Stairmaster High Scores!



  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Missed the bike today because of some bad weather. Hit the gym with my fiance instead. Here's my numbers. I went for less time and higher intensity. It was way harder than I expected.

    Floors: 152
    Time: 30 Minutes
    Distance: 3.18 Miles

    Great job, as usual!!! What level do you use??

    Thanks! Our stairmaster goes from level 1-20. Last week when I did an hour it was on level 8. Last night when I did 30 minutes I went up to level 11. It was way way way faster than I expected. I was sweating more on that than I do for an hour trip on level 8.

    Yeah that is fast!!!!
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Do you wear a HRM?? I use one everyday, on the days I do the elliptical I burn more calories than the days I do the stairmaster. The strange thing is I feel like the stairmaster kicks my butt a lot harder than the elliptical?? Just seems strange?!?! Hope you are having a good week =)
  • eternlgladiator
    Do you wear a HRM?? I use one everyday, on the days I do the elliptical I burn more calories than the days I do the stairmaster. The strange thing is I feel like the stairmaster kicks my butt a lot harder than the elliptical?? Just seems strange?!?! Hope you are having a good week =)

    I don't wear a HRM but I wish I had one. I've been trying to convince myself to spend a few buck on one lately but haven't been able to. I try to take the calorie counters with a grain of salt. I did see much higher numbers on the treadmill at full incline for an hour vs the stairmaster for an hour. However, my drenched shirt and sore muscles tell me the stairmaster was just as good if not better in the big picture.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    However, my drenched shirt and sore muscles tell me the stairmaster was just as good if not better in the big picture.

    My thoughts exactly!!!!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    I'll join in after I do the stairs again! I did 45 min on Monday, but I don't recall the # flights. I know it was over 100, though.

    I do wear a HRM, and I definitely burn more on the stairs than elliptical. Treadmill it varies, depending on if I'm walking or running and incline. I haven't tried adding weights, but I usually don't hold on unless I'm getting a drink. I do turn around sometimes just for something different - the machine I use just has pedals, not actual revolving stairs. I'd never even thought to turn around until I saw a guy doing it last year!

    Oh, and I definitely always cover up the display with a towel, no matter what machine I'm on! Makes it go SO much faster for me, as I'm not looking at the display every 20 seconds! lol
  • eternlgladiator
    I'll join in after I do the stairs again! I did 45 min on Monday, but I don't recall the # flights. I know it was over 100, though.

    I do wear a HRM, and I definitely burn more on the stairs than elliptical. Treadmill it varies, depending on if I'm walking or running and incline. I haven't tried adding weights, but I usually don't hold on unless I'm getting a drink. I do turn around sometimes just for something different - the machine I use just has pedals, not actual revolving stairs. I'd never even thought to turn around until I saw a guy doing it last year!

    Oh, and I definitely always cover up the display with a towel, no matter what machine I'm on! Makes it go SO much faster for me, as I'm not looking at the display every 20 seconds! lol

    Welcome to the challenge. Be careful going backwards. I've tried it a few times and while it is impressive and probably changes your muscle groups a little but there is a higher chance of getting hurt by falling backwards onto the machine. Looking forward to your first post.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I'll join in after I do the stairs again! I did 45 min on Monday, but I don't recall the # flights. I know it was over 100, though.

    I do wear a HRM, and I definitely burn more on the stairs than elliptical. Treadmill it varies, depending on if I'm walking or running and incline. I haven't tried adding weights, but I usually don't hold on unless I'm getting a drink. I do turn around sometimes just for something different - the machine I use just has pedals, not actual revolving stairs. I'd never even thought to turn around until I saw a guy doing it last year!

    Oh, and I definitely always cover up the display with a towel, no matter what machine I'm on! Makes it go SO much faster for me, as I'm not looking at the display every 20 seconds! lol

  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Ok today sucked big time :(

    Floors - 102
    Time - 30 min
    Miles - 2.11
  • eternlgladiator
    Ok today sucked big time :(

    Floors - 102
    Time - 30 min
    Miles - 2.11

    Don't feel bad. If it weren't for bad days we wouldn't have good days. Just use it as motivation to push harder next time. :) You're doing great!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Do you do the stairmaster or a treadclimber? I would like to join as I use the treadclimber at least once a week but I hate the stairmaster. I know crazy.
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    Do you do the stairmaster or a treadclimber? I would like to join as I use the treadclimber at least once a week but I hate the stairmaster. I know crazy.

