Exercise is kicking my feets' butt(s?)!

I started running everyday for the past week or so... and I've gotten a blister on my foot from wearing the wrong shoe... but it's finally going away thankfully.

I'm getting another one now even though I wore the right shoes... ugh D:

AND today... my foot has been doing something weird where it burns and aches my toes... what is that? Does anyone get that too? Are they just too overheated?

Also... MY LEGS ARE SO SOREEE... I know to work through the pain and have a day or so off so the muscle doesn't break... so I think tomorrow may actually be my day off since I have so many pains going on its affecting my running...


  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    If you just started running, you shouldn't be doing it everyday!! I've been running for years and I don't even do that. Give your body a break - running is high intensity and tough on it. :flowerforyou:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    the recommendation for beginning runners seems to be about 3 times a week, that's what I do...make sure you have a rest day (or at least a day where you do something else other than running) in between. Running is hard on the body and you might want to ease into it...

    And make sure you're stretching really well afterwards, it will help immensely.
  • GeenaKay
    GeenaKay Posts: 1
    Don't worry, I think everything you're going through is normal! For instance: I started some ab workouts a few days ago and it's only stopped hurting now, and even though I've been running for a couple of weeks with the same shoes, I got a weird tingling in my feet today and a blister. Every time I've tried to start working out, it feels like I got beat up in the middle of night and it can hit you at any time. :P
  • rfoshee
    rfoshee Posts: 6
    Never work through the pain, that's the fastest route to an serious injury. If your body is telling you it hurts, stop. The old adage of 'no pain, no gain' is a bodybuilding holdover from the 70s when no one knew any better.

    What's going on with your foot is not normal at all. It's more than likely a combination of inflamed joints, microtorn muscles, and bad shoes. Give your feet time to rest otherwise, you're going to end up at a podiatrist with some type of fasciitis or worse.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Never work through the pain, that's the fastest route to an serious injury. If your body is telling you it hurts, stop. The old adage of 'no pain, no gain' is a bodybuilding holdover from the 70s when no one knew any better.

    What's going on with your foot is not normal at all. It's more than likely a combination of inflamed joints, microtorn muscles, and bad shoes. Give your feet time to rest otherwise, you're going to end up at a podiatrist with some type of fasciitis or worse.

    I agree completely. Also, you should go to a running store, like the New Balance store, to get properly fitted for shoes.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I also have started running and, like you, have trouble taking days off!!! I have several blisters on both feet and I'm also wearing correct shoes (got fitted at a real shoe store).

    I think it's just the name of the game. I find I'm not as sore and I use to be when I first started several months ago. I'm also trying to create a similar schedule as C25K - only with more sessions per week and different intervals of time. I've finally realized that it would benifit me to have a set schedule that way I'm not running too much or too little.
  • StellisMom
    StellisMom Posts: 2
    I use the Gazelle (its an elliptical) for 45 mins 6 days a week. When I first started out my feet would BURN so bad then I ended up doing it with those hospital socks instead :noway: of my $150 Puma's & ended up with blisters :sad: . I got the same exact feeling in my toes....it ended up being an ingrown toenail due to the sneakers. I recently bought the Reebok Tone Ups in a half size bigger & now my feet no longer burn & I got rid of the ingrown toenail. I also got the socks....they have a grip on them where the bumpers on the sole of the sneakers are and they release a warming feeling to my feet. I bought them at Marshells for 40 bucks (the socks, 3 pairs for $5) but i know they go for A LOT more at regular stores like Footlocker. I bought the Sketchers first but they werent the best for an elliptical. Good luck! :happy:
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Thank you all for your inputs! Yeah I've just been running...4 days in order? I'm going to spend the next few days on break... my running shoes are 1/2 a size bigger so they can get air when they get heated... that way my toes aren't cramped.

    And yeah I didn't think it was normal... so I'm going to wait till my blisters heal and my legs feel better.

    Thank you all! Any ideas what I should do to still get exercising in... but not running?

    Note: I don't have a gym membership... I usually just run along a track (btw I jog/walk...so it's not a crazy workout) I just need to get out and feel like I'm doing something :)
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I use the Gazelle (its an elliptical) for 45 mins 6 days a week. When I first started out my feet would BURN so bad then I ended up doing it with those hospital socks instead :noway: of my $150 Puma's & ended up with blisters :sad: . I got the same exact feeling in my toes....it ended up being an ingrown toenail due to the sneakers. I recently bought the Reebok Tone Ups in a half size bigger & now my feet no longer burn & I got rid of the ingrown toenail. I also got the socks....they have a grip on them where the bumpers on the sole of the sneakers are and they release a warming feeling to my feet. I bought them at Marshells for 40 bucks (the socks, 3 pairs for $5) but i know they go for A LOT more at regular stores like Footlocker. I bought the Sketchers first but they werent the best for an elliptical. Good luck! :happy:

    I think I want to go out and get new shoes in June (I'm waiting till I get more money... :(). My shoes I've had for about a year... so I'm ready for a new pair... and normal shoes as well.

