Tall Ladies 5'10 and up please

What is your current weight? What is your goal weight? At what weight do you start to feel happy with your body? Do you have any photos to share at different weights?

I am5'11 and currently 195 - trying to decide on a good goal, thinking 155. I know I start to feel more confident around 170


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    It really depends on your body type.
    I am 5'10" and at my heaviest I was 230lbs. I got down to 135 which was way too thin. After gaining during my pregnancy, I am now down to 147 and am starting to get comments that I'm too thin again. I think 155 is a decent weight for me.
  • accodion
    accodion Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 6' tall and was 400 at my heaviest. I'm currently sitting at ~350. I had been down to 335, but gained back some @_@ I honestly don't know what my goal weight is because I have so much to lose. I'm not really aiming for a particular number though. More aiming on being able to shop for clothes easier, feel better, look better, etc.

    I've been setting small number weight goals though, going by 10% of my body weight. So right now, my goal is to lose 35 pounds. Then the goal will be to lose another 31 pounds. Then another 28. Going from there. It's easier and less intimidating than looking at a weight loss goal of 150 pounds or so =P

    I need to share the photo of me at my heaviest. I was so round! This was 2010. I was visiting my sister in Yosemite National Park.


    I was... the roliest of polies. Bakeries of rolls! All of the pictures on my profile are of me currently, taken within the last couple months. What a difference 50 pounds makes, man =P
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I am 5'10", my goal is not really a number. It is a goal to make a healthier lifestyle change to have more energy, and feel better about myself. I don't get on the scale ten times a day...I mark my diet, my exercise, and consider the week a win if I made positive changes. I once weighed 138, I doubt I will be there again. Size 12 would be fine with me. No weight attached.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    5'10," maybe a bit taller. My start weight was 300, my current weight is 216 and my lowest weight was 208. I felt pretty great at 208. If I ever get to 200, I think that it will feel very skinny.

    I have an unusual build though and tend to carry all of my weight in the belly due to medical issues. I weighed 220 in the before-and-after on my profile, and even at that weight, I am not really sloppy fat.

    I currently wear size 10 jeans and a regular TL top in Gap/Banana/Old Navy sizes.

    Amazing how different we all are!
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    I totally agree with softblondechick… my "goal" is not so much a weight as it is the kind of person I want to be and the kind of life I want to live. And I measure success by if I've done the kind of things I need to do to be that kind of person/live that kind of lie. That being said… I'm 5'10" and I have set 180 as my maintenance weight. Per height and age… that will be the smallest I've been in my life since birth… no joke. I also expect to have a great deal of loose skin… so that's why I'm not pushing it to get much lower. But since I've never been there… I don't know how I'll feel or how I'll look, so I will reevaluate then.
  • ocaudle8912
    6' here. I've been struggling to find a goal weight myself. I'm going to keep trying to lose weight until I can run without anything flopping as I go lol
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm 36, 5'11, and currently 160.6. My size 10's are getting a bit big. I'll be happy when I'm comfortably in an 8. Which I'm assuming will be around 155.

    In 2012 I really got serious and got to 143. I was a size 4. For me that wasn't sustainable but for many people it would be.
  • erelno
    erelno Posts: 1 Member
    5 ' 11. Heaviest was 230lbs. Dropped 60lbs and then yo-yo'd a few time up and back 20lbs. Sitting at 170 now. Working on toning more than lb loss..
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    I'm 5'10". My starting weight was 282. I'm currently at 235. My doctor recommended 200 as my ideal weight. Currently I'm a 12/L in casual wear, and anticipate getting down to an 8/Loose L or M by goal.

    Once I get to my current goal, I'll reevaluate. However, I'm hoping to have kids within the next 1-2 years, so I realize that I will revisit at least some of the numbers I'm dropping again at some point.
  • Arnoth
    Arnoth Posts: 1
    I'm 5'10" and got sick of not fitting in my favorite clothes when I reached 185lbs. When younger, I was always 135lbs no matter what I ate (too skinny); however, age has a way of changing things. Over the past 3-4 months of faithful logging with MFP I've dropped 20lbs. My goal (what my doctor would be happy with) is 155lbs, but I'd settle for 160lbs. Really, it's not about the pounds number so much as your overall shape, size and health. Look in the mirror with honest eyes, and see what weight looks good on you. Then buy some clothes that make you look awesome at whatever size you settle on. Good luck!
  • geyerjulie
    I am 6'. Was 309. Got down to 195 in the spring and felt great. Put some back on (225 now) and I'm working on keeping on track. A gym buddy helped me with my weight loss. We motivated each other when the other didn't want to go.
  • geyerjulie
    It takes time! Keep that in mind!
  • al142
    al142 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm 5'10" and sitting at 135. I have been trying to decide if that is too thin. I am very small boned (I can very nearly touch my thumb and middle finger around my ankle - they overlap easily more than my first thumb knuckle around my wrist.) I wear anything from an 8 to an 11 in jeans depending on the maker, style, and how old they are. I carry any extra weight in my belly which I hate. It's so hard to see myself objectively. Any of the rest of you very small boned?
  • jus4kix06
    jus4kix06 Posts: 53 Member
    These are two photos from when I was 135-140lbs. My lowest weight. I was still not happy with my body then. Mainly because I felt fat but really just needed to tone up. I gained 20lbs before getting pregnant and then gained 50lbs during pregnancy. I'm now 150lbs and still want to get down to the 135-140 range but with less body fat. I'm 5'10.5".

  • shaynataggart
    shaynataggart Posts: 71 Member
    I'm six feet and currently at 205 (From 325). I couldn't imagine being less than 170. I went down to 185 a year ago and felt skeletal.
  • lexiluger
    lexiluger Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 6ft current 230 ultimate goal 175/180
    I feel comfortable @200 I was usually 200 to 215 past few years now it has spiked up. @ 175 years...me & 230
    Me at 200 to 205qr3b1b6tdhq3.jpg
    Me at 175
  • KindaSortaKaty
    KindaSortaKaty Posts: 83 Member
    This is my current (195)
  • talljewel2
    talljewel2 Posts: 1 Member
    I am just over 5 ft 11. I am currently at 187 (gasp). I was at 157 in 2011 and looked sickly. I tried to put on 10 to 15 pounds and put on nearly 30. Sigh. Always a mess!

    My goal is 165 to 170. I'm just starting today to try to really focus on calories in vs calories out and monitoring only my carbs, fat and protein to stay in a range given to me by a friend that had a different program they use.

    My goal is to get fit....not just lose weight. So it's baby steps to working out again.
  • lensam03
    lensam03 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5"10 and my weight is 186, the heaviest I ever been is 196 a few years ago. For now I just want to get to 170 and then see how I feel. I have a medium size frame so I can't go too low without looking like a cigar.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    edited January 2015
    I'm 5'10" and I'm looking to get down to 170. I was the heaviest I've ever been at 220, after I had my second child. I started MFP at 215 and am now down 15lbs. After my first child, I got down to 190 and felt pretty good at that weight. However, it would be nice to be down to what I was when I got married 7 years ago. I was looking pretty smoking hot before and during my wedding.

    My big brother is getting married on November 7th, so I'm shooting for 30 pounds in the next 10 months. I feel like that is a very realistic goal. I don't want to be his chubby sister in all those wedding photos!