New to forums

Hey everyone! My name is Sami, I'm 25, and I just started using MyFitnessPal a week ago. I thought it might help keep me on track if I make a few friends. It would also be great to swap fitness knowledge. I've already lost two pounds, but I hope to lose 13 more. Let me know if you have any good tips!


  • Robson1990
    All the very best with your goals Sami! Great job losing the 2 pounds, keep it going! Only advice I'd have going off my old training and diet plan is to eat clean and be as active as you can
  • samiraeh08
    samiraeh08 Posts: 43 Member
    Lol yeah eating clean is hard though! No white carbs and no refined sugar is a big challenge for me. But I did buy the clean eating book and I'm trying my best to apply it to my diet. All the best to you as well!
  • APU1972
    APU1972 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Sami,

    My advice, take it slow and take bits out in slowly, rather than crash.

    Fitness helps loads.

    Im not where i want to be yet, but im not far off.

    Keep positive.

    Andy x