Struggling to see a difference! (with pics)



  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    There's definitely a difference, well done, you're looking great!

    I think our sense of self perception is often skewed, especially if it's already leaning negatively. My brother managed to lose over 100lbs, dropped down into regular clothes sizes, looked a completely different person. When he looked in the mirror though, he still saw the old him, it's one of those psychological barriers we have to overcome when we make massive changes to ourselves, letting the old you go.

    ^^Exactly this. You look great!

  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I read all your post first before scrolling down to photos and I was expecting there to just be a small difference from how you were talking... but no, there's a MASSIVE difference!!! You look much smaller in the new photos it's very obvious you've lost weight!

    Your brain will catch up with your new body in time and then you'll se it too :) I'd definitely recommend taking progress photos of yourself, underwear/bikini is often used for progress photos which not everyone likes doing, but you can always just choose an outfit to use, then in a couple of months time take a photo of you in the same pose and same outfit and you'll see it hanging differently and being looser and that might make it easier for you to see!
  • bingfit221
    bingfit221 Posts: 105 Member
    I struggle to see the difference in the mirror. I went from 190lbs to 148lbs then started strength training after I got to my goal weight and have gone from 148lbs to 162lbs.

    Every day I look in the mirror and the see exact same person I was. This was over a year ago.

    I am super critical of my body because the way my mother raised me. I believe it is just going to have to take time for my mind to mold as my body does. (at least I hope so)

    You look great!! Keep up the good work. Keep setting small goals & reaching them and hopefully your mind will catch up with your body.
  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you for all the kind words and support! You are all right, I guess it will just take time for my brain to catch up to seeing the new me looking back.
  • csingleton24
    csingleton24 Posts: 235 Member
    You look younger with the weight loss! I love your hair too. Keep it up. You look great!
  • bigdipperdave
    bigdipperdave Posts: 16 Member
    There is a huge difference. You now look so much more fit and are just beautiful. Even your face is noticably thinner. Its very difficult to see it in yourself and the people that see you frequently are never going to notice either. Hang in there you are doing great.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    There's a difference! My brain is still catching up too :)
  • janinealderton123
    janinealderton123 Posts: 26 Member
    nikitad123 wrote: »
    @whitewolf1200 @janinealderton123 Thank you. I don't wish this feeling on anyone but I am glad to know I'm not the only one out there who does feel this way. Re the smaller clothes, thats exactly what I do, I know I am smaller, but the mirror is telling me something else altogether. I really hope it does go soon.
    I think once you reached your goal everything will come to place slowly but suely. I wish you all the best on your journey to health
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    I can definitely see a difference, esp. in your arms. You ARE a beautiful girl. Maybe you just don't feel that different. That is my problem. I thought I would be happier. I'm not. Tells me there is a head game I have to figure out as well. That is what I am working on.
  • Lynvincible26
    You look beautiful. I think there's a massive difference. You really remind me if myself. I went from 173-147lbs last year and couldn't see it- i was even wearing the same clothes size- but everyone else was commenting on how much I lost. I think it's a State of mind. You're obviously doing something right, so keep going and the confidence and faith in yourself will grow.

    By the way- your hair is STUNNING!
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member

    By the way- your hair is STUNNING!

  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    @palwithme @Lynvincible26 Thank you for your kind words and support. The majority of my clothes are still the same, with the exception of a few things.

    Re my hair.. hehe thank you :)
  • nikitad123
    nikitad123 Posts: 49 Member
    You look beautiful. I think there's a massive difference. You really remind me if myself. I went from 173-147lbs last year and couldn't see it- i was even wearing the same clothes size- but everyone else was commenting on how much I lost. I think it's a State of mind. You're obviously doing something right, so keep going and the confidence and faith in yourself will grow.

    By the way- your hair is STUNNING!

    Congrats on your loss! Thats amazing.
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    edited January 2015
    You have done absolutely fantastic so far, well done! Definately a difference!!

    Keep giving it 110%, you're doing awesome!
  • bigsisv
    bigsisv Posts: 27 Member
    You can see a big difference. Keep up the good work!
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    I see a really big difference too. I've heard it really common for folks losing a lot of weight to not see the slimmer version of themselves. You might try what my sister suggeted to me - take a photo of yourself, as naked as you're willing to do it, in a way you can easily reproduce the photo. Then once every 2-3 months, take a new photo, wearing the same thing, in the same spot, etc. When your photos are at different angles in different clothes, it might be harder for you to see, though I know I see a big difference in you! Keep up the great work!
  • miriams76
    miriams76 Posts: 138 Member
    I can see a huge difference. Gorgeous in both of course but definitely less weight in the second set of photos. I second the advice that when looking at photos, you should look at those of you at your heaviest, not last week's or last months.
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,261 Member
    You definitely see a difference! Your skin is clear and you look happy! It makes a difference when youre happy and on the path to where you wanna be. Good luck with everything!