Need some buddies to help keep me motivated!

Hi all,

This is about my fourth time trying to get going on MyFitnessPal. I would love it if some of you would add me to help keep me motivated, and vice versa. I'm 26 and living in Denver, looking to lose 60-80lbs and get into shape so that I can enjoy all of the awesome physical activities Colorado has.


  • mellong1650
    Same here! Giving the app another try! I'm 35 and live in Missouri. Looking to shed 25-30lbs. Since quitting smoking last year I have gained a few and really looking to live a more healthy lifestyle! Feel free to add me!!
  • ccmarlacarie
    ccmarlacarie Posts: 10 Member
    I'm trying to get back into myfitnesspal as well. I have a ski trip planned in a month and would really like to feel more in shape for it. I'm 26 and live in the four corners area. Looking to lose 20-30lbs.
  • FriskyKoi
    FriskyKoi Posts: 4 Member
    This is my 6th time with fitnesspal and I must say if you stick with it, it will work but Its kinda hard since I have 4 kids and 2 are both under 2yrs old. I've done zumba! that was fun. I'm 28 and In PA and I have to lose about 130lbs to be considered health by my doctors office and hopefully I can also come off all those bp meds and diabetic meds and inhalers for my asthma. Anyone can feel free to add me also!
  • klbevan1
    Hello! I'm brand new to myfitnesspal, but have used other apps with some success. Gained the weight back though and looking for an accountability group to keep me on task! I have a friends wedding in NYC in May and would love to wear a cute little dress, so that's my main motivation right now. I'm 31 and living in PA. Feel free to add me and maybe we can start an accountability group!
  • vannlilje123
    vannlilje123 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'd love some friends on here. Both to motivate and to be motivated. I'm new to trying to loose some, and not sure how to. But i'm sure to get there eventually. Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • jesse1952
    jesse1952 Posts: 68 Member
    I just started back myself. Add me if you like.
  • div9diva44
    div9diva44 Posts: 151 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add. Got lots of modivation to go around. The journey is hard but easier and more fun with friends!
  • EllieEm13
    EllieEm13 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks everyone! You're all awesome.