Boob size



  • As you can see from my pic I have boobs, I've overall lost 20lbs and have always been a 34D, I was recently measured and am now 32E...up a cup size!!!!! Don't know how that happened, fortunately I like mine so I'm not disappointed. I've found that Shock Absorber bras keep them totally still, no pain whatsoever, I'm now up to jogging for an hour so I'd know about it if the bra wasn't doing it's job!
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Peeked at your profile and see you're only 21 and that you still have 10 more pounds to lose.

    Those last ten pounds may make a difference, as apparently your body wants to let go off fat in the breasts last. So wait until you're in maintenance before making any decisions about surgery.

    Are you by any chance on a hormonal form of birth control? If so, you may want to also try going off that and using a barrier method instead to see if it makes a difference. It does make a difference in breast fullness for most women.

    When I was younger, I seriously thought about a reduction. I was about your age when I lost all this weight the first time, too. But over time, I got more comfortable with the girls. Finally sprouting some hips in my 20's helped there. Until I was around 20, I bought my pants in the boy's department as I quite literally did not have any hips or *kitten*. Why did hips not appear until I was 25? I have no idea. But once they showed up, I was a lot more balanced. Also, even though I always thought my breasts were too large (and made buying clothing annoying, involved a lot of tailoring bills, etc.), they did fit my frame. I'm fairly tall and broad shouldered. Whenever anyone ever learned my size, they were shocked. Partially because they're not comical on my frame but also because I learned how to dress around them. Evening wear and bathings suits usually shock people who've only seen me in normal clothes. You do learn how to work with them instead of letting them run your life, eventually.

    If you want to discuss surgery, you need to see a plastic surgeon.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I've gone from a 38DD to a 36DD but I've always been pretty busty. Sorry sweets. I think some of us are just built that way. I'm really hoping mine don't get smaller.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    I have lost over 50lbs and my cup size has only gone down one size. I was a GG and now a G. Band size has changed a lot. Was 36 and now wear a 32/30.

    I am unlikely to lose too much more because I am an ideal weight. It seems those of us who want to lose boobs don't and those who don't want to lose any lose them.
  • KateCon912
    KateCon912 Posts: 200 Member
    Peeked at your profile and see you're only 21 and that you still have 10 more pounds to lose.

    Those last ten pounds may make a difference, as apparently your body wants to let go off fat in the breasts last. So wait until you're in maintenance before making any decisions about surgery.

    Are you by any chance on a hormonal form of birth control? If so, you may want to also try going off that and using a barrier method instead to see if it makes a difference. It does make a difference in breast fullness for most women.

    When I was younger, I seriously thought about a reduction. I was about your age when I lost all this weight the first time, too. But over time, I got more comfortable with the girls. Finally sprouting some hips in my 20's helped there. Until I was around 20, I bought my pants in the boy's department as I quite literally did not have any hips or *kitten*. Why did hips not appear until I was 25? I have no idea. But once they showed up, I was a lot more balanced. Also, even though I always thought my breasts were too large (and made buying clothing annoying, involved a lot of tailoring bills, etc.), they did fit my frame. I'm fairly tall and broad shouldered. Whenever anyone ever learned my size, they were shocked. Partially because they're not comical on my frame but also because I learned how to dress around them. Evening wear and bathings suits usually shock people who've only seen me in normal clothes. You do learn how to work with them instead of letting them run your life, eventually.

    If you want to discuss surgery, you need to see a plastic surgeon.

    Wow this was helpful! I totally didn't think about my BC affecting them! But you're absolutely correct!! I was a 34C before I gained weight and around the time of gaining weight I changed BC. I bet that's why they got so big and haven't gotten smaller! I just hope that if I stop my BC they don't get all saggy. :(

    My original goal was to lose only 30 lbs but I added those extra 10 because I'm here and still not happy.

    Thanks so much for your advice!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Thanks everyone for you support! I don't know if breast reduction is an option for me.. they don't cause me any pain, however they may affect my posture a little. My reasons for wanting smaller boobs is because I like the look of smaller ones and feel insecure about mine. I want to be proud that I've lost so much weight but no one can even tell because of my chest. I still look huge because my chest hasn't changed. :( so depressing!

    What kind of doctor would I go to to discuss my options?

    Go to a good plastic surgeon, plan on being down about 2 weeks, you really need time to heal. And if you want it look into it, if it affects your posture it is a health issue! Most doctors will back you up on that in a heart beat with insurance companies!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    I just hope that if I stop my BC they don't get all saggy. :(

    To keep your boobs from getting saggy when you are losing weight... embarrassing to say, but if you wear a bra to sleep at night as well as during the day, it helps with the skin shrinking along with the fat... That's why if you get liposuction, they have you wear tight compression garments where you had surgery. Try that minimizer bra from Victoria Secret for daytime wear. You'll be fine. Not to worry.
  • lollie1285
    lollie1285 Posts: 239 Member
    I think there are just some of us who have naturally large boobs and they're not going to shrink no matter how much weight we lose. I'm at a healthy weight of 132 lbs, just about 5'6 inches tall, and my boobs are a DD. Those puppies aren't shrinking for anything. Now, one of my close friends had a C cup at one point because she gained so much weight. Then once the weight came off, so did her boobs, and now she's at an A cup. So, I suppose if you gain weight in your bra, you'll lose it in your bra. I obviously don't gain it there. I gain it all in my hips. I guess it's just like if someone were to gain it all in their stomach and that's where they'd lose it all. Who knows. I feel your pain though.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I just hope that if I stop my BC they don't get all saggy. :(

    To keep your boobs from getting saggy when you are losing weight... embarrassing to say, but if you wear a bra to sleep at night as well as during the day, it helps with the skin shrinking along with the fat... That's why if you get liposuction, they have you wear tight compression garments where you had surgery. Try that minimizer bra from Victoria Secret for daytime wear. You'll be fine. Not to worry.

