Leptin diets & work outs

So I clicked the add for the VFX diet I keep seeing everywhere just to satisfy my curiosity.

As I watched the infomercial I was on Google looking up Leptin and how to "Activate" and "Increase" your levels (apparently women have 2x as much as men but our bodies won't use it because we are programmed to be ready to bear children at any moment).

I stumbled upon this article: http://wellnessmama.com/5356/fix-your-leptin/

So of it I agree with like focusing on HIIT workouts, which I love. But others I did not agree with.
-They discourage the consumption of Fructose ergo the consumption of fruit. - I love fruit and it makes up a lot of my daily fiber and is better than chocolate and other naughty foods.
-They discourage snacking and have strict when you are allowed to eat guidelines. [You must leave a four hour gap between meals, no snacking in between and finish eating four hours before bed]- I follow the theory of eat when you are hungry and I snack on good healthy little things all day.
-They have sleeping guidelines (bed no later than ten pm)
-And they even tell you not to use commercial soap and deodorant.

While Leptin is an undeniable fact I think the diets and exercise plans surrounding "Activating" and "Increasing" Leptin are a bit of woo.

What doe the rest of MPF think?

My favourite part of all this was this at the bottom of the infomercial:

*Results seen are not typical.


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 9,986 Member
    Woo is an understatement.
  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    I just watched the ad myself. Clever marketing. I like that they didn't like a lot of long, "useless" cardio or that women don't have to work out like men. LOL! I'm naturally suspect about anything that has a cost at the end of the pitch. But yeah, it sounds like a lot of woo.