339 lbs and hitt training?

Hey everyone,

I have a question and I hoping that people who are in the same situation or have been will be able to help me. I would really like to do interval training to help with my weight loss as I have heard that it is really good for burning calories and fat. I have been looking on line and have found a few things that I might be able to do but nothing that I seem to be able to piece together to make for a good routine. I can not, at this time, do planks, burpees, or other things like. I can do squats or more likely sit squats, and use a kettle bell, and free weights. I think I can also use a stepper if it is set to the smallest step (I have a knee injury), and I love the bands.

Any suggestions would be helpful and appreciated

Thank you



  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Can you take walks, do water aerobics or swim some laps.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    queenliz99 wrote: »
    Can you take walks, do water aerobics or swim some laps.
    excellent advice for someone looking to lose with knee problems.
    i physically couldnt do HITT to any benefit until i was under 200 lbs.
    good luck on your journey.

  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    I can do those things yes :D
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited January 2015
    HIIT training is just *how* you put it together- it is not one particular exercise.

    You can HIIT or do interval training with your walk.... walk slower- walk faster... it's just how you organize it- and it's removing the rest breaks essentially so it keeps your heart rate up.
    excellent advice for someone looking to lose with knee problems.
    odds are her knee problems are exacerbated with the extra weight.

    Even if she does pool work she can still do HIIT training.
  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    OK that helps because every video I look up it looks like they are doing 4 or so exercises and repeat. My knee problems are made worse by the weight (started by falling down stairs). I am just looking for ways to amp up my exercises without putting too much strain on my body... if that is possible.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    edited January 2015
    Use the HIIT pattern (and you can start light even with that, like 15 second work 15 seconds rest) but come up with your own exercises - anything that gets your heart rate going. If you have light dumbbells you could do it almost exclusively with upper body moves like boxing or shoulder presses. (eta: for real don't underestimate how much just holding your arms at/above your chest elevates your heart rate) Also doing kettlebell swings with the dumbbells is a good way to ease into squatting, I find the weight helps my form by counterbalancing me when I sit back on my heels. Also make compound moves to elevate your heart rate.

    What about rear lunges? I found those doable even in my worst shape. Do a rear lunge with a bicep curl. Tricep extension with side leg lift. Side lunge with one-arm row. Check out youtube videos and find some moves you want to try.
    I have a hiit DVD that I really like and the pattern is:
    First Four exercises: 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, x2
    then 45 seconds rest
    then repeat

    Second Four exercises, same thing

    Third four exercises, same thing

    So maybe pick four with dumbbells, then four with the band, then four with the kettlebell or something like that (it's a pain to switch out equipment in 10 seconds).

    Oh and if you aren't already, wrap up that knee!

    Sorry for unorganized post lol, too many ideas :)

  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    This is really helpful thank you. I think I'll be looking for some more information on what exercises to do but putting together my own routine will be great.
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    I started at 320#, and found that modifying exercises, rather than substituting them, helped condition me to be able to do those exercises.

    There's no way I could do a burpee when I first started (and I did 12 in a row for the first time yesterday, still at 270#), but I could squat down, step back with my right foot, step back with my left, step in with my right, step in with my left, then stand up. Try doing one at a time, and see how it goes.

    I can still only plank for about 30 seconds at once. But you can modify by dropping your knees down to the floor and holding a half plank. The trick is to make sure your booty is down- find the angle that you can feel your core muscles engaging, and hold as long as possible. Next time, try to increase by 5 seconds. And so on.

    Other things I've done in HIIT classes (that are easily Google-able to give you far better instructions than I could): Speed Skaters, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Low Jacks/Half Jacks (like jumping jacks, but less intense- can also be modified to not actually have to jump), Mountain Climbers. Also Google "modifications" or "low impact modifications" for any exercises you see that you'd like to try but can't quite do yet.

    Feel free to send me a friend request or any messages if you'd like. I'm not an expert, but I started near where you are (including a bum knee), and have kind of become a fitness junkie in the past year.
  • Nitenurse84
    Nitenurse84 Posts: 5 Member
    Im 205 currently, and slight knee problems. I do Jillian Michaels and modify. It will get you to where you need to be.