Over 50 and losing weight isn't as easy as it used to be



  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I think I have had great success too, I have lost fat and gained muscle, I don't look exactly like I want in a bikini yet, but I am getting there (my profile pic is a couple of months old so I have lost more fat since then, but my scale weight has not changed that much). I guess I think focusing only on scale weight is not looking at the whole picture.
  • redskins65
    redskins65 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello Everyone, my opinion (only mine) is you have to have the mind set to want to lose it. I agree menopause has not been nice to me at all. Plus it's hard to do it alone. Which I do. You have to be self disciplined. Learn to say nope not for me. I have people around me all the time that challenge my eating habits. Work, play and girls night. Thank goodness girls night can be healthy. Except for the darn wine. In order to get my husband on board I do the shopping and cook during the week. It's salmon, fish, and salad not many carbs but enough. I've started doing 30 mins on treadmill it's old but it works and now I need to start toning. I need a program for starters for toning. I need a visual. So if anyone out there knows of a good program for toning please share. So feel free to friend me if you want too. I like all the support I can get that is in the same boat as me. Lose, Lose. Thanks for listening. I feel better.
  • I don't think anyone is using age as an excuse or even trying to find excuses. Some member's opinions are that it just gets harder for whatever reason to them. We all want and will loose weight no matter how long it takes otherwise why would we be using this site? I personally find it harder to loose weight than when I was in my 30s and 40s but I know I can do it and will. The idea of posting on this group is to offer support to those that want it.

    Thank you. I think you were able to sum up where I was trying to go with my post. :)
  • jim180155 wrote: »
    I lost 60lbs in 2014 and I'm 61years old. I was always told it's harder as you get older but the truth is... it's NOT! It's a matter of math - eat at a deficit and move more. You will lose weight! you've heard this a millions times I'm sure but, "If I can do it, anyone can do it!"
    I've been fat all my life - never believed I could reach a perfect BMI and weight - but by counting calories, logging every single day and being patient... I did it and you can too! Give yourself plenty of time with reasonable goals and you will be amazed. MFP is just awesome for helping you keep track and for support.
    Best of luck

    You're right. You're wrong, too.

    Your metabolism slows as you age, and you lose muscle mass. I'm not sure how much the latter accounts for the former, but both are well documented.

    I just turned 61 last Friday. I'm 5'9" and 147 lbs at about 13% bodyfat. I lost over 20% of my total weight over the last 18 or so months. While it's possible to lose weight as you get older, I wouldn't say that it's the same as when you're younger. When I was in my 30s and 40s and needed to lose a few pounds, I just made sure I was working out on a regular basis but made no real change in the way I was eating. By the time I turned 50 that approach didn't seem to work so well. And by the time I was approaching 60, I was officially overweight for the first time in my life.

    Older people shouldn't get discouraged and shouldn't use age as an excuse. You can still lose weight and you can still put on muscle. But older people are going to have to work at it a little harder and probably will not see the same results as someone 20 or 30 years younger.

    Your posts made me smile. Thank you for the sincere encouragement!
  • I'm in for this. My doctor just told me I need to lose 50 lbs and then proceeded to tell me how difficult its going to be (yay menopause).

    I have to be honest this menopause thing has really thrown me for a loop. I feel a little out of control of my body. I know I will get it figured out. Thanks for the post.
  • Hi, count me in. At 55 I find it difficult to loose the weight the older I get. I loose it and then put it back on and work twice as hard to loose it again. I lost 4lb, put on 3lb over two weeks of Christmas but I have managed to loose it again. Lost 5lb in total. You can do it, are you tracking what you eat every day? I find that helped me . I also track my the chocolate days, these seem to be too often just lately. I want to loose 14lbs in total. Diane

    I try to track my meals but need to get more disciplined about it.
  • SusanUW83
    SusanUW83 Posts: 152 Member
    54, working on this journey. Friend me if you want someone who will make comments about your diet and exercise, or offer advice if you want -- I don't push the like button for every little thing, but I try to think through what I say.
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I do think over 50 you really need to work at losing weight, especially those who never had a weight problem, they are adjusting to the fact that things are different.

    That being said, you can still lose weight, maybe not as fast as you want.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member

    lam76051 wrote: »
    Hi, count me in. At 55 I find it difficult to loose the weight the older I get. I loose it and then put it back on and work twice as hard to loose it again. I lost 4lb, put on 3lb over two weeks of Christmas but I have managed to loose it again. Lost 5lb in total. You can do it, are you tracking what you eat every day? I find that helped me . I also track my the chocolate days, these seem to be too often just lately. I want to loose 14lbs in total. Diane

    I try to track my meals but need to get more disciplined about it.

    I track my lunch at the same time as I track my breakfast. I plan my packed lunch the night before so there's more time in the morning to track it otherwise I forget. I find this much easier to do. My husband cooks dinner so I track that when I get home.