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Hello all, Does anyone have any suggestions on how to gain weight in the right ways? Will this website help?


  • AshaDidIt
    AshaDidIt Posts: 28 Member
    I think most people here are trying to lose weight or maintain. Not sure what to tell you for gaining...
  • alexdicko
    alexdicko Posts: 3
    I think the easiest way it to eat more calories, but do it in a heathy way... dont just go out and eat mcdonalds or burger king everyday! I presume you want to gain wieght in muscel and not fat... well fat is converted to muscel when you exersise (non-fat burning exersises) so eat an extra 100 or 200 cals perday that you exersise to bulk up... the excess fat you would have gained would be converted to non fatty tissue :D
  • Sendra16
    Sendra16 Posts: 2
    well i have a suggestion for u .....have lot of beer....n start gyming... n have lot of fatty food..n in no time u ll be like nutty professor...
  • cjjones007
    cjjones007 Posts: 602
    the same things we are doing for losing weight safely will actually work for gaining weight safely.
    the same foods in a larger quantity with the right workout will grow your body weight in a good way just as a less amount of the right foods and the right workouts will help you slim up...
    Ask around on the fitness boards - I'm sure you'll get some great help!