The cons of Curves?



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Haven't personally tried it, but from my mom's and her friend's experiences:

    - Be careful when you sign a contract, cause you will always get jipped if you leave before it runs out
    - It's more of a place where people go to chat while they work out
    - No possibility of increasing your weights (that's why I won't join)

    And who wants to do Zumba in a circuit?! :bigsmile:
  • treadingpurple
    I used to go to Curves with my Mom before my birth defect progressed and damaged more of my nerves and muscles in my lower body. I didn't lose any weight while I was there, even when I was on their diet program and their supplements. In fact, I think I gained weight. I got bored of the same routine and it go to the point where the exercises didn't even break a sweat.

    I too had trouble with them being rude and irritated when I wanted to cancel my membership. They kept saying that they'd offer me a discounted membership fee. I kept trying to explain to them that my legs were giving out more and more and spasming a lot, and that it was hard to keep my balance on the machines. They wouldn't listen. Eventually, I had to bring a note from my doctor to prove, that my birth defect was progressing. A month later, the owners called me to see if i wanted to join again because they were having a big bargain. This time, I went to there, in my wheelchair, and showed them that there was no way I could exercise there anymore and could they please stop bothering me. i never heard from them again.

    Now, my birth defect has gone into the remitting stage (it is a relapsing/remitting defect), so I am able to walk with a walker or cane again, but I would never join Curves again. I prefer just going to the health club.

  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok, I'm no athlete, but if I take the time out to go to the gym, I want to work out. I want to push myself. I want to make it worth my while.

    This usually involves working up a sweat.

    At Curved this was literally frowned upon. People commented on it, and turned in fans. It was humiliating.

    And this wad for a tiny sheen. Now I go to a gym where we all leave puddles under our spin bikes.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Haven't personally tried it, but from my mom's and her friend's experiences:

    - Be careful when you sign a contract, cause you will always get jipped if you leave before it runs out
    - It's more of a place where people go to chat while they work out
    - No possibility of increasing your weights (that's why I won't join)

    And who wants to do Zumba in a circuit?! :bigsmile:

    You know they are losing ground when they had to add Zumba as part of their program. The commercials are just sad.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Can you adjust the resistance on the machines?

    No, you can not change the resistance. If you are part of Curves Smart, the system will change the resistance according to your progress.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    The Curves I used to belong to, had a large population of elderly women. Which is wonderful that they were keeping active and fit. BUT, it seemed to take a little extra time for them to get on and off the equipment. I felt like I was spending way too much time waiting to get on a machine. It was never a 30 minute workout. Additionally, the cushions that people would use were a bit of nuisance. I did not need to use them, but those that did would often leave them there on the machine and the next person to come along would have to deal with it.

    Lastly, the Curves I went to had a worker that was over weight and would notoriously sit there and eat crap at her desk. Candy bars and chips. Needless to say, I did not keep my membership there for very long.

  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    repetitive and boring
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    Can you adjust the resistance on the machines?

    This was my major problem with Curves. I did it for 6 months, it was very social, but the median age was 60 and I was 30 at the time. I got above and beyond the capability of the machines and it didn't take long. The cardio was only as intense as you made it. Often times, I'd have to wait for someone to finish to get on a machine because there weren't enough open spaces. Most of the people where I went were very large women who it simply killed them and I needed more.

    Plus, the owner of our curves was overweight, lazy, sat and ate snacks while we worked out. She gossiped about me because I brought up that it wasn't intense enough for me, she told me to go faster on the reps, I was moving as fast as I could :) She then told people that the only way I would get more muscle tone was to lose more weight - I was really light weight already by that point.

    The kicker to me leaving - was I'd been attending daily for 6 months- paying my bill monthly, signing in daily - and I got a post card in the mail from her saying "we've missed you, please come back" - I'd never been GONE! And I figured if she saw me daily and didn't know who I was in this really small down - and I'm not shy or quiet - that she obviously didn't need my $$ anyway. I drove by the other day and think she is out of business.... wonder why.
  • robie
    robie Posts: 7
    I think if you have not been doing any exersicing this is a great way to start but you can also get to a point where it is not enough
    The curves I go to do not have the problems that have been spoken about here. The one I go to everyone is very supportive of each other. The age range is between 30 and 70 but that is inspiring to me that there are 70 year olds out there working on their health and fitness. The lady that works there is about 45-50 and looks hot for her age and that is all she does besides a good diet. I on the other hand go three times a week and then run in the treadmill and use free weights and bike ride a couple times a week. I think if you can find anything to mix up you excercise program you will stay focused and keep from being bored,you just have to find what works for you