New here....looking for motivational support..80 pounds to loose

I'm new to MyFitnessPal and looking for some motivational support. My goal is to loose 80 pounds. I have had problems with my weight all my life ( I am 43). 20 years ago I lost 65 pounds and gained it all back. 3 years ago I lost 40 pounds and gained back 20, so here I am needing to loose once again. It seems like I get on the right track for a while, than slip back into my old eating habits. I have been doing good, food wise, for the last 2 weeks, which I am proud of myself for that, just need to work up more ambition to exercise. I do have a fit bit, which I used for the first time yesterday, and had 9800 steps in by the end of my day. Looking for some others who are in my situation looking to loose weight.


  • Hi, my goal is to loose 70lbs. I started watching my calories two days ago and so far I've been able to do it. I also started using my Fitbit last night. My problem is I feel like I have no time to exercise. So I decided that maybe counting calories will help me lose some weight along with exercising when I can. I'd love some support with this journey of losing weight or should I say struggle to make better life choices.
  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    Hi! I lost 86 pounds using MFP. Would love to be friends. Feel free to add me.
  • Good morning=) I am new to this site, but not to weight loss. If it is one thing I have learned with this, it's that there is no quick fix, no stupid diet or magic pill. It takes time and focus long term. I have lost a total of 90 pounds in 10 months and have 75 left to go. It is just sheer will at this point, I MAKE the time for exercise (even if it's 10 pm, I don't care)! For motivation, I do a few things:
    -Read success stories- very motivating!
    -When I am walking for exercise I imagine my thin self ahead of me, and I chase her!!
    -I do not weigh myself too often, your weight will fluctuate a little bit daily and may discourage you. Adding muscle from working out may increase your weight so pay more attention to the way your clothes fit.
    - Google before and after pics of people who have lost weight.
    -Definitely keep a food journal
    - I always bring my own food if I am going to a family gathering....big Italian family= danger! lol I once brought my own munchies to a super bowl party.

    You got this!!

  • michanda2015
    michanda2015 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks for the tips...I love reading success stories!
  • michanda2015
    michanda2015 Posts: 30 Member
    Larrythefish good job on calorie counting...Keep it up! I've been counting for two weeks now and have not weighed myself since than....Monday will be my weigh day...hope its down at least 2 pounds. I also feel sometimes I don't have time to exercise too, but at work I will take the stairs instead of the elevator, and when shopping I park in the back of the parking lot so I have to walk farther. Just these little things I hope help! Keep it up!
  • Badassshaz
    Badassshaz Posts: 9 Member
    After struggling for years.. up and down and up.. 2015 is the year of FIT! Have 40kgs to lose. So far, the tracking us helping curb the indiscriminate eating, and I have managed to go to the gym regularly (early days, I know). I feel that having a fitness goal might help obsessing too much about the food aspect, although food is of course a vital aspect. Lets keep it going and get fit and healthy!