birth control and losing weight...thoughts please.

I have a birth control implant in my arm. It's been in my arm for three years and is set to come out today.i have put on 10 pounds in the three years I've had it, with many attempts at diet and exercise. I know how to lose weight, so I'm not sure what else it could be. I'm 10 pounds heavier than I was the day I came home with my youngest child three years ago. My husband says it's because I'm nearly 30 now (29), others say it's harder to lose after having two kids, and the list of excuses goes on and on. To make a long story short, I go to the doctor today and
don't know what to do about birth control. Do any of you have experience losing while on it, and what do you use? Thanks


  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    no experience with BC but I have medical issues that have the propensity to gain (try 50lbs in 5 years lol) .. so my advice .. it is STILL about calories.. it may be slower and you may be like me where you really have to weigh food (every thing) to keep it logged somewhat accurately.

    It will come off.. 10lbs isn't alot which means it is much much slower to drop. Reasonable calorie goal with a slight deficit and it will come off in time.
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    I got the implant two Novembers ago, started losing weight last August, and I'm down 35 pounds.
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    I got the implant two Novembers ago, started losing weight last August, and I'm down 35 pounds.

    hahah so I am not crazy :D
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    I've had Mirena, Yaz, and multiple other types of birth control. None of them made me gain weight.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    mom2ava07 wrote: »
    i have put on 10 pounds in the three years I've had it, with many attempts at diet and exercise.
    I know how to lose weight

    Does. Not. Compute.

    Maybe you wanna ... y'know... reevaluate some of your assumptions about "what [you think] you know", right?

  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had the Mirena placed a few days after I started here. It didn't prevent me from losing weight.
  • suzihbe
    suzihbe Posts: 19 Member
    I have the implant and I have been able to lose weight for the year I have had it. As long as I'm making healthier choices and paying attention to what I am putting in my body, I don't gain any weight or I consistently lose weight which is my current goal. But I love my Nexplanon.
  • CarlyJane1986
    CarlyJane1986 Posts: 9 Member
    I was on a progestogen-only pill, and I think the implant is progestogen-only too? I was on it for 4 years, I had so much trouble losing weight and I also carried a lot of water weight and felt bloated. I decided 7 months ago to come off the pill and see if that helped me lose weight. Now I also joined MFP at the same time which is obviously a big factor in the weight loss i have had, but I can honestly say I have found it so much easier to shift weight now I am not taking the pill. I think things like this are different for each individual and you have to do what feels right for your body.
  • clyn27
    clyn27 Posts: 102 Member
    I just started the mini pill 3 days ago and suddenly the amount of food I have ben eating for a few weeks just is not cutting it the last few days. I have been so hungry. Being a woman is a constant struggle!
  • enm2122
    enm2122 Posts: 14 Member
    I think there's probably several contributing factors to your weight gain. How have you tried to lose weight? How long did you try? I notice you say "many attempts." I know it's easy to get frustrated, but stick with it!

    I will say, I've heard of women gaining weight when getting the implant, which is one reason why I didn't. My doctor told me that most women he gave the implant to did gain 5-10 pounds. I've known other girls who gained weight while on the pill. I am currently on the pill, and have noticed that I've gained at least 5 pounds, which I've now got off (and going for more). I think a lot of it had to do with the cravings and my body thinking I was hungry.

    Now that you're getting it out, try hitting the diet and exercise hard. Count your calories. Exercise 3-4 times a week. Don't set your goal too high to start off with, or you'll find yourself stuck. I started eating 1200 calories, and after about 2 weeks, I went on a binge. Now I aim for 1400-- my body needs the extra energy.

