Over 300 lbs...need motivation



  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I started at 317 120 days ago. I should weigh in at 269 this week (weigh in is tomorrow). I only exercise once a week and eat 1600 calories a day. Lots of veggies, but also lots of processed foods.

    I also was 290 before pregnancy and 345 right before delivering (my son will be one on Tuesday).

    Feel free to add me for support.
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Apazman wrote: »
    Here are a few tips that I found to work for me:
    1. Make MFP your home page
    2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards, post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about weight loss.
    3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than a butt load of change all at once
    4. Always be honest. We all fall on our way to the top, be honest, no one is judging you here... we all support each other
    5. Keep trying new things until you find what works for you (It took me a while to find my plan and it works great for me but I wouldn't push it on anyone else)
    6. It's easier to lift weights than continue the burdens of carrying weight.
    7. Take it one day at a time.
    8. Have a cheat day or meal, where you eat what you want
    9. Try to talk to yourself as if you are talking to your child or loved one. Often times the thing we need most is to be a better friend to ourselves.
    10. Smile

    Well put! I'm printing this out & hanging it in my cubicle! :smiley:

  • AcctgChicka83
    AcctgChicka83 Posts: 21 Member
    rbfdac wrote: »
    I started at 317 120 days ago. I should weigh in at 269 this week (weigh in is tomorrow). I only exercise once a week and eat 1600 calories a day. Lots of veggies, but also lots of processed foods.

    I also was 290 before pregnancy and 345 right before delivering (my son will be one on Tuesday).

    Feel free to add me for support.

    WOW!! Congratulations! What exercise do you do and for how long?
  • Noodle797
    Noodle797 Posts: 366 Member
    Reading these responses makes me feel a little better about my own situation. At least on MFP you don't have to do it all alone!
  • utahchic89
    utahchic89 Posts: 14 Member
    Everybody's responses are so inspiring. :) it makes motivation that much higher. Thanks, all.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    OP, some tough love coming. No excuses. If you want it badly enough, it happen. I felt like you did too, but it finally clicked.

    My success story:

    Here's hoping you can have one too, but it starts with no excuses. Start out small with little goals.
  • meglala22
    meglala22 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi there! I'm in the same place as you are! My son just turned 2 and that pregnancy killed my body! I gained almost 50 pounds...it was crazy. I'm currently down 40 pounds and I'm really working hard. I'm eating clean, using shakeology, drinking tons of water and tea. I'm losing about 2 pounds a week...and that's without exercise. I'm so tired after working all day, plus it's sooo cold outside! I've used the T25 dvd's...those do work. But they're tough! I'm going to start those again soon.
  • Lynette4321
    Lynette4321 Posts: 37 Member
    When I was pregnant with my daughter (she's 25) I was very close to 300. She did weigh 11 lbs, but still! I lost the weight, but over time I gained, and ended up at 307 in 2007. I freaked out at the number and counted calories at another website. I lost 80 lbs and kept it off for 3 years.

    I started this latest attempt ten days ago at 328. The thing that finally motivated me was the pain in my knees. I don't want to be a cripple at 51!

    My calories are set at 2170, and I have lost 6lbs in ten days. I would strongly suggest that you change your goal from 2lbs a week to 1lb a week to give yourself more calories. As you lose, they will start to lower it. Give yourself more room to go down. You will still lose quickly most likely.

    Also keep in mind that your weight will not likely be a straight line down. It's okay as long as you don't give up.

    One last thing. I feel that many people fail because they set their goal weight too low. When I was at 220 I was pretty comfortable. I don't care if I never get below that again. I don't need to weigh 140. The amount of calories I would have to stick to to maintain that is not realistic for me. But of course that's your decision.

    Good luck to you!
  • AcctgChicka83
    AcctgChicka83 Posts: 21 Member
    Yea i've been having a lot of back pain. I went to the orthopedic this week and he basically said its b/c of my weight. Talk about embarrassing to hear with my husband there. Although he sees me everyday...still a very embarrassing convo.
  • FloraJL
    FloraJL Posts: 121 Member
    I'm over 300 pounds also.

    I started late because my Why wasn't big enough. IMO, you have to really want it in order to have lasting change. Want it so bad that it will make you go out for that walk when it's 28 degrees outside when you'd rather curl up under the blankets and watch Netflix.

    I am a part of the 300+ Group here. It's nice having a place consisting of people who all started at the same place. Join us!