Mommy pouch

I had my son in 2012 and I am still working on getting this pouch down from when I had him. :s I do crunches .. Which helps the top of my abs, but I was wondering if you guys had more ideas to help with the bottom. Thanks for the help


  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Crunches don't help particularly

    Fat loss through calorie defecit
    Weight training

    Read the op in the link above
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    edited January 2015
    The pelvic tilt exercise will help tighten the inner muscle of the lower abdomen and strengthen the pelvic floor. But if is fat that's hanging out, definitely the link referenced above.
  • LadyTalulah
    LadyTalulah Posts: 174 Member
    If it's fat and lack of muscles that's the problem, read the link.
    If it's stretched skin, try a dermroller! I use it for my loose skin / stretch marks, and its' a miracle product. Do your research though, it's a slow process and it has to be done correctly! Overuse will defeat the purpose.
  • _Mommamika
    _Mommamika Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Lose skin will tighten up to whatever degree it will. This depends on a bunch of things. If it’s body fat, just doing crunches will not solve your problem. You’re looking to get lean. You can have all the muscle mass in the world, but if you’ve got too much body fat, they won’t show. It sounds like to me you’re looking to lean out some.

    Set an appropriate calorie deficit based on your progress and metabolism, get in some intense exercise 5-6 days/week, and be consistent. You’ve got this. Time and consistency will get you there.

  • PokeyBug
    PokeyBug Posts: 482 Member
    terbusha wrote: »
    Lose skin will tighten up to whatever degree it will. This depends on a bunch of things. If it’s body fat, just doing crunches will not solve your problem. You’re looking to get lean. You can have all the muscle mass in the world, but if you’ve got too much body fat, they won’t show. It sounds like to me you’re looking to lean out some.

    Set an appropriate calorie deficit based on your progress and metabolism, get in some intense exercise 5-6 days/week, and be consistent. You’ve got this. Time and consistency will get you there.



    Seriously. I had the most giant mommy pouch on the planet, and it's not completely gone YET, but it is much reduced as I've lost weight and gotten in shape. No tricks, no gimmicks, just take some time, cut your calories, work out, and watch it slowly disappear. You DO need to tighten your ab muscles, that helps reduce the bulky appearance, but if body fat is your problem, cutting calories and patience are both a must.
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    Ok so to preface what I'm about to say because God knows people will jump down my throat about it---Fat burn and eating right is the foundation you need for good abs. That being said, if you are looking for some good exercises that are especially good for lower abs, planks (lots of them---20secs on/10 secs rest for 4 mins---and suitcases!! They hurt so good.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    ashmeg84 wrote: »
    Ok so to preface what I'm about to say because God knows people will jump down my throat about it---Fat burn and eating right is the foundation you need for good abs. That being said, if you are looking for some good exercises that are especially good for lower abs, planks (lots of them---20secs on/10 secs rest for 4 mins---and suitcases!! They hurt so good.

    I think you covered your bases, no one should jump you. Calorie intake is a big deal, but you definitely need to train the muscles also. Training makes the core strong, calorie deficit makes it lean.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I found the best foundation for my abs was heavy compound lifts. When I dieted down I didn't even need ab work to make the muscles firm. When you do squats, bench press, deadlift and overhead press you engage your core. It was more than enough to give me a 6 pack.
  • _Mommamika
    _Mommamika Posts: 14 Member
    terbusha wrote: »
    Lose skin will tighten up to whatever degree it will. This depends on a bunch of things. If it’s body fat, just doing crunches will not solve your problem. You’re looking to get lean. You can have all the muscle mass in the world, but if you’ve got too much body fat, they won’t show. It sounds like to me you’re looking to lean out some.

    Set an appropriate calorie deficit based on your progress and metabolism, get in some intense exercise 5-6 days/week, and be consistent. You’ve got this. Time and consistency will get you there.


    Thanks I appreciate the help
  • _Mommamika
    _Mommamika Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the tips @usmcmp‌ :)
  • _Mommamika
    _Mommamika Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the help everyone