Best Frozen Dinners?

Just wondering what the best frozen dinners where that were out there??? I know sodium can be an issue....

I'm on a 1,200 calorie diet at the moment and need lunch ideas that will make me feel full.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    amys anything
    i like healthy choice and lean cuisine
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    The best lunches... are left overs! I make dinners through out the week, and just portion off some and put in a plastic container for lunch. I either freeze them or leave them in the fridge (if I'm going to be eating it soon).

    I used to eat a lot of frozen meals, but they have super high sodium and you can more bang for your buck (calorie and money wise) if you make your own.

    Just a thought! :)
  • mommacool
    mommacool Posts: 138 Member
    I used to eat some of the Smart Ones, but I always added more vegetables to them. They do not have more than a few bits, but I would just throw in some more frozen broccoli or a frozen vegetable mis on the top before microwaving (or leftover vegetables). I am off of gluten now, so I am not eating them anymore, but I thought they were good on occasion.
  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Personally, I think all the frozen diet foods are no good. The reason they are "low" in calories (if you ca call it that) is because you get only half of a meal....Your way better off taking the time to make a fulfilling meal that you will likely enjoy instead of feeling like you ate diet food....and are still hungry after!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    The best lunches... are left overs! I make dinners through out the week, and just portion off some and put in a plastic container for lunch. I either freeze them or leave them in the fridge (if I'm going to be eating it soon).

    I used to eat a lot of frozen meals, but they have super high sodium and you can more bang for your buck (calorie and money wise) if you make your own.

    Just a thought! :)

    I agree, bring your own homemade lunch! A sandwich, or chicken salad with some veggie sticks is a pretty filling lunch. You can also bring soup, pasta or any dinner leftovers. The best thing is that you know you're eating healthy, nutritious food when you make it yourself!
  • allmanro
    allmanro Posts: 22 Member
    I cook but shooot who has th time these days!! My fav's are"
    Healthy Choice -Pineapple Chicken
    Healthy Choice-Caribbean Chicken
    Lean Cuisine-Mac n Cheese
    Lean Cuisine- Roasted Turkey and Vegetable
    Lean Cuisine-Orange Chicken
    Lean Cuisine-Sesame Stir-fry
    Lean Cuisine-Herb Chicken and Vegetables
    Lean Cuisine-The Pepperoni Flat Bread Pizza!

    The sodium does not matter if you sweat hard in the gym and only drink water...which should be a part of your plan if you are trying to lose weight anyway! Good Luck and eat right!!
  • MrgnD3
    MrgnD3 Posts: 11 Member
    I say stay away from ALL processed foods. They are loaded with preservatives. Body does not break down those chemicals to use as energy so the body stores it as fat.
  • jeebsah
    jeebsah Posts: 39
    i love lean cuisine, smart ones are okay, and I really dislike healthy choice. However, I usually go with whatever is on priced at the lowest sale price for the week.
  • VixFit2011
    VixFit2011 Posts: 663 Member
    Try their new salmon and their chicken spring rolls? Yum! Yes the sodium isn't very good for you but for something convenient they are good now and then.

    I cook but shooot who has th time these days!! My fav's are"
    Healthy Choice -Pineapple Chicken
    Healthy Choice-Caribbean Chicken
    Lean Cuisine-Mac n Cheese
    Lean Cuisine- Roasted Turkey and Vegetable
    Lean Cuisine-Orange Chicken
    Lean Cuisine-Sesame Stir-fry
    Lean Cuisine-Herb Chicken and Vegetables
    Lean Cuisine-The Pepperoni Flat Bread Pizza!

    The sodium does not matter if you sweat hard in the gym and only drink water...which should be a part of your plan if you are trying to lose weight anyway! Good Luck and eat right!!
  • Simone1970
    Simone1970 Posts: 67
    Healthy Choice Cafe Steamers are my fav!
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    It's really really hard to find a frozen meal that's not swimming in sodium. A few I've found are Eating Right Butternut Squash Ravioli, Eating Right Five-Grain Chicken With Plum Sauce, Eating Right Turkey, Broccoli & Cheese Stuffed Sandwich, Eating Right - Three-Cheese Chicken Quesadilla, Lean Pockets Whole Grain - Grilled Chicken & Broccoli W/Aged Cheddar, Organics - Bean & Cheese Burrito... all of them have less than 450mg of sodium. I spent a lot of time in grocery store freezers to find them.

    I agree with others about bringing leftovers, but sometimes there just aren't any. :smile:
  • mhoward48
    mhoward48 Posts: 26
    I like both Healthy Choice and Smart One's.
  • Loubell83
    Loubell83 Posts: 20
    I do try to steer clear of microwaved foods, however sometimes when on the go it is really hard not to fall for the convenience!

    Personally, I like the majority of the weight watchers ones - they are all really tasty and dont taste like diet food most of the time!
  • carina_75
    carina_75 Posts: 88
    The best lunches... are left overs! I make dinners through out the week, and just portion off some and put in a plastic container for lunch. I either freeze them or leave them in the fridge (if I'm going to be eating it soon).

    I used to eat a lot of frozen meals, but they have super high sodium and you can more bang for your buck (calorie and money wise) if you make your own.

    Just a thought! :)

    This is what i do!!
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Amy's has the best tasting. Sodium is always an issue with any frozen dinner though.
  • sdirbder
    sdirbder Posts: 159 Member
    The best lunches... are left overs! I make dinners through out the week, and just portion off some and put in a plastic container for lunch. I either freeze them or leave them in the fridge (if I'm going to be eating it soon).

    I used to eat a lot of frozen meals, but they have super high sodium and you can more bang for your buck (calorie and money wise) if you make your own.

    Just a thought! :)

    I have a slowcooker that I make soups/ chilis. You can put them in freezer bags and they are delicious when reheated.

    This is what i do!!
  • JacqueeeP
    JacqueeeP Posts: 5
    Kashi frozen thingies are the best! They are loaded with whole grains (great fiber), protein, and delicious! I was stoked to find them. Since they have all the different grains they fill you more than other meals and the nutritional content can't be beat. If you need more food- I love adding my own fresh veggies. I also take them OUT of the container to trick myself. Hope you like 'em!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Personally, I think all the frozen diet foods are no good. The reason they are "low" in calories (if you ca call it that) is because you get only half of a meal....Your way better off taking the time to make a fulfilling meal that you will likely enjoy instead of feeling like you ate diet food....and are still hungry after!

    I totally disagree. Mac & Cheese example:

    Stouffer's Macaroni & Cheese 1 CUP (6 oz) Calories 350 Fat 17 g Carbs 34 g Protein 15 g Sodium 920mg

    Lean Cuisine Macaroni & Cheese 1 Package (10 oz) Calories 290 Fat 7g Carbs 41 g Protein 15 g Sodium 620mg

    Lean Cuisine is a larger portion - less fat and less sodium. Excellent with steamed broccoli .
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Check lean cusine and healthy choice. They not bad for once in a while. Check for the ones with the lowest carbs and sodium.