    I do the stairmaster (the one with revolving stairs like an escalator), what is the treadclimber?? Welcome!!!
  • eternlgladiator
    Do you do the stairmaster or a treadclimber? I would like to join as I use the treadclimber at least once a week but I hate the stairmaster. I know crazy.

    I use the stair master as well ( revolving stairs).

    Jamie, here's a tread climber

    Welcome to the group!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    actually the gym calls the one with the revolving stairs a treadclimber while a stairmaster is just the up and down. So I do the same as you guys.
  • julesandrich
    julesandrich Posts: 188 Member
    I started off slowly. Just doing about 10-15 minutes, then increased intensity by either speeding it up or carrying a weight. Carrying a weight creates a two fold problem. First, you can't hold the rails, which could be considered unsafe, but it also doesn't allow you to use your hands to take any weight off your legs. The second thing it does is force your body to use more muscles. This will create some core activity as you'll be leaning more in different directions.

    @Jules, it is hard but an amazing workout, like he said start off slow like 10-15 minutes and go from there :)

    I will give a go...I have been running and doing spin classes but I really want to try something different. Thanks!!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    I call it the "step mill" and I'm totally addicted to it. On the days I do Zumba I only do about 25-35 min on it. When I don't do Zumba I do an hour. Today I did Zumba so I did 35 min on the step mill and burned 350 calories (I wear a HRM). I either do HIIT on it (intervals with a low of 100 and a high of 140) or calisthenics (going up sideways on each side and every other step). I truly believe the calisthenics on there is what helped to slim up my thighs and bum!
  • shar140
    shar140 Posts: 1,158 Member
    actually the gym calls the one with the revolving stairs a treadclimber while a stairmaster is just the up and down. So I do the same as you guys.

    Mine is what you refer to as a stairmaster - that's all my gym has.

    30 min
    95.6 floors
    287 cal

    I didn't push it too hard with the cardio since I was also doing a leg workout today. A couple months ago I could do 100 floors in 30 min, but I was training for a stair-climbing race in March. Then I had to switch to running, since I ran my first 5k last month! :bigsmile:
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    actually the gym calls the one with the revolving stairs a treadclimber while a stairmaster is just the up and down. So I do the same as you guys.

    Mine is what you refer to as a stairmaster - that's all my gym has.

    30 min
    95.6 floors
    287 cal

    I didn't push it too hard with the cardio since I was also doing a leg workout today. A couple months ago I could do 100 floors in 30 min, but I was training for a stair-climbing race in March. Then I had to switch to running, since I ran my first 5k last month! :bigsmile:

    Great job especially with doing a leg workout too!!!

    I'm doing the stairmaster again today and hope to go the full 40 minutes this time :)
  • eternlgladiator
    actually the gym calls the one with the revolving stairs a treadclimber while a stairmaster is just the up and down. So I do the same as you guys.

    Mine is what you refer to as a stairmaster - that's all my gym has.

    30 min
    95.6 floors
    287 cal

    I didn't push it too hard with the cardio since I was also doing a leg workout today. A couple months ago I could do 100 floors in 30 min, but I was training for a stair-climbing race in March. Then I had to switch to running, since I ran my first 5k last month! :bigsmile:

    Great job especially with doing a leg workout too!!!

    I'm doing the stairmaster again today and hope to go the full 40 minutes this time :)

    You can do it Jamie. If you listen to music, which I think you told me do, make a playlist of your favorite longer songs. I found that the longer songs that I can go along with make the time disappear like mad. Great job on the lower weight too!
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    Only did 35 min today because I also did an hour of Zumba.

    35 min w/ 2 min cool down
    5.31 miles
    255 floors
    Average mets 12.4 (levels 100-135)
    Total calories per HRM= 335

    5 min warmup at level 100
    5 min high speed at level 135
    5 min sideways right side at 100
    5 min sideways left side at 100
    15 min every other step at level 115
    2 min cool down level 90
  • terresabooth
    Holly Crap that is insane but I love a good challange.. I will have to work up to your level :laugh: