'saving' calories for the weekend/a certain day

Hello everyone, I'm just coming to the end of my third week with MFP and getting myself in gear for the summer.
I have been at university this week and had an exam everyday but I have still been exercising walking to and from university everyday which is 25 mins each way and into town one day which is a 45 min walk each way. I haven't been eating a great deal - just toast in the morning before an exam and full day of revision for the next days exam and had a pizza express on tuesday and then wednesday/thursday evenings i just had a stirfry (no meat, just veg)...so i really have been low on my nutrition and also net calories.

My question is....I am going back home today to see my family for a bit before next weeks exams and my boyfriend wants to take me for a curry tonight. Now, we all know how many calories and fat is pumped into a curry....but, can i take into account that I have hardly eaten the rest of the week? I have read on websites about 'saving' calories for a special occasion in order to enjoy it to the full on the day? Not that I really mind going over my daily calories but I would really like to stick on track because I've done so well so far and lost 3lbs. I wondered if anyone has any opinions or thoughts on this that could help me? (also, so far today all i have had is a few slices of toast and a sweet and still in -90 net calories because of the long walk to university and back already today. My daily intake is 1200 calories)

Sorry for making this so long, but thankyou for reading :)


  • oxFaithxo
    oxFaithxo Posts: 160 Member
    i am curious about this too... i am always below my calories (only by 100 or 200 if i dont workout, when i work out much more)

    BUT i thought weight loss is day by day?!

    I say go out and have a good time with ur boyfriend... and dont stress on the diet thing
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member

    BUT i thought weight loss is day by day?!

    I don't know the answer to this... BUT you're body does not have a clock that starts and stops each day. So no, technically weight loss is not "day by day".
  • RichB77
    RichB77 Posts: 88
    If i know i've got a calorific event in the near future, i do "bank" spare calories in the days before, and also make sure i try to exercise and burn off 700/800 cals on the day so that i feel better not worrying about what i'm consuming.
    Obviously, try and keep things in moderation, but a one-off splurge isn't going to be that bad for you.
    It's the regular splurges that cause the trouble. Plus alcohol!
    Which is a real shame as i used to love a drink!

  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    Doesn't really work that way, it's typically like your diary, daily, not cals saved for a week or two if not used. Cals alloted each day are best eaten that day so you get enough nutrition to fuel your mind & body. I think some 'diets' might allow that but MFP not being a diet it's not something that's suggested, it's a good way to get in a habit of out of control binging.

    You can enjoy a special dinner or treat, simply fit it into your calories for the day or double your workout that day and you'll have more calories to enjoy your meal out.
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Im not sure but my friend does with either weight watchers or slimming world (not sure which) but she says you can only carry forward x amount.

    I dont using this I just go day and by and if Im over Im over.

  • CharlieJuliette
    CharlieJuliette Posts: 459 Member
    I do this every week!
    Mon to Fri I make sure I'm a little under my calorie goal and then allow myself some treats at the weekend. I don't go mad, just save 500 or so across the week. Its worked so far - I've consistently lot weight over the 3 months I've been on MFP.
    I use the iPad app because it gives you cumulative calories figures for the week. I make sure I never go over for the week as a whole.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    i think, as long as i am down by the 3,500 a week to loose 1lb a week, it shouldn't be too bad...totally agree with the ipad app - i use it on my iphone and it logs a lot better than online i think!

    thanks for the comments :) i guess it's personal preference as to what you're comfortable with :)
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    The Rosemary Conley diet (UK) advises people to save their 'treat' calories for a special during a week.
    It is recommended that all calories are eaten for each week.

    So, so for example, if the special occasion didn't take place then the calories still have to be used up elsewhere - which can be hard to do if you've left on the last day of your week!

    This method does work.... I lost 15-20 lbs doing it....
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No, you really can't save calories for the weekend. I mean, it's just not how the body works.

    Couple of things, the body doesn't burn body fat as efficiently as it does eaten carbohydrates, going way under on calories for multiple days will trigger the famine response eventually, It's usually fine to be way under for a day or so, but on the whole you should be making your best effort to hit your calorie goals daily.
    When you feast 1 day a week, your body is not expecting this many calories, and it WILL store the extra as fat. Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way it is.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    as much as we would like you can not bank calories, At night, when you are asleep, your body does most of its repair. It will fill your glycogen stores first and repair what muscle it can but any left over calories will be stored as fat for later.
    With that being said, 1 lb of fat is 3500 calories, so unless you are planning on consuming an extra 7000 calories I wouldn't worry about it. Eat normal to light during the day, work out, then enjoy yourself.
  • Helena4
    Helena4 Posts: 124
    gosh i don't think i could eat an extra 7000 if i tried! i'm thinking more going over my intake on sat fat by about 15g or my calories by up to 500 just for today.

    stuff it, to the curry house i go!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    No, you really can't save calories for the weekend. I mean, it's just not how the body works.