    I have some really good socks too... but in June I'm going for new "supplies" lol. :P

    Thank you for the advice! I'm going to rest... I don't have a gym to go to nor any machines in my house... what do you suggest I do for cardio then?
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Never work through the pain, that's the fastest route to an serious injury. If your body is telling you it hurts, stop. The old adage of 'no pain, no gain' is a bodybuilding holdover from the 70s when no one knew any better.

    What's going on with your foot is not normal at all. It's more than likely a combination of inflamed joints, microtorn muscles, and bad shoes. Give your feet time to rest otherwise, you're going to end up at a podiatrist with some type of fasciitis or worse.

    It's bad shoes and they are just being overheated. Sooo... I'm going to rest for a while. Any suggestions on what to do cardio wise since I can't run?
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I decided to swim on my days off :)

    That way I won't hurt any part of my body and it's a great form of cardio! *o*
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Year old running shoes are probably completely broken down by now. Shoes only have a certain amount of "milage" until they start to stop doing what they are supposed to do-support and stabilize your foot, ankle, and leg. They lose shock absorption the more you wear them which leads to a lot more stress on your foot and leg, which is probably what is causing the pain. Active runners who run around 4/5 times a week usually have to change their shoes every3-5 months, more or less depending on how much you use them. When I was in cross country, I had to buy new shoes every 3 months because when I didn't (and didn't know that shoes had milage) I got a stress fracture in my heel and one in my hip. It was NO BUENO so buy new shoes!!

    But good job on working out regularly! Swimming is great cardio and has the least impact on your joints/body-running is one of the worst things for your joints (but I love running and HATE swimming.)

    Biking is also a really great cardio and is easy on your joints, I love doing interval biking (going really hard and fast for a few minutes then getting my heart rate back down, then going hard again.) I lost a lot of weight by biking an hour everyday to work and it didn't hurt like running does.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Thank you! I actually love swimming... just wish we had a private pool... >_> but I know when I like my body more I'll feel more comfortable swimming in public haha.

    Well yeah my boyfriend said he'll take me shoe shopping in June. Since I didn't exercise much in these shoes... I figured they'd still be ok, but I guess not. So I'll be looking for new shoes :)

    Thank you! Yeah I feel like I get much more of a work out from running rather than swimming... xD

    Well I'm off to swim now! Thanks!
  • SmashleeWpg
    SmashleeWpg Posts: 566 Member
    A very important thing that a lot of people don't do when exercising/running is ensure that their shoes are tied tightly enough. I made this error last year while training for a 10K, and even though I'm an avid runner and have been running for years, I'm guilty! I just thought they felt more comfortable looser, and allowed my feet more "breathing" room. Wrong! As a result I developed a very bad case of plantar fasciitis. And these were shoes that I had fitted at a running store, so it wasn't a case of the incorrect fit. My chiropractor advised me that one small change people can make that makes a HUGE improvement is to make sure you are lacing up your shoes ALL the way. He said that most people (myself included), don't lace their shoes all the way up and normally leave the last hole at the top of the tongue of your running shoe empty - but it should be laced. Shoes that are tied properly shouldn't even have enough space to slide a finger in between your ankle/foot and your shoe. Sounds like they would be too tight, but since I adjusted the way I tie my shoes I'm noticing a huge improvement in my PF. Thought I'd pass the advice along! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I only ever ran every other day, at most, and that was painful enough. :wink:
  • e1lindsay
    e1lindsay Posts: 230
    i started running about 8 weeks ago, using the C25k program, 3 times a week...now i've built up to 3-5 times a week, about 1.5-2.5 miles each time...my calves have only JUST stopped aching since day 1, lol...turns out i wasn't stretching good enough or long enough after i finished my jog...now that i stretch better, my legs feel better...it's important to rest though, i wouldn't do it EVERY day...
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    i started running about 8 weeks ago, using the C25k program, 3 times a week...now i've built up to 3-5 times a week, about 1.5-2.5 miles each time...my calves have only JUST stopped aching since day 1, lol...turns out i wasn't stretching good enough or long enough after i finished my jog...now that i stretch better, my legs feel better...it's important to rest though, i wouldn't do it EVERY day...

    I did it for 3 days in a row, and swam for 3 days in a row then have a day to rest (Sunday) and just repeat and mix up :)
  • CoconutChia
    I replace my running shoes about every 6 months. I run 2-3 times a week and mix in the eliptical and strength training during the week. It is very important to do squats, lunges, leg extentions, weighted squats etc when you are running. If you have weak quads, you will begin to have knee problems. This happened to me! I had to stop running for about a month because I had a hard time going up and down stairs (I live in a third floor condo)! I had to go up the stairs one at a time on the opposite leg.

    I try to give my legs a strength workout once or twice a week. Stretching is also important after you do cardio. I stretch everytime for about 5 minutes after my workouts and it makes a difference! My gym has stretching devices that stretch my hips and hamstrings.

    Best of luck with your running! It is a great workout and it leaves you feeling great once you're done. :smile: