Looking for motivational friends to motivate each other?

Feel free to contact me, i'm just starting off so theres a long way ahead but it would be nice to have someone to share the journey with.


  • I'm just starting too! Add me ☺
  • Michelle! I am Bob, a 34 year old 318 pounder. I own an insurance agency, and went from heavy to obese in the 5 years while I got my business going. Now that I am on my way professionally, I want some fitness back. I am a month deep, good diet, no alcohol, regular exercise and down about 15 lbs. I got on a treadmill today, could only run a quater mile, and decided to do the broad street 10 mile run on may 3rd. Could use some comrades on my journey so if you feel like helping one another than cool. I am full of useless info and love motivational quotes. I am like a fat Tony Robbins! Best, Bob
  • EdGoPro
    EdGoPro Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just like you. Just starting out. I'm ready to go! I weigh 219 and doc wants me down to 200 lbs. Like yesterday. I'm right on the line to becoming a diabetic, so I need to loss weight. I kicked my smoking habit about 6 yrs ago. So I should be OK getting into shape. Want to be friends? Were both starting out, so kind of in the same boat. :)

  • Well done on quitting smoking! And yeah, my app wont let me add people but if you add me we can chat about things more!