24 and I Have Spinal Arthritis

Hey. So I have had chronic back pain for awhile and found out today I have spinal arthritis at age 24. I just don't know what to do. I am 3 months away from becoming a cosmetologist which obviously means standing all day even though my back hurts so much. I also want to keep exercising and losing weight so I was wondering if any of you may have similar issues and/or know of good exercises to do without making it hurt more. It just keeps getting worse and I was really wanting it to be fixable but its not. Since I am only 24 I know it will get worse with age but I don't want to make it progress too fast. Between standing all day for my career I want to find exercises that don't strain my back any further. Any help would be very appreciated, thank you in advance.


  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    Hey :)

    I'm sorry this is something you have to deal with.

    I have OA in some joints but don't know much about spinal arthritis. Is this a rheumatic kind of arthritis? There are medications that can slow that kind down. Generally, what's advised is movement to retain function and keep the muscles and ligaments around the affected area strong and flexible. My guess would be that swimming might be good for you, but your doc and physiotherapist should be your first port of call.

    (If you don't have a physiotherapist, find one. I've been seeing one for the past couple of years. She's helped me regain function when I thought I wouldn't see it again after a foot injury that lasted years. It took me a few tries to find someone as good as her, though, but it was worth it. I don't see her all the time - sometimes it's just for particular injuries. You can go just a few times to get exercises and then check in a while later. )

    I'm sure there are ways to adapt your style of working so that you can give your back a break - a PT and maybe an occupational therapist could work with you to figure something out. I know for some jobs that involve hunching over people, the right chair can make a massive difference.

    I take supplements just in case they work (glucosamine sulphate & MSM, fish oil). Research is iffy but why not try, I figure.

    Good luck.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Sorry to hear your diagnosis.
    You really do need professional guidance.
    Strangers on MFP are really not qualified to help you.
    Cheers, h
  • fihiggi
    fihiggi Posts: 4 Member
    Don't despair I have it too and has surgery 2 years ago - yoga and Pilates a great start I also do cycling to keep my hips moving built up my fitness levels and completed a triathlon this year very slowly but I finished !! and now do Krav Maga which is great for fitness and keeping flexible

    Get a good Physio and trainer and keep pushing - write a blog it will definitely help to track your ups and down and progress - good luck x
  • annAsami
    Thank you for your responses. my doctor sucks and just wanted to shove needles in my back but I'm not comfortable with that when I have no info on it. I will look into finding someone trained to help but also will try yoga. I already do a little bit but now I'll do more, I like it and it should help. thank you again
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Have you considered seeing a different doctor? One who can give you a referral for PT (or if you have a ppo insurance you may not need it). They can help you with specific exercises that will help strengthen your back, as well as exercises that will not further damage your back. Please be careful with the activities you choose to do...with chronic conditions many activities can do damage, sometimes permanent. Please consult a specialist before starting any activity, including yoga. I say this with the best intentions, as currently I am off of bedrest and have very specific activities approved for my joints, as well as activities to avoid. Even yoga has not yet been approved, due to risk to my back and neck. I know that is me and not you, but say that to caution that some of us can not risk damage to these already problematic areas. If you are not happy with your doctor and the careplan he has for you, please find one that you feel comfortable with. I am sorry this is happening to you, and wish you success.
  • klbrowser
    klbrowser Posts: 61 Member
    I have an autoimmune disease that cause arthritis in many of my joints including the spine. I agree a doctor's advice is what you need first, and a referral to a physical therapist to learn specific exercises for your back. See if you can find an aquacise class approved by the Arthritis Foundation; I've been going to classes three times a week for the past 12 years and find them very helpful. I use a non-impact glider at home 30 minutes three days a week. And I am trying to add some walking but honestly find it painful so my progress there has been limited. Hope you find proper help; don't give up because this is your quality of life we're talking about.
  • annAsami
    Yea I will be searching for a new doctor who specializes in this problem. I'm becoming a cosmetologist so I need to do everything I can to help. I did do a lot of research and read that an upright stationary bike is good when you have back problems like mine so my husband got me one today. I used it for a few minutes it felt comfortable, felt no strain or pain on my back like I did on the other kinds. I will be seeing a doctor as soon as I can find a good one, may take a couple days or so. thank you again for the great responses and support! I am determined to not let this stop me from living the life I want!
  • Nuhnie
    Nuhnie Posts: 4 Member
    I have spinal stenosis, degenerative disc and arthritis. Less than 2 years after I passed my state board for cosmetology, I had to give up my profession, (2006). At age 53, I was disabled. I joined Planet Fitness and go at least twice a week. I use the treadmill and have found I have less pain. I have been doing that since Sept.. I'm not pain free, but it's not as bad as it was a year ago. I started out slow, 2 mph and have worked myself up to 3 on a good day. Started at 0 incline and just last week made it to 2.5 incline. Feel stronger and can stand a little longer. Taking walks w/my granddaughters, I thought I would never see that day. I couldn't even walk around Wal-mart w/out stopping every few feet. By the end of the of September, I could walk a mile. That was only about 4 weeks after I started at the gym. Find what works for you and you will be surprised.
  • annAsami
    Nuhnie that is amazing! I am glad to hear you're seeing progress and not giving up! It is sad you had to stop doing hair :( that is what I want to work on preventing. I hope you continue to see progress! Thank you for sharing with me :)