Mom with 2 kids & hypothyroidism trying to lose weight.

I'm a mom of two little kids 3 & 5. I have Hashimoto's disease so I'm always tired and weight gain had been a symptom. I'm looking for some friends to follow and support one another. I've lost 6 lbs but my goal is to lose 15-20 lbs more.


  • hmcbride68
    hmcbride68 Posts: 72 Member
    Hypothyroid is rough. But that's awesome you are still able to lose weight. Just keep it going. Slow and steady
  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! It's always the last 10 lbs that won't come off. Good luck to youse well :)
  • ninarobinson531
    ninarobinson531 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello I have hypothyroidism as well. It's a struggle! I've gained about 20 pounds but I'm working to get it down and I've lost almost 10 pounds. It's really hard and I feel like I go over and beyond for that 1-2 pounds a week! Good luck to you! Working out has defiantly helped me along the way!
  • yflores65
    yflores65 Posts: 9 Member
    I also have hashimotos. So far I'm down 7 but I have 25 to go. I'll be 50 soon so it's not easy.
  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    Hello I have hypothyroidism as well. It's a struggle! I've gained about 20 pounds but I'm working to get it down and I've lost almost 10 pounds. It's really hard and I feel like I go over and beyond for that 1-2 pounds a week! Good luck to you! Working out has defiantly helped me along the way!
    Hello I have hypothyroidism as well. It's a struggle! I've gained about 20 pounds but I'm working to get it down and I've lost almost 10 pounds. It's really hard and I feel like I go over and beyond for that 1-2 pounds a week! Good luck to you! Working out has defiantly helped me along the way!

  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you! Good luck to you! Keep it up! :)
  • livb528
    livb528 Posts: 55 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism and 3 littles. i gained 40 lbs from it as my Dr misdiagnosed me the first time I went in and when I went back I had begun to form a goiter. ;( Soo I have a lot to lose now.
  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    livb528 wrote: »
    I also have hypothyroidism and 3 littles. i gained 40 lbs from it as my Dr misdiagnosed me the first time I went in and when I went back I had begun to form a goiter. ;( Soo I have a lot to lose now.

  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    The Weight gain is one of the hardest symptoms of having hypothyroidism. I have Hashimoto's disease which I still don't understand really I just know that it causes me to have hypothyroidism. I have gained probably about 15 pounds recently which I believe due to my thyroid so I do have an appointment with my doctor. My other weight gain is from having two kids. I wish you the best of luck! We could support each other feel free to add me :)
  • nickylillyrose
    nickylillyrose Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a mom of two little kids 3 & 5. I have Hashimoto's disease so I'm always tired and weight gain had been a symptom. I'm looking for some friends to follow and support one another. I've lost 6 lbs but my goal is to lose 15-20 lbs more.

    I'd be happy to support you through this struggle. I will send you a request. :) I think it really helps when you see that your friend has finished their log for the day or has lost a pound or even a half a pound. It encourages you to get moving in the right. :)
  • hotmommaat30
    I have hypothyroidism and PCOS and have found that exercise is key. Simply following a reduced calorie plan is not enough. I lost 60 lbs in 6 months back in 2010 and was able to keep it off for over 3 years, but unfortunately I have gained 20 of them back in the past year. Jillian Michaels was a life saver for me. Doing her videos 45-60 min a day 5 days a week along with following my caloric deficit needed, seemed like it came off in no time. I now have 14 lbs left to lose before I am back to normal so I am back to what I know works :). Just remember that you can do it!!

    I saw a quote on Livestrong the other day it was, "do something for your self today, your future self will thank you for."
  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    I share similiar challenges . Feel free to add me! The journey is hard but easier and more fun with friends
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    I also have hypothyroidism, so I feel you OP! I've been on meds for 18 months, but my levels are still very high. I actually saw my new endocrinologist today, and I love her. She actually doubled my dosage from 125 mcg to 250 mcg since my levels at 125 were still at a 9 when they shouldn't be more than 2. I'm hoping that will help! It's been rough with weight gain since I've put on about 150 lbs in the last 10 years and it's like fighting your own body to try to get it off when you have hypothyroid. It's been quite the challenge! I've been in a bit of a start/stop mode since it's so discouraging to think about hypothryoid thwarting your efforts.

    Anybody can feel free to add me!
  • veggielove3
    veggielove3 Posts: 10 Member
    I have hypo too, three little boys, and about 15 pounds to go. I would love to be support, and have support!! Good luck to you!!
  • mkaylaz
    mkaylaz Posts: 25
    Iv found you all LOL
    I too have Hypothyroidism and PCOS I have two girls (7&11) Im also newbie. Over the last three years Iv gained 40kg and was diagnosed with Hypo & PCOS two years ago I'm also iron deficient which doesn't help with the fatigue.
    This is my year my head is in the right place and I'm doing this cant wait to follow you all on your journey also.
  • pinkybubs27
    Hi guys I'm new and so glad I found this post my 5 year old daughter has hypothyroidism she was born with out a thyroid all together. With being at the hospital so often I have put on about 55kg and need to get it off for her sake as well as mine
  • trishcarmichael712
    Hi - I also have hypothyroidism. I was diagnosed with it in early 1990's....It's been a real struggle with always being tired and gaining weight. I really never connected my weight gain to my thyroid, but the more I know about it I see how it connects. When I started my weight loss journey I topped out at 260....I'm down to 223. I was down to 196 last January and I got depressed and put 40 back on. Now I'm working on getting those off and try to get down to 170.
    If anyone would like to add me as a friend please feel free to do so. I post a weekly blog about my journey and there are times I post throughout the week. I have logged on to MFP for 101 days now and I'm not stopping. I'm determined to get this weight off and I'm willing to give support and encourage anyone that needs it.

    Good luck to all of you!
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    Hey everyone :)

    Whilst I have no children, I do have hypothyroidism too (hashimotos). I was diagnosed at 18 and an 28 now. Every time my tsh went wrong I gained 20lb. So now I have approx 100lbs to lose!!

    It's going to be a long journey but I have previously lost weight. It was very slow mind you (7lbs in 12weeks) but it really does work of we keep on top of it.

    I found that checking my tsh every 3 months is key to adjust dose when necessary, currently on 175. And my b12 is also low, it's worth checking vit levels as they contribute to energy.

    Good luck! :) feel free to add me. It's always nice to find fellow hypo's who understand the struggle!
  • Nazy_Ak
    Nazy_Ak Posts: 164 Member
    I saw a quote on Livestrong the other day it was, "do something for your self today, your future self will thank you for."

    My Uni made postcards of this, I love it! I have it on my inspiration board :)
  • im_awesome_because_im_me
    I had my right thyroid gland removed about 8 years ago...had a tumor on it that was turning into cancer...

    needless to say since then my weight has gone up and down and energy levels suck!!! Feeling tired and drained when I shouldn't has always bothered me...but several years ago writing all my food and proper exercise helped me lose weight...

    back on it now and would love to have people with similar issues come on this journey with me...
    Feel free to add me