    Couple of things, the body doesn't burn body fat as efficiently as it does eaten carbohydrates, going way under on calories for multiple days will trigger the famine response eventually, It's usually fine to be way under for a day or so, but on the whole you should be making your best effort to hit your calorie goals daily.
    When you feast 1 day a week, your body is not expecting this many calories, and it WILL store the extra as fat. Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way it is.


    But I disagree.... I've done exactly this from January - March.... and it's worked.

    Obviously, I don't go on a major blowout (on the main it's usually healthier food choices), as I only bank 500 - 1000 calories to spend

    But it does work....

    but I would say it isn't something you should do every week....
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    one meal ourt isn't gonna do u any harm... least thats what i think... go out have your curry and enjoy it,, work out extra to get extra calories, and get back on the wagon tomorrow... thats what i'm gonna do.. hell your a long time dead!!!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    No, you really can't save calories for the weekend. I mean, it's just not how the body works.

    Couple of things, the body doesn't burn body fat as efficiently as it does eaten carbohydrates, going way under on calories for multiple days will trigger the famine response eventually, It's usually fine to be way under for a day or so, but on the whole you should be making your best effort to hit your calorie goals daily.
    When you feast 1 day a week, your body is not expecting this many calories, and it WILL store the extra as fat. Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way it is.


    But I disagree.... I've done exactly this from January - March.... and it's worked.

    Obviously, I don't go on a major blowout (on the main it's usually healthier food choices), as I only bank 500 - 1000 calories to spend

    But it does work....

    but I would say it isn't something you should do every week....

    I would submit that all we know is you're able to continue to lose weight with this process, not that this is a fundamentally effective way to use calories. I'm not going off one personal experience, I'm going off research collected over many years, a lot of clients, and an in depth understanding of human anatomy and hormone production. If you can give me some reasoning as to why this would be an effective way to lose weight, then we could discuss it and debate the merits, but I would caution everyone to be cautious about just saying something works because it worked for you, that's like saying "I smoke, and I didn't get cancer, so smoking doesn't contribute to cancer."

    Please don't mistake me, I'm very happy it is working for you and hope you continue to become healthy, but as a long term lifestyle solution, saving up calories during the week to use over the weekend isn't something most dietitians and nutritional professionals agree with. Having a "cheat meal" is fine, but reducing calories in one day to raise them in a different day is not a strategy many believe in. I believe even Weight Watchers has modified their points program (now called PointsPlus I believe) to reflect a minimum daily points value per day.

    Please note, this is a different concept than zig zagging or short term fasting (thats 24 hours or so, not multiple days).
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    I do this every week!
    Mon to Fri I make sure I'm a little under my calorie goal and then allow myself some treats at the weekend. I don't go mad, just save 500 or so across the week. Its worked so far - I've consistently lot weight over the 3 months I've been on MFP.
    I use the iPad app because it gives you cumulative calories figures for the week. I make sure I never go over for the week as a whole.

    This is EXACTLY what I do too and I am l 1b away from goal weight now. Seems to work for me. =)
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I do this every week!
    Mon to Fri I make sure I'm a little under my calorie goal and then allow myself some treats at the weekend. I don't go mad, just save 500 or so across the week. Its worked so far - I've consistently lot weight over the 3 months I've been on MFP.
    I use the iPad app because it gives you cumulative calories figures for the week. I make sure I never go over for the week as a whole.

    This is EXACTLY what I do too and I am l 1b away from goal weight now. Seems to work for me. =)

    the problem is, this isn't what the OP is asking about. Take a look at what she's describing her week as, If she said she left a few calories on the table every day, then I'd be fine with it, she's talking many hundreds of calories per day under her goal, this is on top of her deficit, that's very different from 50 or 100 calories a day less.
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member
    No, you really can't save calories for the weekend. I mean, it's just not how the body works.

    Couple of things, the body doesn't burn body fat as efficiently as it does eaten carbohydrates, going way under on calories for multiple days will trigger the famine response eventually, It's usually fine to be way under for a day or so, but on the whole you should be making your best effort to hit your calorie goals daily.
    When you feast 1 day a week, your body is not expecting this many calories, and it WILL store the extra as fat. Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way it is.


    But I disagree.... I've done exactly this from January - March.... and it's worked.

