For you, who is the person you're most excited to show your weight loss progress to?



  • Lourdesong
    Lourdesong Posts: 1,492 Member
    Probably my husband, but really it's about me and how I want to feel when I'm naked. Sex with the lights on without me cringing about it would be nice.

    Also my doctor, my last check up was in June and I had only just started MFP and lost 3 lbs from my last check-up, so I am indeed very curious what his reaction will be at my check-up next month when I've lost 75 or so lbs.
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    Me (too)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    My PCP and my PsyD. They have both seen me at my worst and are seeing the differences. Both have commented that they would love to use me as an example for other patients and I want to continue to justify that faith in me and my progress. My doctor calls me her "poster child" for how to turn your health around.
  • TheDoughnutTheif
    TheDoughnutTheif Posts: 349 Member
    My wife, I have stopped emailing her progress pictures, so I can see her reaction when i return "half" the man I was.
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    khanskitty wrote: »
    My Husband.. He is my support.. If the kids interfere with my weight loss exercises he finds them something to do, he takes my grocery list every week while I am working and picks up all the healthy things I need vs what the family can eat without me.. He always reminds me to do this for me because he wants me healthy and happy.. When I met him 6 years ago I was a size 22 after losing 50 pounds (my max 7 years ago was 325). he helped me get down more to a 12/14 after having our little one I had stopped trying.. Soon as he saw I was ready to go down he has been by my side through it all. Never making me feel insecure or pushy for it just supportive..

    I can not wait to be at goal 60 pounds to go and walk out in that little black dress and watch his face!!

    That's so sweet! It's so lovely that your husband supports you like that! I'm sure he will love seeing you a little black dress! That's very sweet <3
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    palwithme wrote: »
    The *difficult* people at work. Take that! Ha Ha.

    Ahahah Your answer is so unique! Yes I also have a few people that I wouldn't mind showing for "take that!" purposes! It's a great feeling when you pull out on top infront of the people that never thought you would!
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My husband. He's my biggest supporter and cheerleader. He is also the first person to let me know when it's time for me to go shopping for smaller clothes. :)

    Nyaww that's sweet!
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My sister cause we've always had a kind of weight competition between us. For years I was much heavier than her and then I started losing while she started gaining.
    I became lighter than her and then she joined WW again and lost it and now we are within 4 pounds of each other.

    Oh wow, that's lovely!! It's nice to hear about such a strong connection between sisters and it's so sweet that you're sharing this experience together! :)
    Aaaa I'm jealous! I've always wanted a sister but I got stuck with two brothers instead ;)
    I love having a sister and I love her so much!
    My daughter is the oldest of my 3 children and although she loves her 2 brothers, and is very close to them, she also always longed for a sister!

    I'm the youngest! I always wanted a little sister to take care of! But I guess one day I'll have that in a daughter. I have a sisterly relationship with my best friend though, since we're childhood friends. So I at least have an idea of what it's like to have a sister, although she's not a little sister XP
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    That's good :) It's always important to think about yourself aswell :)
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Probably my husband, but really it's about me and how I want to feel when I'm naked. Sex with the lights on without me cringing about it would be nice.

    Also my doctor, my last check up was in June and I had only just started MFP and lost 3 lbs from my last check-up, so I am indeed very curious what his reaction will be at my check-up next month when I've lost 75 or so lbs.

    Yeah :) It's probably no where near equivalent, but today I finally wore my first ever bikini :) that was a great NSV for me :) it's nice to not have to worry about your body as much, even if I still worry a bit, because I haven't quite reached my goal weight, I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin. For me as well, it's mostly about me (and I won't lie also clothes XP) but there are some people where I think seeing the shocked look on their face would be wonderful.

    For me it's my doctor too!!! Wow you've lost heaps!!!! I've lost about 25 ibs. It'll be cool, for my doctor to see me liek that, but I think it would be most exciting for him to see me at my GW which is about 18/25 ibs more. I've had on again and off again problems with my back (I'm a teenager so this a biggg problem for someone so young) and I've been told several times losing weight would /really/ help, I can't wait for him to see that I followed his advice. I think that's a rare thing for doctors, for people to actually follow their advice and give up the fast food or the cigarettes or start brushing their teeth more regularly. It's silly but I'm so determined to wear a crop top so that he can see its not some weird optical illusion and there actually is no excess fat there (besides healthy looking fat of course).

    Ever since I've begun losing weight I picture this scene where I walk in, and he gives me this strange look, but eh hasn't seen me in a long time, so he turns away and checks his record and it says 78 kilos, so he turns to me and says, "Um, I'll just get you to step on the scales for a moment." and this time I won't blush or whine I'll nod confidently, and I'll step on, and the little red arrow will race forward and for a moment, I'll panic, what if my scales at home are broken, what if I really haven't lost all that much weight, but the arrow will stop short of my old weight, 20 kilos short. and he'll look at the scales and then to me, and then to the scales, and then to me again, and a big kind smile will crack his before stoic face and he'll grin and say "You lost all this weight? You're so healthy now, I'm so proud of your accomplishment."

