Did you lose weight for yourself or someone else?



  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    lol.. didn't see that coming. :p

    Well, you DO like bacon, right?? Haha :P
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    At the risk of really turning this discussion left, I prefer sausage.
  • Sinistrous
    Sinistrous Posts: 5,589 Member
    You should have totally posted that in the confess thread!! LOLOL
  • cccoursey
    cccoursey Posts: 116 Member
    I did it for me and my daughter, ultimately for myself though as she'll love me no matter what I look like,
    if i'm healthy i'll live longer (hopefully) and see her grow up,
    It also feels good to inspire others

    Oddly enough this is exactly the same reason I initially did so.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I initially changed my life to set a better example for my daughter. As I got more fit and healthier I realized I was happier. A better wife, mother and person in general. I did it for all of us.
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    Myself. It was joked that my only hobby was watching tv. I laughed then had a WTF moment and realized that was pretty true. I used to be super active and I missed it. So, I've peeled myself off the couch. I very much enjoy being active and challenging myself.
  • Alastair007
    Alastair007 Posts: 673 Member
    Got divorced , was fat and unhealthy. No chance of pulling lol
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I did it for myself. I knew my boyfriend/fiancé/husband did not care about my weight or size as long as I was healthy.
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    Got divorced , was fat and unhealthy. No chance of pulling lol

    Very honest of you. Maybe less of the lol... :) You'd probably pull more!
  • anadoesit
    anadoesit Posts: 442 Member
    Haha, _Just_Ash_ funny (*)
  • the_alexorcist
    the_alexorcist Posts: 71 Member
    Me, myself and I.
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    At first it was for someone else. I have since learned this journey is for me and for me only.
  • kismea
    kismea Posts: 45 Member
    For myself, absolutely! For so many reasons! Now if I happen to become more attractive to my spouse, that is an added bonus. I love that we can do more things together too! :D
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    For myself. I'd tried before to do it for my Hubby, but that never worked. Because he'd do something to tick me off and I'd give up to spite him. Now when he makes me mad, I just go lift some heavy things and get some endorphins to spite him. :smile:
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    I think we are all image conscious creatures....i wanted to fit in with my younger beautiful coworkers and also to impress my man ....lol....but those are all fringe benefits...i wanted to feel better about myself...i think the two are intertwined.
  • chomos992013
    chomos992013 Posts: 4 Member
    Im doing it for me and long term wanna be a healthy mom for my kids and one day grandkids and soooooo ready for cute clothes
  • Yawnetu
    Yawnetu Posts: 53 Member
    Curiosity motivated me...that and the ticking of the clock. What could I do with this body, given the chance? Where can it take me? I didn't want to look back someday and say, "Why the hell didn't I do this earlier when it could make such a difference in my confidence, trust in myself, strength, performance, independence, level of fun in my life..."

    In other words, I did it for ME. There is no other way it's sustainable. Everything else will come and go in your life, but YOU are the one constant. Do it for YOU.
  • Beckapedia4514
    Beckapedia4514 Posts: 19 Member
    For me. My husband and I are TTC and every lb I loose is a healthier pregnancy for me, and a smaller chance of diabetes. One of my sisters was DX at age 6. My dad DX at age 6. My mom DX at age 45...so I have pretty much accepted that I will most likely end up with gestational diabetes...but I really don't want it to become permanent.
  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    I did it for myself.

    TBH, the advent of Facebook was a huge motivator...all of a sudden people are posting pictures of me that people back home that I hadn't seen in 20 years were seeing.

    Also, my wife is pretty damn hot (if I may say so myself) and sometimes when I'd meet her co-workers, I'd get the raised eyebrow "Wow, she's with him??" look. Got really tired of that too. She never gave me grief about my weight, but I didn't quite realize (or was in denial) about how bad it was until I started seeing pictures crop up online.

    I was 237 lbs in 2007. I'm at 171 today. *kitten* yea, me!!!