    Obviously, I don't go on a major blowout (on the main it's usually healthier food choices), as I only bank 500 - 1000 calories to spend

    But it does work....

    but I would say it isn't something you should do every week....

    I would submit that all we know is you're able to continue to lose weight with this process, not that this is a fundamentally effective way to use calories. I'm not going off one personal experience, I'm going off research collected over many years, a lot of clients, and an in depth understanding of human anatomy and hormone production. If you can give me some reasoning as to why this would be an effective way to lose weight, then we could discuss it and debate the merits, but I would caution everyone to be cautious about just saying something works because it worked for you, that's like saying "I smoke, and I didn't get cancer, so smoking doesn't contribute to cancer."

    Please don't mistake me, I'm very happy it is working for you and hope you continue to become healthy, but as a long term lifestyle solution, saving up calories during the week to use over the weekend isn't something most dietitians and nutritional professionals agree with. Having a "cheat meal" is fine, but reducing calories in one day to raise them in a different day is not a strategy many believe in. I believe even Weight Watchers has modified their points program (now called PointsPlus I believe) to reflect a minimum daily points value per day.

    Please note, this is a different concept than zig zagging or short term fasting (thats 24 hours or so, not multiple days).

    If you go back to my original post, you will that I mentioned 'treat' calories.

    Treat calories are calories that are allocated to a person above their minimal daily calorie allowance.
    For me, my total daily calorie allowance was 1723 and my treat calories was 323 - so my daily minimum calorie intake had to 1400.

    If I didn't eat my treat allowance (323) each day , then I could use it for another day - as long as the week totalled up to 7 * 1723

    I didn't say this was zig-zagging nor short-term fasting - I just said it's a method that works... not just for me, also for the thousands of Rosemary Conley clients as well.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member

    If you go back to my original post, you will that I mentioned 'treat' calories.

    Treat calories are calories that are allocated to a person above their minimal daily calorie allowance.
    For me, my total daily calorie allowance was 1723 and my treat calories was 323 - so my daily minimum calorie intake had to 1400.

    If I didn't eat my treat allowance (323) each day , then I could use it for another day - as long as the week totalled up to 7 * 1723

    I didn't say this was zig-zagging nor short-term fasting - I just said it's a method that works... not just for me, also for the thousands of Rosemary Conley clients as well.

    But the thing is, this is not what the OP is talking about. Nor is it what I was talking about. This is something different. Nor did I mean to imply you use zig zagging.

    Again, glad this works for you, and basically, you're just using a different method than MFP, which is fine, but it confuses the issue when one concept from one plan is associated with another.

    Your plan seems to give a higher amount of daily calories just so you can use them (or that's what it seems like) for other things. This isn't really what MFP does, and that's where someone who isn't very well versed in calorie deficits might become confused.
    Just for the record, would you mind giving your maintenance calories? It might help to explain things a little better.
  • Becca_007
    Becca_007 Posts: 596 Member
    No, you really can't save calories for the weekend. I mean, it's just not how the body works.

    Couple of things, the body doesn't burn body fat as efficiently as it does eaten carbohydrates, going way under on calories for multiple days will trigger the famine response eventually, It's usually fine to be way under for a day or so, but on the whole you should be making your best effort to hit your calorie goals daily.
    When you feast 1 day a week, your body is not expecting this many calories, and it WILL store the extra as fat. Sorry, I know this isn't what you wanted to hear, but it's just the way it is.
    Always great advice from this guy! He knows what he's talking about and doesn't say anything if he doesn't!:drinker: :wink: Thanks Banks!
  • marianne_s
    marianne_s Posts: 986 Member

    But the thing is, this is not what the OP is talking about. Nor is it what I was talking about. This is something different. Nor did I mean to imply you use zig zagging.

    Again, glad this works for you, and basically, you're just using a different method than MFP, which is fine, but it confuses the issue when one concept from one plan is associated with another.

    Your plan seems to give a higher amount of daily calories just so you can use them (or that's what it seems like) for other things. This isn't really what MFP does, and that's where someone who isn't very well versed in calorie deficits might become confused.
    Just for the record, would you mind giving your maintenance calories? It might help to explain things a little better.

    The diet club (Rosemary Conley) calculation for my maintenance calories was probably 500 more than my daily allowance, based on my height, weight & age.

    MFP calculated a similar amount when I first joined - give or take 20 or so calories.

    But based on the stats in my KiFit (Bodymedia Fit), I can see that my body actually burns more than that when I do no exercise (mooching around the house)..... so I would say it's 2800.....