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Can't eat below maintenance



  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Are you sure your maintenance is calculated correctly? If you're exercising, your maintenance will be higher than if you're not exercising...but for whatever reason, *kitten* loads of people on MFP don't understand that concept.

    Also, this. Eat back at least some of your exercise calories, if not all, if you're using MFP the way it was designed. You already have a deficit built in, and don't need to work for more of a deficit. Exercise is for general health and being able to eat more.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    I am usually less hungry straight after exercise, but the next day I could gnaw my own arm off!

    this for me as well...if I lift then go for a walk no appetite...but the next day I will eat everything.

  • Juvenica
    Juvenica Posts: 460 Member
    fruit does fill me up, but it makes me so bloated, so I avoid eating more than a couple pieces a day usually. I'd rather loose weight and be bloated for a few days though to be honest.
    don't do that , that's actually dieting , but if you do get bloated , tip from my local pharmacist : yogurt , regular is great at decreasing bloat-ness . mix and match whatever you eat and I eat so often , way more than 5 times a day and have lost weight before this way, increase salad intake.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    Read a book instead
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    So now I'm a bloke?

    <Looks down, checks tits and other bits>

    Nope still a girl ...

    The last thing I read in a magazine article was about aliens abducting Elvis :smile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    I am usually less hungry straight after exercise, but the next day I could gnaw my own arm off!

    Me too ..I have to force down protein straight after the gym
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Hey OP

    Set your diary to public and post your height, CW, goal loss per week, general activity level if you want some real advice
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    Timmy, it amazes me how you're such an expert on all women things. Just shut up!!! If you want to say "in my experience... blah blah blah..." stick to the manly things, eh? Don't be trying to act like such a know it all when you know nothing.

  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    But what you said was "That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women". What a broad brush you use to paint this picture. Women who exercise a lot CAN become hungry, because we are wired to preserve body fat for childbearing. This does NOT mean men don't get hungry after exercise. As a matter of fact, there are men at my gym who exercise 5 days a week and they are busting it on the cardio and weights, yet remain very overweight. Is that because they're not eating????? ahhh science says they are!
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    That's what happens when you exercise, at least with women. All I know to tell you is to stop eating. That's what I do.

    What men don't get hungry when they exercise???? I have a humungo friends list that will tell you you're wrong!
    OP, can you open your diary?

    What I read in a magazine article recently, and my own experience has been, is that men tend to feel like eating less after exercise.

    Don't believe everything you read. ;)

    Blanket statements are silly. Some people are hungrier with exercise, some are not.

    "Some sex differences seem to pertain to the ability to tolerate a considerable negative energy balance. Exercise does not suppress hunger the same way for women as for men, and in women it increases the sensory attractiveness of food"

    Men have an easier time tolerating a high deficit after exercising than women. That doesn't mean they chose to. There are other articles that go into this relationship if you are interested.

    This is absolutely not true for everyone. I'm female, and I find I'm not interested at all in eating while I exercise or immediately after. My hunger and cravings are lower for the rest of the day. Cravings come back when I don't do intense exercise every day. I eat back less than half my exercise calories and I'm not hungry most days.

    OP, you don't have a lot to lose, right? A smaller deficit and taking longer to lose the weight might work better for you. Either that, or easing into it, going down just 100 calories a day until you reach your deficit. Some people are hungrier after starting a new exercise program, but that tends to diminish as you become an experienced exerciser. After a few days to a week of eating at a deficit, your hunger should come in line. You should not be hungry the whole time you diet.

    I find getting enough protein (.8 g/kg of bodyweight or 1 g/lb lean mass), water, and fiber (25 grams a day minimum) really helps with hunger. I'm diabetic, so eating some protein whenever I have carbs helps the carb to digest slower, and keeps me fuller longer. I'm also one of those who gets increased cravings when eating more added sugars. Some dieters are better off limiting added sugars. Other dieters do not have this issue.

    Exercise really helps me with my hunger. It might work for you, it might not.

    Sometimes you just have to live with the hunger for a bit. I was hungriest in my first week of dieting, and it comes back after a "cheat" day, like a family birthday celebration. After a few days of consistent deficit, my hunger levels go back down again.

