Less pizza, more veggies (does veggie lovers count?)

kinardce Posts: 1
edited January 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I had a lot of success using myfitnesspal about a year ago! Lately I've been slacking on my diet. Need to hold myself accountable for the foods I'm putting in my body. I've been mindlessly snacking on pizza, chips, candy, and soda. Time to bring some awareness to the problem and start keeping track!


  • Sydking
    Sydking Posts: 317 Member
    Candy and soda for me i don't care for at all.

    Pizza is a waste of calories, more a once every couple months thing now. And i make sure its a good woodfire one how i like it, no food chain crap

    Be consistent its the key, people think can loose wight and go back to old way, they are the ways that got you in the bad way, you will need to make healthy choices till your dead.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,021 Member
    You got this.
  • kellebelle99
    kellebelle99 Posts: 3 Member
    Maybe you can try making some healthy substitutes for things you crave. I love pizza and sometimes make it at home but use whole grain crust topped with lots of veggies. Instead of chips, try pretzels that will give you the salt and crunch but not with all the grease. I love candy but I try to limit myself to fun size candy no more than 1 or 2 a day, and not everyday. I can sometimes eat a piece of dried fruit to satisfy sweet cravings. I don't drink soda, but if you can find the willpower to cut it out, you'll be glad you did. I'm not an expert, so this is all from my own experience. Good luck on finding what works for you!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think it helps--as you indicate--to think of MFP as a way of watching your diet overall, and not just not eating things. So if adding veggies or home cooked meals or protein is a goal, it's a positive thing to focus on and will also reduce the space for pizza or cookies or whatever (while still leaving some room for whatever you like). That's how I like to think of it, and it makes it fun.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited January 2015
    Pizza is a waste? You sir need to be goat-sacked and tossed into a cellar.

    The only way I see someone "SLACKING" on a diet, is if they are not tracking calories. Hell, I "slack" on holidays, birthdays, and when I go on vacation.... but I don't go hog *kitten* wild either.

    You can eat chips, pizza, ice cream, etc. and lose weight. Calories matter. Not choosing that 100 calorie bowl of broccoli, over the 100 calorie chocolate chip cookie.
  • CarrieCans
    CarrieCans Posts: 381 Member
    Sydking wrote: »
    Candy and soda for me i don't care for at all.

    Pizza is a waste of calories, more a once every couple months thing now. And i make sure its a good woodfire one how i like it, no food chain crap

    Be consistent its the key, people think can loose wight and go back to old way, they are the ways that got you in the bad way, you will need to make healthy choices till your dead.


    I eat pizza just about every week. It is yummy and satisfying and it prevents me from snacking mindlessly looking for something else to satisfy the pizza craving. A little planning and effort can make a pizza very healthy and tasty.
  • fitphoenix
    fitphoenix Posts: 9,673 Member
    Sustainability is definitely the key for a lifestyle change. Some people find it necessary to eliminate "trigger foods" completely, but overall, I think moderation is the key. If you deprive yourself of everything you like, you're going to crack and binge eventually (or at least, most people do). Introducing reasonable changes, staying within your calorie goals, exercising, all these things will help you attain your goals. I like to make my own pizza, personally, and I don't see anything wrong with chips, candy, or soda, as long as you don't go nuts on quantity and blow your calorie goals. I maybe wouldn't eat them all at once, but whatever you can fit into your daily goals. You can do it. ^_^
  • Jaysus_The_Jay
    Jaysus_The_Jay Posts: 19 Member
    I couldn't imagine a world without pizza
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Sydking wrote: »
    Candy and soda for me i don't care for at all.

    Pizza is DELICIOUS, more a once every couple months thing now. And i make sure its a good woodfire one how i like it, no food chain crap

  • carolanneashton
    carolanneashton Posts: 25 Member
    I love pizza I like to make my own but instead of the dough base I use a tortilla put some fiery pesto as the sauce base, mushrooms, onions chicken and low fat cheese and some peppers stick in the oven for about 5 minutes till the cheese melts and it's delish :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    In for pizza!
  • BexB42
    BexB42 Posts: 32 Member
    I love pizza. I think it is an addiction, emotionally the warm cheese makes me feel better. My body says it is making me fluffy. I made a pizza with a Flat-Out brand flatbread, 3 thin slices of salami and some lowfat shredded mozzarella... tasted good, saved me about 500 calories. Maybe try making your own pizza on flatbreads, whole wheat naan bread or thin crust Boboli? Time is an issue for me and being the only female in the house, no one says no to pizza, so it is easy to order. Mindless snacking over the last few years has added 60 pounds to my frame. Don't make that mistake, I did it for you! ;)
  • jrlarsonus
    jrlarsonus Posts: 12 Member
    Try searching for "cauliflower pizza crust recipes". There are a a lot of them. (Full disclosure: I've never made one so I have no idea how they actually taste.) It's more work but it would cut down on the doughy carbs. Maybe that will satisfy both the pro- and anti-pizza camps.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Pizza makes me sooooo happy.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    I love pizza!! I make pizza from scratch and add in veggies... and then I feel so much better about eating a few slices of pizza for dinner! lol. :)
  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    Yeah everyone focus on the word pizza, not the fact that the OP admitted she's been mindlessly consuming food, and wants to fix that. Good job.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    jmauerhan wrote: »
    Yeah everyone focus on the word pizza, not the fact that the OP admitted she's been mindlessly consuming food, and wants to fix that. Good job.

    Actually, people aren't really addressing the OP. They are addressing the comment that "pizza is a waste." Because, it isn't.
  • jmauerhan
    jmauerhan Posts: 82 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    jmauerhan wrote: »
    Yeah everyone focus on the word pizza, not the fact that the OP admitted she's been mindlessly consuming food, and wants to fix that. Good job.

    Actually, people aren't really addressing the OP. They are addressing the comment that "pizza is a waste." Because, it isn't.

    Yeah that's my point. No one has actually said anything else to her, no encouragement, no tips - everyone is just freaking out about one comment about pizza.

    That's the waste.