The doctor's scale vs my home scale



  • JeanSpin
    JeanSpin Posts: 3 Member
    doesn't really matter which scale you use, either one will tell you your down in weight.
  • DrWhoIsYerDad
    DrWhoIsYerDad Posts: 263 Member
    I like how the weigh me while I'm wearing work boots and sweatshirt
  • ashley92188
    ashley92188 Posts: 49 Member
    I always weigh more on the doctors scale and I'm gonna assume it's because I have clothes on and I've normally eaten or drank something before my appt. whereas when I weigh at home its first thing in the morning with no clothes on and nothing to eat/drink yet.
  • SexyKatherine73
    SexyKatherine73 Posts: 221 Member
    home scales unless you wear the same thing every time you go to the doctors. a pair of jeans can weigh of 2 pounds shoes can weight 1 pound or more. also do you drink and eat the same amount each time?
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    My doctor's scale has me nearly 5 pounds lighter. While I enjoy seeing the lower number, I use my home scale for weigh-ins on MFP since it's the one I started with.
  • mguinnette
    mguinnette Posts: 1 Member
    My doctor's scale (various doctors) are always ten pounds more than the ones I have at home and this is something that is consistant with me every time. Today I weighed with clothes on, without eating or drinking. Went straight to the doctor without eating or drinking and same clothes on and a 10 pound difference. I have said to friends I think it's something that doctors do they set the scale ten pounds higher to get the patients scared enough to lose weight or something. I mean it happens each time, and it's happened through my whole lifetime so something is wrong.
  • markrgeary1
    markrgeary1 Posts: 853 Member
    I use the home scale. Including weighing myself before going to the DR. in the same clothing and accessories and compare the two.

    If my weight goes down at home it's going down on another scale. If I know there's a couple pound delta between the two, I expect to know what the other scale will say. If it's not close then the world is spinning sideways.

  • SusanMFindlay
    SusanMFindlay Posts: 1,804 Member
    I gained 3.5 pounds this morning by taking a shower and getting dressed.*

    That's the most likely reason there was a difference between your at-home weight (probably naked and right after peeing) and your doctor's office weight. Add breakfast, and that's easily 7 pounds.

    *Before you all think I'm nuts, I had to weigh my baby for his passport application. So, I re-weighed myself so that I could compare that number to the weight of me holding him. I do not normally weigh more than once a day.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Necro thread. OP hasn't logged into MFP in over 14 months.
  • islandpiper
    islandpiper Posts: 19 Member
    I have an issue with my scale, and it seems to weigh about 6 pounds lighter than my doctor's scale does. (Gee...never heard that before, right?). So, I'd like to replace my old spring scale with a new digital one. The problem is that my weight here will immediatly jump about 6 pounds, overnight. This will set me way back according to my goals. How can I modify my settings/goals ? or, should I cancel my membership here and simply start a new membership with the new weight, per the new scale. I don't want the electronic-bean-counter to blow up when I "gain" six pounds in one day. Thanks for any advice you may offer.