Need some recurring support n motivation..

Ok, so I've never used this portion of the app. Not quite sure how things work as far as messages, forums, groups, etc. So bare with me please!

My goal is to loose 20lbs but I just cannot seem to stay on track. I want this more than anything but when food comes into the picture that's all I think about.

What I would like is to have a few people on here that have the same goals as me to kind of hold eachother accountable. I think if I have someone to see my progress (or non-progress) that I can do this a little easier. Help...


  • pattig22
    pattig22 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same place as you. I've been using this app, a fitbit, on and off for over a year and have lost 0 pounds. I think of food and I'm drawn in like a magnet. I have about 30-40 pounds to lose. I just joined a 90-day challenge at my gym and know I have the inner strength to succeed (I have in other areas of my life, so why not in fitness and health?). Let's do it!
  • Adrienne0509
    Adrienne0509 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I unfortunately have been an on and off user but I'm determined to stay committed this time lol.
    Like I said earlier, not sure how it all works, do we just need to add one another? (So behind on technology)