Newbie with 175lbs to lose, looking for support!

Hi, I'm new to the community with quite a lot of weight to lose. Doing this more for my health than weight loss, but 175 pounds is a rough goal. I have really bad eczema, and after doing a lot of research (and receiving little help from my doctor besides steroid creams) I've decided to up my fruit and veg intake, decrease my intake of animal products and see if I can get rid of my eczema for good!

Anyone else out there looking to lose this much weight? or have done already?



  • sarahjfly2015
    sarahjfly2015 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Amywoo5, I'm aiming to lose another ~80lbs. I've been using the app for 10 days now, since Xmas I've lost 9lbs so I'm feeling really motivated!! I really like the app so far. How are you finding it? x
  • amywoo5 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new to the community with quite a lot of weight to lose. Doing this more for my health than weight loss, but 175 pounds is a rough goal. I have really bad eczema, and after doing a lot of research (and receiving little help from my doctor besides steroid creams) I've decided to up my fruit and veg intake, decrease my intake of animal products and see if I can get rid of my eczema for good!

    Anyone else out there looking to lose this much weight? or have done already?


    Follow my fitness account on instagram (ghoshfitness) for true, no *kitten* information related to nutrition and exercise. Hope i can help you achieve your fitness goal
  • hi im new to this and have lots of weight to loose to tried many time but get to the 3 stone mark and then fail and put it all back on this time really got to do it as suffering with sever back and leg pains hoping loosing weight will sort this so far day 5 and lost 2lbs really happy :)
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    I started out with roughly 100 to lose and I'm currently down 53. It's a long and tough road but it's definitely worth it if you stick it through! I wish you the best of luck.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me if you like, we have similar goals.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    Hey Amywoo!

    I need to lose around 20 lbs, but I know it's a struggle for anyone to lose any amount of weight. Make a plan for yourself, and set short term goals that have nothing to do with the scale.

    For instance, set a goal for the day that you'll drink 100 ounces of water, or plan your dinner menu for the week. Use MFP to plan your meals ahead of time, so you can see if you have room for an indulgent snack during the day.

    We're with you, sweetie. You CAN do this!
  • I'm looking to lose at least 115. Currently at 300, down from 315 on Jan 2.
  • amywoo5
    amywoo5 Posts: 5 Member
    thanks for all the support guys! I'm using the app and on-line too, finding it really helpful! I used spark people before, but found that a lot of the British foods weren't listed so made it harder to track accurately, but mfp seems to be good and accurate!

    I tend to plan meals for the week anyway as part of budgeting for me and my partner, any other tips for making this a successful journey?

  • maram29
    maram29 Posts: 100 Member
    I'm in the middle of my work to lose, then onto another part of the journey...feel free to add me if you would like.
    Drink water. Lots and lots of water. Aim for 8 cups (no idea how that translates to ml) in the beginning, and then shoot for 12-16. Many people on here do that daily. I have found it to be extremely helpful for tons of reasons.
    Choose one battle at a time. There is a lot to do when you have that much to lose. Don't let yourself get overwhelmed by it. If you make one step, and keep making it, you have changed for the better. Once you are sure with that, change another thing.
    Start with...more water....more movement....log your food.
    :) Best of luck.
    Take care,
  • stainlessneil
    stainlessneil Posts: 65 Member
    amywoo5 wrote: »
    thanks for all the support guys! I'm using the app and on-line too, finding it really helpful! I used spark people before, but found that a lot of the British foods weren't listed so made it harder to track accurately, but mfp seems to be good and accurate!

    I tend to plan meals for the week anyway as part of budgeting for me and my partner, any other tips for making this a successful journey?


    I have found that the most important thing is to commit to being 100% honest with the food diary. I find that I'm less likely to indulge in chocolate etc if I have to log it in afterwards.
  • Welcome to MFP. Wishing you the best on this weight loss journery. As for the eczema..try some good ole Crisco shortening, members of my family have had eczema some and we heard of the Crisco shortening...well it worked for us, better than those creams and such.
  • lcshuey
    lcshuey Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Amywoo5,

    Welcome! It's a long road full of small steps. I think it is helpful to sit back at some point when you're not thinking about food to consider your patterns. For example, I realized that:

    1) I only eat junk food when I am alone.
    2) I overeat when I'm transitioning between activities.

    So I decided to make a new rule: no food in the car. That has been pretty helpful. Keeps the car cleaner, too!

  • Mudakon
    Mudakon Posts: 19 Member
    I lost 165 (something around there) already and there is one piece of advice i can give you... Never get bored. Always be on your legs or atleast talk to someone as soon as you get bored you'll want to eat something. I was at around 400lbs when i started now im at 230 (roughly) from 47% Bodyfat to like 23%.
    I wish you good luck with your goal feel free to add me and i'll try my best to give you some advice from my experience.

    Good Luck,
  • amywoo5
    amywoo5 Posts: 5 Member
    wow, well done Daniel! thats really inspiring and helpful, thank you :)
  • beckycatterick
    beckycatterick Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! I'm here to help support anyone as we both lose weight! Hope you reach your goal and just stick at it even if it's hard! :-) good luck x
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    I've got 170 to lose and have lost 10 already. Feel free to add me.

    I use an activity tracker to set and meet goals and I make sure to log everything. It keeps me honest. :)