    Aaaa sorry, I have an over active imagination! Aha, but that moment in particular, I think, will be the biggest victory for me :)
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    My PCP and my PsyD. They have both seen me at my worst and are seeing the differences. Both have commented that they would love to use me as an example for other patients and I want to continue to justify that faith in me and my progress. My doctor calls me her "poster child" for how to turn your health around.

    That's so lovely!! For me it's also my doctor, he doesn't know yet that I've lost 25 ibs, and I don't plan on him knowing until I lose the other 25 ibs, it's a little indecent but I want to stroll in there in a crop top, instead of buried under thick trackies and a tshirt. I have this little fantasy of him being so astonished, he's been my family's GP since before I was born, so he's been looking out for me for a long time, and watched me stack on the weight, it would sure be lovely for him to see that I've finally decided to take positive actions towards a healthy life style.

  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    My wife, I have stopped emailing her progress pictures, so I can see her reaction when i return "half" the man I was.

    That's lovely and so cute!! she'll be so surprised and happy I'm sure!! :)
  • BethLiam1
    BethLiam1 Posts: 15 Member
    palwithme wrote: »
    The *difficult* people at work. Take that! Ha Ha.

    Ahahah Your answer is so unique! Yes I also have a few people that I wouldn't mind showing for "take that!" purposes! It's a great feeling when you pull out on top infront of the people that never thought you would!
    I have the one at work who loves to one up everyone and as evil as it sounds I love seeing her face as she watches me slim down... So I totally get this
  • RebeccaChemmy
    RebeccaChemmy Posts: 66 Member
    Boyfriend's parents in March. His mother never particularly liked me and I think me being a bit fat was just something else to add to her list. :p
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited January 2015
    The self-centered witches at my old high school who thought they could completely disrespect me because of my weight. I moved away from that high school right before my senior year, lost almost 80 pounds in the year and a half since the move, and would love to crash one of their reunions and show them that I am a person who demands respect at any weight.

    I ended up writing a letter to my former pediatrician (needed some information he had in order for me to attend my university) and mentioned that I lost a ton of weight. Literally, two or so years prior to that letter, he noticed my weight and made a comment that "I shouldn't be eating big macs at every meal" (I never had a burger in my life). I loved getting my revenge and mentioning that I am at a healthy weight and still haven't tried a Big Mac. :blush:
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    Boyfriend's parents in March. His mother never particularly liked me and I think me being a bit fat was just something else to add to her list. :p

    That sucks! But surely she'll be moved by the determination you must have to lose the weight you needed to lose!
  • LauraSav97
    LauraSav97 Posts: 55 Member
    abatonfan wrote: »
    The self-centered witches at my old high school who thought they could completely disrespect me because of my weight. I moved away from that high school right before my senior year, lost almost 80 pounds in the year and a half since the move, and would love to crash one of their reunions and show them that I am a person who demands respect at any weight.

    I ended up writing a letter to my former pediatrician (needed some information he had in order for me to attend my university) and mentioned that I lost a ton of weight. Literally, two or so years prior to that letter, he noticed my weight and made a comment that "I shouldn't be eating big macs at every meal" (I never had a burger in my life). I loved getting my revenge and mentioning that I am at a healthy weight and still haven't tried a Big Mac. :blush:

    Well, they do say that the best revenge is living well! Good on you! It's horrible to hear you got bullied, but ohohohohooh the sweet justice when they finally see you! How terrible, it's absolutely horrendous that a doctor would make that sort of remark. my doctor is very pleasant and I really adore him, he's been hinting for me to slim down for ages. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he finally sees me after I've reached my GW (He hasn't seen me since before I begun and since I've lost 25 ibs but I still need to lose 20-25 more) He'll be so happy and pleasantly surprised. I know doctors have patient where they tellt hem to do something for ages for the good of their own health. well, /I/ listened, I feel like not only is it a victory for me, but for him also!
    As I described to Lourdesong I have this whole little fantasy in my head of how it'll go and how happy and surprised he'll be.
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    My father, who is very ill. He motivated me and I am doing it for him.
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    Of course I am very happy for my husband to notice - but after all the wonderful years we have had with me at so many different weights, I am not sure that it means that much to him. Which is both good and bad. . . mostly good. I almost wonder if I am not the most pleased to share this with my closet. My closet that has been filled with clothes in every size and has likely scoffed at the thought of me keeping some of those things - as if I would ever be able to wear THAT again.
    And I love that there are so many comments about the medical community. I don't think I have lost enough yet that I will make any impression on my doctor, but I love to see so many who have
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Lourdesong wrote: »
    Probably my husband, but really it's about me and how I want to feel when I'm naked. Sex with the lights on without me cringing about it would be nice.

    Also my doctor, my last check up was in June and I had only just started MFP and lost 3 lbs from my last check-up, so I am indeed very curious what his reaction will be at my check-up next month when I've lost 75 or so lbs.

    Holy smokes!! He better be sitting down! That's awesome :) You're a doc's dream! Congratulations!!