Hashimotos Disease

Anikib Posts: 76 Member
Hello my online friends and support!
Yesterday I went to the doctor and I was up a pound. A few weeks ago I had some extensive blood work done as well and I was there to get the results. Well, apparently, I have something called hashimotos disease. This means ai have to change my diet extensively, no gluten, dairy, or soy for at least 90 days, and then maybe he will let me add dairy or soy back slowly.

Does anyone here have this and if so, can you help me with diet? Is Paleo a good option? As much help as you can give me is appreciated!


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Hashimoto's is a thyroid malfunction caused by an autoimmune response. I had a cousin who had Hashimoto's. She was diagnosed when she was about 12 years old and was put on medication for it that she would have needed to take for the rest of her life. Do a little internet research on it and you should come up with some really good information about the disease and how to manage it. For example, here's what the Mayo Clinic has to say:

  • shortnsassy1981
    shortnsassy1981 Posts: 154 Member
    There are a lot of people who have success eating a Paleo style diet with Hashimotos. Google AIP Paleo and you will find a ton of resources.
  • La5Vega5Girl
    La5Vega5Girl Posts: 709 Member
    Anikib wrote: »
    Hello my online friends and support!
    Yesterday I went to the doctor and I was up a pound. A few weeks ago I had some extensive blood work done as well and I was there to get the results. Well, apparently, I have something called hashimotos disease. This means ai have to change my diet extensively, no gluten, dairy, or soy for at least 90 days, and then maybe he will let me add dairy or soy back slowly.

    Does anyone here have this and if so, can you help me with diet? Is Paleo a good option? As much help as you can give me is appreciated!

    i was just diagnosed a couple of months ago and subsequently found out that i am allergic to both soy and corn, which really works out well for the diet i have been prescribed. a paleo-type diet is a good idea to research.

    i take a thyroid hormone every day and that has helped, along with diet and exercise. i have lost 5 lbs, which i hadn't been able to do before.

  • Sam_I_Am77
    Sam_I_Am77 Posts: 2,093 Member
    You can also try going to PubMed or Google Scholar and doing a keyword search for Hashimotos Disease and Nutrition. This way you might find some good peer-reviewed research on what has been proven to work.
  • Anikib
    Anikib Posts: 76 Member
    Thanks everyone..
  • CharissaGudknecht
    CharissaGudknecht Posts: 25 Member
    I started a new Autoimmune Paleo group you should join.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I have Hashi's. There's no need to eat Paleo unless it suits you. I do feel best if I moderate my carbs, though. I keep them under 150g. In fact, I'm a vegetarian. I don't digest meat well and actually don't care for it. I have no problem with dairy and my body loves legumes and beans (I don't even get gas from them :) ) Back to the issue of carbs, I do think a key to feeling good is finding the right balance of carbs and protein to establish a good energy level. Personally, either too many or too few carbs leave me feeling fatigued.

    Soy is something that you should watch when you add it back, because too much can work against your thyroid. I became intolerant to it, but used to eat quite a lot of tofu without any ill effect. I think it takes quite a lot of soy to be problematic, though this might vary by individual.

    Gluten can be an individual thing as well. I have celiac disease in addition to Hashi's. Speaking of which, you should probably stay in tune with your body in the future. Autoimmune diseases like company, and having one often opens the door for another to come along.