    I always, always, always wear a bra. Underwire during the day, cotton or other stretchy type bra at night. Skin is mostly what holds them up and I do my best to protect it!

    Being 21 REALLY helps with the saggy skin issue. Young skin is still very elastic and tends to bounce back. I went from a 40 D to a 34 DD whne I lost this 40 pounds the first time at 19 and had no problems at all with loose skin on my breasts, or anywhere else for that matter.
  • mariapuhl
    mariapuhl Posts: 529 Member
    I've gone from a 40D to a 36D now, so I feel your pain!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I wish I had the same problem. I've lost my last 20 pounds of pregnancy weight and now my boobs are totally deflated. I've got to go this weekend and get sized because I know I am probably in a B. I went from a 34D to probably a 34 or 32B. DEPRESSING. But, my savings has started for my boob job so I will get back up there before I hit 35!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Rice27
    Rice27 Posts: 29 Member
    I have teh same problem - no matter what weight I am i am always a 36/34DD I am 5 ft 2 in and even at 125 pounds they were still that size. I have lost 14 pounds so far this time and still no change. I have learned to deal with it - nothing else I can do but be proud of them lol :) **HUGS**
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    I feel you, I'm a 34 G and they can be so awkward sometimes! But it's just one of those things that I've learned to accept as a part of who I am. I spend a good amount of money on very supportive and good quality bras, I see it as an investment because they help my posture and your silhouette looks a ton better when you're getting the proper support that your boobs need.

    On a side note, I wouldn't go to Victoria's Secret for bra fittings. I got measured there and the sales girl told me I was a 36 DD. I was still popping out of the bras, but I didn't know any better and I needed a new bra so I bought it anyway (VS doesn't carry sizes larger than 36-38DD, so she was obviously lying to me in order to make a sale.) After a few weeks I couldn't take the discomfort any longer and I went to a small privately owned lingerie shop downtown. I was measured there as a 34 F/G and when I tried on that size it was unlike anything my poor boobies have felt before. LOL the support and comfort of a great fitting bra is simply unmatched, and I think that it's even more important for us busty girls to get properly fitted because we are carrying around so much weight on our chests that a good bra really does make a world of difference. I will probably never get surgery, unless they get a lot bigger after having kids and nursing. Plus my husband would probably never forgive me hahaha:laugh:
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I've gone from a 40D to a 36D now, so I feel your pain!

    I got ya beat . I was 48 H and now 34B ..... UGH:grumble:
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Ok so I have lost 30 lbs so far and my bra size hasn't changed! I started off a 36D and just got measured over the weekend at Victoria's Secret and I'm now a 34D. However, when I bought a 34D bra and tried it on after I got home, my boobs were still popping out of it! I am 5'5" and 130 lbs now with these huge boobs and I really would like them to shrink! Everyone says losing weight will do it, but it hasn't for me! I am a belly dancer and it's really awkward to have these big boobs and all I fit into are sports bras. It's very unattractive and I'm very self conscious about it especially when performing. Does anyone else have this problem? How can I get them to shrink without surgery?

    Thanks everyone!

    Dear belly dancer with big boobs: will you marry me? Fusion.gif

    No rush on an answer. Take the weekend if you like.
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,075 Member
    Things can always change. Ask yourself why you are focusing so much of how you feel about yourself based on how others are perceiving your weight loss.

    You know you have lost weight. Embrace what you have and work with it. I could honestly give two flips about what people think about my looks. I'm finally in a place where I'm happy with myself and that's satisfaction enough. Hugs!
  • cmehrer
    cmehrer Posts: 10
    might help to wear one of those sauna belts around ur boobs to help them get warmer during a work out? ive thought about doing that cuz i have the same issues!! stupid boobs making clothes look bad
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I understand your frustration. I hate, Hate, HATE my boobs. When I was 120 lbs, I was a 32A and all was right with the world. Hockey gear fit, sport bras fit, and clothes actually looked good on me. Then I gained weight and my boobs grew...and grew....and grew.....

    Now, even though I have gone from a 44DDD to a 40, I am still popping out of a DD. As a swimmer, it is extremely hard to find race suits that allow for large boobs and I look like a Weeble-Wobble. Even when I lost 7 lbs recently, my chesticles stayed the same size. What's really bad is that I have to adjust the seat in my 4Runner to allow space for my boobs from the steering wheel.

    I go on Monday for an MRI of my cervical spine. I have a hump growing right at the base of my neck from boob-related posture, I have paralytic numbness of my left arm and I have those giant indentions from my bra straps on my shoulders. Depending on the results of the MRI, I just might be able to get a breast reduction.

    It sure would be nice to see my toes again!!!
  • Forensic
    Forensic Posts: 468 Member
    I think a lot of the 'didn't change cup size' comes from the fact that a 38D has smaller cups than, say, a 42D. Sometimes the difference can be quite dramatic, too.
  • gailosborne
    gailosborne Posts: 435
    Im the same height as you and weigh 140 ish, I was the same size as you when I got to goal about 18 months ago but as I've got into training and have changed my body composition I have gone to a C! I don't mind because I do a lot of running but would like them to stay as they are now!

    We always want what we haven't got, I am sure you look gorgeous - you look great on your photo!!:flowerforyou: