Hi there! Looking for motivation friends :)



  • rgmooney66
    rgmooney66 Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me , I'm on daily and am very supportive
  • jessicahyde
    jessicahyde Posts: 10 Member
    Hey you can fill free to add me as a friend. I have pretty much the same goals and i do need a support group to encourage me and push me to keep going. I am on here everyday and I will help support you as well. please add me i need the support :D
  • Alicia_1981
    Alicia_1981 Posts: 32 Member
    edited January 2015
    Always looking to make new friends I am on daily and have open food logs
  • Hey you can fill free to add me as a friend. I have pretty much the same goals and i do need a support group to encourage me and push me to keep going. I am on here everyday and I will help support you as well. please add me i need the support :D
    Hey Jess for some reason I can't add people from here since I'm on my phone. But you can add me.
  • leighdavies03
    leighdavies03 Posts: 20 Member
    Add me x x
  • Ginoza
    Ginoza Posts: 21
    we have practically the same weight goals and height! I sent you an invite :)
  • leighdavies03
    leighdavies03 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi yes please do love to help eachother out x x
  • Me too! Add me sa a friend. I need motivation to loose weight!!!
  • ROBtheMFPmachine
    ROBtheMFPmachine Posts: 59 Member
    Hey all...the more friends the better, for support, motivation, accountability etc. Please add! :)
  • Hey! Looking for some more friends for motivation. Feel free to add me :D
  • zakipoo30
    zakipoo30 Posts: 5
    edited January 2015
    Hello I've got similar goals as well, feel free to check my dairy and help me out if I'm doing anything wrong.

    6'4 290 lbs with a goal to drop to 225-230 lbs.

    Been on the fruit smoothie diet for almost a week now and enjoying it while I use this app.

    Feel free to add/connect with me.
  • Hey also looking for motavatonal friends to keep on track
  • Starting weight 240 my goal is 130 lbs I'm 5'2 and I need to become heathier!
  • aoibhs22
    aoibhs22 Posts: 55 Member
    Add away guys, back at it. Taking up running. No chocolate during the week.
  • lauramh7684
    lauramh7684 Posts: 23 Member
    This app is fab and people on here will keep you motivated - feel free to add
  • Hey you! I'm 22yo, 5'7 and ~170lbs and my goal is for now 140. Or I'd be more comfy saying 171cm and 78kg. Metric system rules. I'll try to friend some of you so we can motivate each other! I'm logging everyday to update my food diary, I hope my enthusiasm lasts, and yours too!
  • dij1112
    dij1112 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! Just joined the site today and would love to make some motivated friends to keep each other on track! I'm "slim" by societies standards with problem areas, also very unfit with poor eating habits and looking to live a more healthy, active lifestyle. Feel free to add me :smile: