recovering from anorexia

I used to be anorexic but I have recovered but I'm still not at my desired weight. I'm 18, 5'3 and I weigh 95lbs. My long term goal is 120lbs but I would really like to put on 4-6lbs within the next month or two. Any suggestions on what I should eat, how many calories I should intake everyday. Please help me out?


  • mandadean
    I'm 24, 5"3, and up to 133 from 100. I found and now have an athletic build. If you have the psychological figured out, I suggest you find something you enjoy that's physically active, so you're okay with the weight because you'll like your body... Like weight lifting! Also, take it one day at a time. Start habits. Good luck!
  • adwiggins6456
    mandadean wrote: »
    I'm 24, 5"3, and up to 133 from 100. I found and now have an athletic build. If you have the psychological figured out, I suggest you find something you enjoy that's physically active, so you're okay with the weight because you'll like your body... Like weight lifting! Also, take it one day at a time. Start habits. Good luck!

    Thank you so much
  • klundy0941
    I'm currently going through the same thing as you. I'm 20 and I've been struggling with an eating disorder the past 2 years. My goal is to get to 120 pounds too. I eat almost 2200 calories a day, and what really helps me meet my calorie goal each day are Ensure plus drinks. I drink 2 every day, and it's a total of 700 calories.
  • Khukhullatus
    Khukhullatus Posts: 361 Member
    Milk is a great way to get a ton of protein and a solid shot of calories quickly during your day. Plus it's super inexpensive compared to lots of the protein shakes and whatnot.