Looking for people with a considerable amount of weight to lose



  • I have 100 pounds to lose. I am determined, but have said that before.
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    I have a lot to lose too - at least 50pounds. Into week 2 now and lost 5 pounds my first week - delighted :-) The motivation and support on this page is fantastic :-) I'm also blogging about my journey here - https://awordygirly.wordpress.com/. Feel free to add me :-)
  • rgmooney66
    rgmooney66 Posts: 43 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • biidias
    biidias Posts: 10
    Hi!! I have about 17 kg to lose
  • biidias
    biidias Posts: 10
    *Hi! I have about 17 kg to lose. But feel free for add me.
  • okieteachertales
    okieteachertales Posts: 5 Member
    Feel free to add me too. I'm new to MFP so I'm not sure how all of this works, but I have 100+ to lose and would love to connect with people that understand the struggles.
  • JenW70503
    JenW70503 Posts: 22 Member
    I have a lot to lose too--right around 125 pounds. Feel free to add me, I'm dedicated and in for the long haul and it's important to have friends along the way to help keep you motivated!
  • firnatine633
    firnatine633 Posts: 10 Member
    I have 100 to lose, with the right motivation we all can achieve our goals. Sending FR
  • ldridi
    ldridi Posts: 2 Member
    Would like to join the 100+ group!
  • TheCriz76
    TheCriz76 Posts: 83 Member
    Feel free to add me as well...I've got 140+ to lose
  • Iloveyarnz
    Iloveyarnz Posts: 10 Member
    Hullo! I for sure have over 100 to lose. Since June 2014, I have lost 40ish pounds. Can't stop won't stop! :) Best of luck to you!
  • deathbybunny
    deathbybunny Posts: 259 Member
    43 kg to lose here Emma. Feel free to add :D
  • My goal was to lose 100 lbs when I started and I've got 60 lbs to go. Let's motivate each other. :)
  • I need to lose about 30-35lbs however realistically im going to stop when i feel happy! I'd love some motivation though! so feel free to add me anyone! (3lbs lost so far!)
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I've got about 40kgs or 90lbs to lose. You can add me if you like :smiley:
  • 1BuzyMomma
    1BuzyMomma Posts: 3 Member
    If I'm honest with myself I have 100 pounds to lose but that seems so overwhelming so I'm aiming for 50-60 right now. I would love to have friends to support me and encourage me, to hold me accountable and to be responsible for cheering someone else on as well.
  • Hello! I have about 50 pounds to lose and need a little bit of help staying motivated. The hardest part is always staying motivated, but i will lose all the extra weight this year! Good luck to everyone :smile: Eat healthy and be safe when you exercise! Feel free to add me as a friend :blush:
  • I'm Kayla, 5'3", 310 lbs, I'm wanting to lose about 110 lbs. AT LEAST. Feel free to add me!!
  • suzeqnu
    suzeqnu Posts: 7 Member
    I have 55 lbs to lose! I've always been heavy, so I need to stay motivated bc I can't really see myself being any other way! I've hired a trainer this time though. I've never lost more than 30 lbs when dieting. I'm ready to lose for good this year!!!
  • ZebsterBC
    ZebsterBC Posts: 198 Member
    I have 170 to lose. I'd love if you added me
    That's exactly the amount I have to lose as well. 10lb down so far. :)

    I'd love more friends here.