Add me: I am a college student looking for support on my weight loss journey!

SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
hiya, I'm Sylvia & I am 22 & a full time college student who also works. So, as you can imagine eating healthy can sometimes be a struggle because I'm just so short of time.

I have struggled with my weight all my life unfortunately. My freshmen year in high school I weighed 240 pounds and was severely made fun of. However, I managed to take the weighed off and get down to 170 but in the process I had also developed eating disorders and become unhealthy. I went through a lot of counseling to help me get over my eating disorders but I have never learned to love my body! ....

Currently I have gained all my weight back and then some. I weigh the most I have ever weighed at 280 pounds. I refuse to reach 300 hundred pounds.!!! I want to lose this weight and keep it off not only for myself and my health but for my future children when I decide to have them. I don't want them to be embarrassed of mommy because she is fat & I definitely don't want them to go through what I went through. I feel if I get this weight off I'll learn how to and be more equipped to give my future kids the healthy tools they need.
However, I know if I take on this weight loss journey alone I have a risk of developing eating disorders again! I am looking for friends and support but I'm want to give back and help others if I can. So give me an add & hopefully we can climb this mountain together and come out on top healthier than before.


  • Hi Sylvia I'm 22 and a college student as well who works 12hour shifts 5 days a week so I get it. MY highest was 248 I managed to drop down to 212 then back up and now I'm at 230 and losing. I'm going to add you becauseI need motivation as well. I just want to be under 200 soooo bad thats my first goal. We can do this! :D
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you so much. I was starting to think I had the plague or something because no one was adding me! I totally need support I keep trying without it and I lose but then I gain back! I need someone to keep my hand stuck to the fire if you know what I mean! Sounds like we are in a very similar boat!
  • lol no problem. I need to add friends too. This worked for me before and the biggest thing that helped were the people on my friends list encouraging me.
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    See I have tried this before but never with friends just to track my calories and it worked for awhile but not long so I figured I give the community a try
  • I am not a college student, but I defiantly understand where you are coming from. I am currently the heaviest I have ever been at 207. I just rejoined yesterday and also looking for friends to help keep me motivated and accountable. I will add you as well. We can do this!!!
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    Sounds wonderful I look forward to going through this journey with you I need to lose about 120 pounds. I'm 5'9 so pretty tall!
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi there! I'm a 19-year-old British uni student, who started off with 71lbs to lose and now has 28lbs to lose. For many months I didn't add any friends on here and then decided to do so when I found myself losing motivation - and it really helped! Anyone can feel free to add me :smile:
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    I added you panda it's awesome that you came this far! Keep going! & we will stay motivated together
  • kristinhowell
    kristinhowell Posts: 139 Member
    It's definitely easier with friends. I lost 19 pounds on my own, stayed around there for a few months, then dropped another 77 once I got myself motivated and surrounded myself with motivated people on here. And I just graduated and finished an internship in December, so definitely possible to lose weight whilst a full time student. Good luck!
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you Kristin that gives me hope! & congrats on finishing your recent internship!
  • Emmyr22
    Emmyr22 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I'll add you and offer any support i can. I'm a 22 year old student who works also. My highest weight was 259 and I am currently 239. I was very athletic in high school, but after,more then a few rough patches I gained all this weight, I never wanted to hit the 200's. But you have the right attitude. It is all about the future!
  • SylviaGem
    SylviaGem Posts: 51 Member
    Sounds good Emily I'll accept your request & we can work through this together!