounds with MFP and I don't do any special exercise. I just walk. Walk everywhere. Put your little one in a stroller or strap her on and get hoofing. Don't worry about problem spots like your tummy. Everyone has them. I had a c-section 14 years ago so I totally understand, but focus on your overall health and the other things will fall into place.

    I am tracking everything yes. And I was told honey was okay to put in tea because it is a natural sweetener? I'll have to research that for sure. But I live in ohio and it is snowy and very cold here so I can't take my daughter for walks yet. However I am getting a treadmill Saturday because I feel like that will help tremendously.
  • lepnat
    lepnat Posts: 33 Member
    One thing I notice people do here is share their food diary with their friends to get some tips. Seems to be helpful for people who are struggling. If you can be pretty honest and thorough about tracking what you eat each day, perhaps having a second set of eyes looking over your food journal could be beneficial.

    I'm sorry to hear it has been a struggle so far. I hope it gets better for you, and hope you meet some really nice, supportive people on the site. The folks here are super supportive, and I know it's been a nice bonus to get a friendly reply each day from the community.
  • Lindsay_the_great
    Lindsay_the_great Posts: 209 Member
    Well be patient. You're on the right track. Listen to what the others have said about eating ENOUGH. You can put your body into starvation mode which will cause you to hold on to weight.
    Just be patient. It's a long process. It's taken me years. I know that's not what you want to hear but you're doing the right thing. Keep at it. You'll get there.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    You dont have to avoid honey just make sure it fits into your calorie allowance.I use honey in my tea and it hasnt stopped me from losing weight.if you start eating better and still arent losing weight then I would suggest having the dr do some bloodwork to make sure its not hormonal,a thyroid issue or something really dont need the sauna suit because, all you will lose is water weight.drink plenty of water and make sure you are getting enough protein which also helps with weight loss.

    you didnt gain the weight overnight so you wont lose it overnight. also measure your waist,hips,chest,legs,etc. for me I lose the inches before I see the numbers on the scale go down. another thing too is that you may not see results yourself but someone else can see them in you.

    Dont get discouraged. make sure you weigh all your food too because its possible to eat more than you think, if you dont weigh your food. Dont rely on packages either if you use packaged food as it tend to be off(servings sizes can be more or less therefore the calories can be off as well)
  • saaarbear7
    Just a little advice that I had just given to someone else... What all are you eating to be exact? Because you may be thinking you're eating healthy when in all honesty what we think is healthy always isn't. Leave out the fruit. Maybe one serving every other day. fruit is all high glycemic index carbohydrates. That means that your body cannot process the sugars in the carbohydrates as quickly as they are going to digest. Which in return leads to a greater amount of subcutaneous fat. It is actually very oxymoronic towards weight loss and toning. You can eat as many green veggies as you want. just make sure you keep the veggies raw, that way they still have antioxidants and Digestive enzymes. Also, cut out any dairy products whatsoever. As women, we have a TERRIBLE time with dairy. Dairy causes water retention, no one wants bloat. The water retention from dairy, causes your blood pressure to rise. When your blood pressure goes up, it makes it harder for your blood to pump to the body which in return slows down your metabolic rate. A slower metabolic rate leads to the burning of calories and carbohydrates at a slower pace. The long and short of it is that's going to be negative not positive. Also stick to ground turkey and chicken. Red meats are also terrible for women. For some reason we can't digest it properly. Screw the men who can eat a bunch of it!! Hahahaha. Hopefully this helped you a little!!!
  • lindsaycummings2
    saaarbear7 wrote: »
    Just a little advice that I had just given to someone else... What all are you eating to be exact? Because you may be thinking you're eating healthy when in all honesty what we think is healthy always isn't. Leave out the fruit. Maybe one serving every other day. fruit is all high glycemic index carbohydrates. That means that your body cannot process the sugars in the carbohydrates as quickly as they are going to digest. Which in return leads to a greater amount of subcutaneous fat. It is actually very oxymoronic towards weight loss and toning. You can eat as many green veggies as you want. just make sure you keep the veggies raw, that way they still have antioxidants and Digestive enzymes. Also, cut out any dairy products whatsoever. As women, we have a TERRIBLE time with dairy. Dairy causes water retention, no one wants bloat. The water retention from dairy, causes your blood pressure to rise. When your blood pressure goes up, it makes it harder for your blood to pump to the body which in return slows down your metabolic rate. A slower metabolic rate leads to the burning of calories and carbohydrates at a slower pace. The long and short of it is that's going to be negative not positive. Also stick to ground turkey and chicken. Red meats are also terrible for women. For some reason we can't digest it properly. Screw the men who can eat a bunch of it!! Hahahaha. Hopefully this helped you a little!!!

    I rarely have any dairy if I do it's just milk. But I don't eat anything other than oatmeal in the mornings and turkey sandwiches because I don't know how to grocery shop for healthy foods. All I ever got was frozen stuff and snacks. I love vegatables more than fruit so that's a good thing haha. I would like to make healthy meals I have looked up a lot of different things I could make. I have been under my calorie goal by a lot every single day, and in the beginning I thought maybe that would help lose more weight. I guess I'm not very educated on it! Looks like I need more research lol
  • lindsaycummings2
    You dont have to avoid honey just make sure it fits into your calorie allowance.I use honey in my tea and it hasnt stopped me from losing weight.if you start eating better and still arent losing weight then I would suggest having the dr do some bloodwork to make sure its not hormonal,a thyroid issue or something really dont need the sauna suit because, all you will lose is water weight.drink plenty of water and make sure you are getting enough protein which also helps with weight loss.

    you didnt gain the weight overnight so you wont lose it overnight. also measure your waist,hips,chest,legs,etc. for me I lose the inches before I see the numbers on the scale go down. another thing too is that you may not see results yourself but someone else can see them in you.

    Dont get discouraged. make sure you weigh all your food too because its possible to eat more than you think, if you dont weigh your food. Dont rely on packages either if you use packaged food as it tend to be off(servings sizes can be more or less therefore the calories can be off as well)

    What do I use to measure my hips and etc? I've been wanting to do that but not sure what I need to use
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member