i am a sugar addict and need an intervention

Hello my name is Verma and I am addicted to sugar, I don't have to have salt, but I gotta have sugar.
I need an intervention


  • chatnel
    chatnel Posts: 688 Member
    Time to go cold turkey. The first 3 days will be horrible but it gets easier and then you stop craving it.

    Many people will say just to have a little bit or dark chocolate but this never works for me.
  • Sugar.... mmmmm... gift from heaven.
  • CoachK17
    CoachK17 Posts: 268 Member
    Hello my name is Verma and I am addicted to sugar, I don't have to have salt, but I gotta have sugar.
    I need an intervention

  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Make it part of your daily goal, no need to eliminate sugar from your life.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Reduce sugar a little at a time. Jillian Michaels says ONLY Stevia as natural.
    I am weaning myself off sugar too
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    chatnel wrote: »
    Time to go cold turkey. The first 3 days will be horrible but it gets easier and then you stop craving it.

    Many people will say just to have a little bit or dark chocolate but this never works for me.

    carmen it may sound hard but what chatnel writes is the only way that worked for me. After 40 years of carb abuse my first two weeks were hellish then the cravings faded. Four month later I am still free from sugar and most all carbs (<50 grams daily).

    One thing you may find helpful is the presentation below.


    You can do this thing so hang in there.

  • crepesuzetteorange
    crepesuzetteorange Posts: 128 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Verma, what kind of sugary foods and drinks are you addicted to?

    When I decided to cut down/cut out sugar I thought about all the things that I ate and drank and then went through the list.

    I'm not addicted to sugary things but I did have 3 heaped teaspoons in my tea. I decided to cut down and experimented and found I could bear it at half a teaspoon. I used to drink around 8-10 cups a day and nowadays only drink a maximum of 4.
  • LindyMopLoo
    LindyMopLoo Posts: 14 Member
    I had to do it gradually - very, very gradually - otherwise I just ended up right back where I started. YOU are the only person who knows what works for you - are you better a bit at a time, or cold turkey? I started by cutting out one kind of sugar at a time, candy went first, then cakes and sweet biscuits, all sugary drinks except coffee then I reduced what I put in my coffee. After 8 months I'm not craving sugar like I was, and some foods are just too sweet for me now. Also, I can TASTE the sugar that's been added to a lot of commercially prepared food. I still have half a teaspoon in my coffee, and I still take a small teaspoon of honey in herb tisanes. Otherwise, the only problem is with acid foods that I want to sweeten (like some fresh fruit that was picked early and ripened in storage can be really tart). I still allow myself the occasional treat, as well, eg dessert if I'm eating dinner with people as a social occasion, or a small serving of ice cream. As long as I keep it to once every 3 or 4 weeks I'm OK. So, that's what worked for me. It wouldn't work for everyone, but neither does cold turkey. Good luck, and much persistence. (One final thing - if you fail once, don't give up. It took me a long time - maybe even 2 years - to work out how to do it for myself. In the end, I stopped "failing", and used each attempt as a lesson to learn from.) Sorry this is so long!
  • Thanks not too long at all
  • Thank you all I am addicted to soft drinks mainly Pepsi. Then I have sugar with my tea, and ANY type of cake. I have gone 20 days without a pespi and my head hurts so bad. I am determined to shake it, I do no like aguva. Honey its gross