    Best wishes to you!
  • aimeecardiff
    When studies have been done with the pill and a placebo (dummy pill), there has been no difference in weight gain between the group on the real pill and the dummy, so it isn't the pill itself which causes weight gain.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    I have the second bc implant in my arm now and it's not hindered me in losing weight.
  • gongol07
    gongol07 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I have the implant coming up to 3 years. I had it out in 6 weeks after baby. I put on 2 stone during that pregnancy and lost it all really easily even with the The implant. Although it took almost a year for a period to happen and since then, my cycle had become increasingly worse, more erratic, heavier...basically just horrendous. I have also, been slowly gaining. More and more weight. I don't know if the implant itself is causing the weight gain, or affecting my hormones which In turn affect my dedication to a diet, but I have not been myself in any respect since having it and do think in some way, it is to blame for the weight and cannot wait to get the damn thing out!
  • xxlilkaycexx
    xxlilkaycexx Posts: 14 Member
    I was on the pill for 3 years and gained about 30-40 pounds. Im not going to blame it solely on the pill because I wasn't exercising or eating right at that time either. My problem while on it was that I was ALWAYS hungry. I would try to diet but i just could never shake the hunger. Ive been off of the pill for about 8 months now and have lost 20 pounds. I found my appetite went way down and I have never felt better.
  • lalepepper
    lalepepper Posts: 447 Member
    edited January 2015
    For some women birth control can result in side effects that make it more difficult to complete the steps involved in successful weight loss. For example, some people feel hungrier, others might have more PMS symptoms, etc. However, this can be addressed by carefully tracking your calories and maintaining a deficit. Increasing activity helps too. You've had a lot of life events that tend to lead to changes in food intake and activity, and all of those points are opportunity for weight gain. It's most likely that your attempts in the past didn't work because you might not have had all the knowledge or tools needed - there's a lot of misinformation out there regarding weight loss! I would recommend talking to your doctor about losing weight, and seeking a referral to a dietitian if you can. Sometimes it's hard to sort out all the information coming from everyone here - a dietitian can make recommendations for you to safely and manageably lose weight and fit it in to your lifestyle.

    I have used both Mirena for 5 years and Nuvaring for about 2, and while I gained weight on both, it was definitely due to how much I was eating and a decrease in my physical activity. Sometimes it's all too easy to look at everything else before honestly looking at ourselves.
  • corinne1977
    corinne1977 Posts: 144 Member
    Hello all, I just came across the post and even though I don't use the Mirena, I do have a similar situation. I am currently on Lo Loestrin for my PCOS but it gives me horrible cramps and acne so I want to switch. My Gyn. would like for me to try BeYaz but I'm not sure about it. She told me she takes and loves it. I know everyone's body reacts differently but I would just like to know other women's experience with this BCP. I've been working really hard to get off these last few pounds off and I don't want to mess up my progress. Did it make you gain/lose weight. What side effects did you experience, more bleeding, headaches, blood clots.

    For the OP-while I've been on Lo Loestrin I did not gain weight on it. This BCP is known for not causing weight or at least very little. This one may be a good fit for you even though it wasn't for me.
  • gemm30
    gemm30 Posts: 110 Member
    I was just wondering about the implant as well, have had mine about 16 mths and in that time have put on about 15lbs, not saying it's solely down to the implant but I'm an avid gym user and have been for 3 yrs, I have just started taking notice of what I eat as just exercise and guessing my food was not working I am going to give tracking my diet and exercise for a month a go and have a good look on the internet at the effects of the implant and them decide whether to have it removed or not.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    get a paraguard IUD, nothing to remember lasts for 10 years (I've had mine for going on 13) and no side effects.
  • mom2ava07
    mom2ava07 Posts: 186 Member
    So I ended up having the impact removed 5 days ago and the doctor gave me a prescription for ortho cyclen pills. I had them filled but noticed that weight gain was listed as a common side effect. I know many say they don't think bc causes weight gain, but of its listed as a common side effect I have to think its a definite possibility obviously.

    My question is, what causes the weight gain? As in, is it just from overeating with increased hunger or something else? I wonder if it's safe to assume that if I keep track of my calories I logically wouldn't gain, pill or not. Babies defitnley cause weight gain so I'm a little torn which way to go.