I need accountability to lose 100+



  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    Hi there ....I am 44 and have 99lbs to lose ....feel free to add me ....wishing you much success :)
  • vel0226
    vel0226 Posts: 12 Member
    I am 5'4 currently weigh 235 lbs. I have lost 30 lbs using fitnesspal.. Still need to lose another 95 lbs. Feel free to add me and help each other meet our goals.
  • msmitch
    msmitch Posts: 21
    I'm very similar. 5'4" 279. I'm not losing much right now cause I'm pregnant. However I have gestational diabetes and am following the diabetic diet and hoping to maintain till little one arrives the end of April. Feel free to add me! I know from past expirience a little encouragement and accountability go a long way!
  • nmeech
    nmeech Posts: 9 Member
    Wow thank you all! I did all my friend requests from my cell so if I missed anyone please feel free to add me! I never expected all this support! I am excited to get started back on my journey to being healthy with all of you!
  • I'm brand spanking new to this.. I downloaded the app last night. I've been overweight for 2 decades :( I've lost about 45 pounds in 2014 but did it on my own with no real support. I decided to kick off the year by entering the Scale Back Alabama weight loss challenge as a way to motivate myself. That's how I found out about this app & the pacer app. I'm 47 years old & want to lose a total of 100 pounds. I would really like to have a small group of people on a similar journey to partner up with. I am still navigating my way through this app so please bare with me. Add me if you are interested in joining me on this adventure.
  • kksoucie
    kksoucie Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all! I am starting my journey again on Myfitnesspal. I used it once before and lost 30lbs last year. I have since gained back 17 and am starting again at 305 lbs 5'7". I am 33 and want to get healthier for myself and my family. Feel free to add me!
  • jazzine1
    jazzine1 Posts: 280 Member
    Hi everyone I too need to lose 70-90lbs. I'm 42 yrs old, 5'5 starting weight 231lbs. This is my second week on here. I wear a Fitbit, weight my food and log everything. I work full time sitting in an office and hate to exercise but try my best to get my 10,000 steps in everyday. I am trying to exercise at home at least 30 mins waiting on my Zumba dvds to arrive. :D I am a single mother of 2 toddlers so I am following nutrisystem for the most part because its easier than to think what to cook everyday after I get home from work. I need just as much encouragement and motivation as you all. I do like to see fast results and so I rely a lot of the scale numbers and if the scale doesnt show me the results I am looking for I get upset and down in the dumps but I have decided that this time I am not going to give up, its all or nothing. I hate being fat and I am going to stick with this journey until the finish line. (*) Please feel free to add me.
  • tmlq
    tmlq Posts: 10 Member
    I would love to join the group, please everyone add me :D

    I am a 33 yr old, 5'7 and 250lbs. Just had my second baby 2 months ago and I am ready to work! Need to lose 100lbs but my first goal is to lose 50.
  • TheOGMommster
    TheOGMommster Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Nicole, I too need accountability partners. It definitely helps. Add me and let's take this journey together.
  • lpoincot
    lpoincot Posts: 3 Member
    Please Friend me too...

    I am 35 (36 next week) - 5'6 & up 15lbs after an out of control holiday season -
    I had company in town until just last week so I just got started with the new year. I tried something new last week and I did fruits and veggies for three days, until the last day I had to have protein. I am focusing on eating low carb & calorie - under 60 carbs/1500 calories a day (which is doable without breads etc.). I am down 8 of the lbs in just under a week - but I am sure from my past experience that it will taper off to 1-2lbs a week unfortunately.

    That is where I need support - I lose weight slow and I know that is the right way, but I never stay in for the long haul. I need to lose at least 100lbs! I have lost 25-30lbs before but I give up and gain it back.

    I realize how quick time flies now that I have my son who will be 3 in April - so even if I lose 1-2lbs a week that is a lot over a year. I want to get healthy for him and myself (and I want to look good again:)!
  • lpoincot
    lpoincot Posts: 3 Member
    I said friend me lol - but I meant add me to the group...
  • meghan8504
    meghan8504 Posts: 19 Member
    I am 5'2" and 278 turning 30 in April. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi, all. I'm 53 and need to lose 60 lbs. I'm diabetic and take pills for it, and I've had this extra weight for the past 15 years or more. I've never been good at exercising, but I'm on day 10 right now of using this app and also PACT. I've been going to the gym (I joined it last year and only went 3 days) almost every day for the past two weeks. I just go on the treadmill and walk fairly fast for 30-45 minutes. I'm in the same boat as some of you that mentioned injuries. I have a disk problem with my spine so I can't raise my arms too high or lift anything without a lot of pain. I just swing my arms up and down a bit while I'm walking - it helps get your heart rate going better if you move your arms as well as walk. I learned that years ago when I took an aerobics class. I can't swim because of my spine; we have a pool and I tried that but it was just too painful. Also, our complex heats the pool, even in the summer, so it's way too warm. I like that the gym is air-conditioned. Anyway, I bought some roller skates (and helmet and pads), which is something I used to a lot as a child and really loved it, so on the weekend I'm going to go to the park across the street and try out the skates to see how it goes. I figured going to the gym for the past two weeks would strengthen my legs a bit. Then I'll decide whether to quit the gym or not and just skate. I'm enjoying reading your guys' posts! I've been trying hard to stick to around 1500 calories per day. Some days are harder than others...
  • ohsointricate8
    ohsointricate8 Posts: 100 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 5'5 and also 280 lbs, I lost about 40lbs, but gained all but 6 lbs back. I would like to lose 120 lbs.
    Support is always the key thing for me, so feel free to add me! :)
  • misskris1963
    misskris1963 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi you can add me. Im a few weeks into a 50 pound loss journey and am looking for support as well.
  • amandajean0812
    amandajean0812 Posts: 7 Member
    Feel free to add me! I would love more support and to support you as well. :) I have about 90 more lbs to lose.
  • sln84
    sln84 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, all! I am coming back to MFP. I'm 5'2 and 230 lbs, so seeking about a 100lb weight loss... Which is daunting. I'm really bad about keeping on track so definitely need someone(s) to hold me accountable. Please add me! I would love to have support to go through this journey with.
