1PM and you only have 300 calories left for the day. How would you spend them?



  • Your food log settings are not so much rules as they are guidelines.

  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    I would do some exercise for a bit and maybe do some 'heavy cleaning'. Many people don't log cleaning but when I break into a sweat from enthusiastic hoovering I think that counts...... And then not only have you earned extra calories but you have a nice clean house too!
  • AliUnrau
    AliUnrau Posts: 405 Member
    I would exercise and then have Cod for supper it is very high in protein and low in calories. I would have a vegetable side dish and a 1/2 cup of potatoes. You can fill up on that meal for under 300 calories
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Eat my normal dinner and start tomorrow fresh. Don't beat yourself up; it only results in a negative relationship with food. Never feel guilty for eating.
  • My "I don't have many calories left but want a filling dinner" go-to:

    Season and grill up (on grill or in a skillet) a chicken breast (120 calories for a 4oz serving), bell peppers (30 calories for a whole red bell pepper) and onions (20-25 calories for half an onion).

    You can use the extra 125-130 calories either on an extra serving of chicken breast, a few small Reeses cups for dessert (3 miniatures is 132 calories), or a cup of 2% milk with or after dinner (124 calories).
  • BookofJarom
    BookofJarom Posts: 14 Member
    Take some of my calories for the day. Just promise me I can have them back sometime soon. :-)
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Two recipes come to mind for me...both from skinnytaste.com. My go to would be her baked eggplant sticks...it's like eggplant parm but in the form of dunkers. It's actually a side dish, but when I want to keep my cals low or just want to pig out without feeling guilty about it I eat 1/2 an eggplant for dinner this way. Under 200 calories I believe. They are lightly breaded, then baked and you dunk in marinara to eat. Then I'd still have room for a snack!

    The second recipe of hers I like that is light and fills me is her stuffed pepper soup. It's a little more in calories but right around what you have left for the day.

    Also, as others have mentioned, try to squeeze a little activity in for a few more calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    eat normally for the rest of the day, log it , and move on....one day is not going to ruin progress...

    Actually it can and in my case does/ would ruin progress....just saying

    ohhhhh realllllyyy? Please explain how one day of overeating by maybe 400 calories would "ruin your progress"....

  • ROBtheMFPmachine
    ROBtheMFPmachine Posts: 59 Member
    I would exercise more so that I could eat more. That seems to be the secret. If I don't get in enough exercise, I struggle to make it below my daily calorie limit. So you get to eat more, and you are speeding up your metabolism, burning calories, etc.
  • thebillmo
    thebillmo Posts: 11 Member
    Borrow some calories from tomorrow.
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    mitch16 wrote: »
    Go work out and earn some extra wiggle room.

    +75 minutes of heavy cardio and eat pizza B)

  • angelasfree1
    angelasfree1 Posts: 29 Member
    If it was me, I would make sure I made wise, low calorie choices for the rest of the day and not worry too much about going over my calorie allowance. If you're on 1500 cals a day, and have 300 left, even if you add another 300 and give yourself 600 for the rest of the day, you still won't break the calorie bank, because it's still less than what the average person needs to maintain (I think!). But I would learn from it, and make sure I planned properly for the rest of the week. :smile:
  • I think I'd be over for the day and exercise to minimize the impact. Then, tomorrow you can always be under by a bit to make up for it.
  • shannonstube
    shannonstube Posts: 64 Member
    I would eat a light dinner, maybe chicken breast and veggies? And go to bed early. :smile:
  • tbullucks2006
    tbullucks2006 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm also going to drink a lot of water to try to fill up!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Honestly, in that situation I'd overeat for the day.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Pound-and-a-half of spaghetti squash topped with 3/4 pounds of roma tomatoes sprinkled with some Zesty Italian spice.

    It's my go-to "uh-oh ... I'm out of calories and still hungry" food. More than 2+ pounds of stuff yourself silly food for under 300 calories
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I would make a salad with lite dressing and lots of veggies....baby spinach,iceburg, tomatoes, onion, some fat free cheese, broccoli,cucumbers.....etc Maybe a little chicken breast for protein but not enough to go over calories.
  • kclay1021
    kclay1021 Posts: 56 Member
    I'd most likely do my go to and pack in some protein like some egg beaters and then something else small to go next to it. I run into this every once in a while as a result of the candy bowl that sits in my office at work.

    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    ITS FRIDAY!!!!!! WINE!!!! LOTS OF IT!!!!