    When cravings come, have a glass of water, wait 15 minutes, go for a walk or do chores, distract yourself, talk to a friend, and just try to delay eating until your next planned meal. If you eat at regular times, your hunger will start showing up at about the time you are going to eat again. Sometimes saying "Yes, but later" works. I find leaving high-sugar treats (like fruit) until the end of the day works best for me.

    If I give in to my hunger, I try to eat high water/high fiber/low calorie foods like soup, or fresh veggies. Alternatively you could try calorie-dense foods in small amounts i.e. nuts, dairy.

    Lots of people have dealt with this issue. You can get through the hunger and diet successfully. Try just one strategy, keep it for a few weeks if it works so it sticks, and then add something else. Good luck :)
  • littlelatina19
    littlelatina19 Posts: 42 Member
    Hmm I do get a bit less hungry if I workout late in the day because when I'm done it's close to bedtime and all I wanna do is sleep. I didn't use the mfp calculators because they aren't right for me, way too low. I went on one online which I've used in the past. I dropped down to 44kg once (not healthy) so I've done the whole counting thing before, but I was younger and not very smart about it. My resting metabolism is 1450, but then you have to add my daily expenditure on. I will unlock my diary now, but these past two days have been a bit of a mess.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I actually don't get hungry after exercise, for whatever reason.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    I don't get hungry after exercise either!!
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Hmm I do get a bit less hungry if I workout late in the day because when I'm done it's close to bedtime and all I wanna do is sleep. I didn't use the mfp calculators because they aren't right for me, way too low. I went on one online which I've used in the past. I dropped down to 44kg once (not healthy) so I've done the whole counting thing before, but I was younger and not very smart about it. My resting metabolism is 1450, but then you have to add my daily expenditure on. I will unlock my diary now, but these past two days have been a bit of a mess.
    You're only 6 days in and your body is still getting use to this. I would try to up my protein (tends to keep me fuller longer). Also, try not to drink your calories, eat food. You'll do great.
  • littlelatina19
    littlelatina19 Posts: 42 Member
    CW: 61kg
    Height: 156cm
    Moderate excersise (1 hour elliptical- sweating quite a bit)
  • Slharrison14
    Slharrison14 Posts: 28 Member
    I get hungrier after exercising too. I am trying to find something to help curb appetite a bit. I have a bad sweet tooth. I think the reason women have a harder time is because of our hormones. I know that time of the month I end up eating almost twice as much foods that isn't good for me
  • NoelFigart1
    NoelFigart1 Posts: 1,276 Member
    I am generally OMNOMNOM EAT ALL THE FOOD after a training session (swimmer. The whole swimmer appetite thing is totally not a myth)

    So, I plan my workouts to happen right before meals (typically breakfast), and I plan exact meals with exact calorie counts. I tend to be okay after I eat them no matter how ravenous I was when I got out of the pool.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    How many calories per day are you netting? (calories consumed - exercise burn = net )
  • littlelatina19
    littlelatina19 Posts: 42 Member
    That could actually be part of the reason. Sometimes I get really hungry a week before my period, but I guess I'll find out next week. I normally track it, but I'm a bit iffy on last months dates. I hope that's it! Would be good to know that I might have need a little extra, but I don't want to look for excuses either.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    CW: 61kg
    Height: 156cm
    Moderate excersise (1 hour elliptical- sweating quite a bit)

    What do you do for work- if you're a desk jockey- I would say you're lightly active.

    also- please do not use "sweat" as a measure of how hard you work. When I lift weights- I sweat very little- but when I sit in a sauna- I sweat a lot.

    Obviously I worked harder at lifting than sitting... so case in point- sweat is not a reliable function of exertion.

    Also- check your macro split- I find when I eat over 40% of my diet in carbs I have a harder time staying satisfied- I do better with proteins and fats.
  • dougpconnell219
    dougpconnell219 Posts: 566 Member
    I've found my appetite much lower since I've started exercising. Of course I'm eating more often, and healthier, just less.