I'm 53. 100 lb. over weight and determined. PLEASE HELP ME:)

Hi everyone! Please help me on my journey. I have the longest journey of my life trying to get this weight off for good. I need your help!! Please friend me and give me some support! I don't know how to make friends on here. Where do I go to add a friend?


  • Cathy121314
    Cathy121314 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi Nancy -- feel free to add me! I'm 42 and have about 50 to lose. It's rough!! Good luck to you.
  • missuzanne916
    Hi Nancy,
    I'm new here so I don't know what I'm doing either. If you figure out how to add a friend first could you please add me. I'm 51 with 120 pounds to lose. I could really use a friend too. I'll try to figure adding friends out too. Then we can work together on this weight loss journey.
  • scrounger888
    scrounger888 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey! I'm only in my mid-30s but I definitely share your struggle. I was doing OK last year but then fell off the food wagon and managed to gain about 10 more pounds over the last couple of months, Christmas killed me. Now I have to lose about 65 pounds (I'll still technically be overweight but I was happy at that weight before so it's my goal for now), and it's not easy for any of us. Heck, if it were easy, we'd all be at a healthy weight!!

    I'll add you as a friend.
  • missuzanne916
    Do we have to add friends through facebook?
  • sharon227222
    sharon227222 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there I'm the same I needs to lose weight for my daughters graduate that's this year I don't want to be on the photos felling like this help
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi Nancy, I just requested being a friend. I am 54. At my heaviest I was 160 (before MFP) . I am currently at 136 but I am determined to get down to 125 which I havent seen in over 30 years (funny but when I was 125 back in my 20's that was my "heavy"weight). Besides just making friends here, you should look into joining some groups. The ones that are helping to keep me motivated are called 1) . 150 days until summer (they have a spread sheet that you record your weight each week). 2) walk around the earth challenge (this is my favorite group to get me moving. Each week you post how many miles you walk/bike/swim/etc. and the creator of the group adds them up and posts where we are at. Unfortunately the creator of the group has been MIA for a week but the rest of the group, including me are still posting our miles). 3). Over fifty group (a nice group of people in our age range to chat with). And I just joined a new group called 6 week ultimate fitness challenge (it starts up on 18th so I have no clue what its about yet). Good luck and you can do it.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    To send a friend request, click on the blue user name on the left of the message. That will take you to a page with a button that says Send Friend Request.

    Friend requests will come as notifications in your email if you chose that option when you set up MFP. You can also see requests when you go to the "HOME" button on the top of every screen and look at the small icons, like envelopes, on the top of the Home page.

  • nancyhfuller
    nancyhfuller Posts: 25 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Thank you all!! I know I can do this and I hope to see you allll in my journey there!!!
  • aveneg1960
    aveneg1960 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in, have at least 50 to lose, finally getting serious. 54 years old, living in the great state of Texas! I will add you as a friend, need help staying on track.
  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Nancy I sent you a friend request :)
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! Add me as a friend! You can reach your goals!
  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me! YOU SRE DOING GREAT!!!
  • cheryllumbra
    I have just started. I have 110 pounds to lose. I too need support and help. I usually start out great and then slowly give up and i don't want to do that this time.i will help you and you can please help me and we will all be winners. God bless
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    You can do this. Remember it's not a race, it's a lifestyle. There will be great days, bad days, and days that you want to give up - don't!

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'll add you as a friend. you got this!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member

    This woman's experience inspired me to keep doing what I am doing because I still have a ways to go. Getting the sense I was about to drown in my diet related health issues last year was what it took for me to get serious about keeping my health as long as possible. This time around I am working to develop an new eating lifestyle that will over time bring my weight back into a more healthy range with out ever craving for foods or trying to 'lose' weight again.

    Best wishes.
  • cheryllumbra
    Ty in my mind i know this but i am emotional eater. I just have find Something. Else to do besides eat. Sounds simple but it's not always. Good advice and ty for replying. Looking forward to keep losing
  • renfen
    renfen Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 53. I've lost 17 so far with 49 to go before my August 1 goal. Add me! As a matter of fact, I'd love to have a few more friends so anyone else can add me too!
  • gailhedrick
    gailhedrick Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everybody!!! Thank you all!! I know I can do this and I hope to see you allll in my journey there!!!
    TTcarey wrote: »
    Hi Nancy I sent you a friend request :)
    Hi everyone! Please help me on my journey. I have the longest journey of my life trying to get this weight off for good. I need your help!! Please friend me and give me some support! I don't know how to make friends on here. Where do I go to add a friend?
    Hi everyone! Please help me on my journey. I have the longest journey of my life trying to get this weight off for good. I need your help!! Please friend me and give me some support! I don't know how to make friends on here. Where do I go to add a friend?

  • nancyhfuller
    nancyhfuller Posts: 25 Member
    So..I am down 14 pounds since I started Jan3..Thank you everyone who supports me!!