What are you NOT going to miss when the weight comes off!!



  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    My pants cutting my one fat roll into two fat rolls. It will be nice when I sit down and my pants are flush with my stomach.
  • jdbrrw
    jdbrrw Posts: 16 Member
    -Having a big butt!
    -Not wanting to look in the mirror
    -Not having a defined jawline
    -Double chin
    -Having to manipulate the angle of the camera to take good selfies
    -"Thunder thighs"
    -Having to ask a sales clerk if they have bigger sizes in the back
    -Being told my size is only available online
    -Feeling less than because I weigh more
    -Feeling like my weight defines me
  • CarryAGlock
    CarryAGlock Posts: 1 Member
    All of these "I won't miss". It is sad that we did this to ourselves. For me, I won't miss the uncomfortable plane rides, the contorting to wipe my @ss, the crotch stink, the out of breath when taking a shower
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    sucking in my stomach!!!
  • I won't miss people asking me if I'm pregnant.
  • I won't miss the feeling like I'm living half a life <3
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I won't miss the thinly veiled superiority others generate towards me, as if being fat equates.to a low IQ. The "glazed" ignore look people get when they see me.
  • PattiMackinnon
    PattiMackinnon Posts: 22 Member
    I won't miss not living life, hiding and not wanting to attend functions or get-togethers. Not having a significant other because I won't put myself out there. I won't miss the specialty stores where I buy my clothes and although I am the size of 2 people; I wont miss feeling like half of one. I won't miss the negative self talk I have inflicted on myself and hating my own reflection. I won't miss the way I feel trapped in this completely out of shape body, how exercise in any form, even walking is exhausting and painful. I won't miss the looks of disgust on the faces of people around me. I won't miss feeling so much anger and shame.
  • tenas
    tenas Posts: 121
    I won't miss:

    - spending $100 a month on medicine and taking a fistful of pills daily
    - being worried about fitting in seats (airplanes, amusement parks, movies)
    - being too self concious to get out and meet new people
    - being in pain anytime I'm awake
    - overhearing snide remarks and seeing the looks
    - having to pay extra to buy clothes that fit in the big and tall stores
    - needing several breaks just to do simple household chores
    - sweating after a short walk and wondering if I look/smell as nasty as it makes me feel

  • jasonmh630
    jasonmh630 Posts: 2,850 Member
    Joint pain, for sure... That and not being able to lay on my back because of breathing issues. I don't have sleep apnea (sp?) yet, but I'm borderline...
  • Shopping online for clothes.
    Being uncomfortable on plane rides.
    The low self esteem.
  • I won't miss deep breathing when walking or even going up the stairs, I won't miss seeing myself hurt everyday because of the number on the scale, I won't miss crying every night over what I regret eating, I won't miss this stomach
  • YthansGirl
    YthansGirl Posts: 11 Member
    I wont miss feeling so self conscious that i cant leave the house or make any friends. Because i know all they think she is a fat girl who wears ugly clothes.
    I wont miss feeling jealous of all the girls who i see on a night out enjoying themselves, when i know i can never have that cause i am to fat.
    and i wont miss knowing no guy will ever like me cause i am fat, which also makes me self conscious, and quiet and never join in.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    Almost all of the previously mentioned!!
  • mariamathsgeek
    mariamathsgeek Posts: 236 Member
    I won't miss:

    -living in black leggings, smock tops/dresses & big cardigans
    -being asked when my baby is due (my kids are aged 5 and 7!!!)
    -belly overhang
    -back/armpit fat over my bra straps
    -chub rub on the upper thighs/arms
    -thin people saying 'Just eat less and move more'...gggrrrrr!
    -my mother's backhanded compliments (eg, you have lovely skin - mind you, you don't get wrinkles in a balloon' or 'you have a nice shape from behind....there just needs to be less of you', etc)
    -being heavier than my 5'11" husband (I'm 5'5")
    -the bitchy yummy mummies looking me up and down with obvious disgust when I drop off/collect my kids at school
    -having to strategically place my kids in front of me to hide my belly in photos
    -people saying 'well done you' in a really patronising way when I'm in my running gear
    -red marks on my skin from where waistbands have dug in
    -lack of visible facial bone structure
    -the look I see in people's eyes when they see my handsome, slim & slightly younger (by 3 years) husband with me
    -being the funny fat girl who puts herself down to make others laugh
  • I can relate to almost all of these!! I find it horrid that we all feel this way! Lets just keep this list going to remind ourselves of why we need to keep working at it! Someone said " Nothing tastes as good as slim feels" That is my motto now but of course I can think of a lot of things that taste pretty damn good, but I am not slim yet so I will just have to try and find out!
  • aj0987
    aj0987 Posts: 6
    edited January 2015
    Love this thread. I have to say things I miss from being fit.. Being told I'm gorgeous, beautiful, sexy. No one looks at me anymore. No one compliments me. I miss my energy.

    What I won't miss: my pants cutting into my stomach, being disappointed every time I try something on, dreading summer because my legs are too fat for shorts or a swimsuit, not being taken out to dinner by my SO since he wants me to lose weight. I didn't even get birthday cake on my birthday because 'she needs to lose weight' I won't miss my belly fat or how aware I am of it. I won't miss taking 30 minutes to decide which shirt will hide my fat the best. I won't miss stressing about my High school reunion next year, I was a model in high school so I feel a lot of pressure to be fit again.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I definitely won't miss my Muffin Top and back fat.... You know that wonderful bra roll you just can't hide :s. My dream is never having to get my exercise by dancing around, jumping up and down and squeezing into those dang shaper/hold it in and fool no one torture devices! Because of course the fat just oozes out somewhere else LOL
  • Negriita2010
    Negriita2010 Posts: 45 Member
    my knee,hip and lower back pain..my back fat my pregnant looking tummy...my double chin my ugly clothes my big undies my bras fitting to tight cus my back is to wide
  • beachbum4044
    beachbum4044 Posts: 57 Member
    I won't miss the disappointment I feel for letting myself go after taking the weight off and the negative body image that goes w it.