Introducing myself!!! Goal weight loss=50 pounds

I have always been REALLY skinny. 110 pounds MAX. I used to be able to eat anything I wanted, when I wanted...but then I got pregnant and OH GOD those friggen cravings. I gained weight fast. By the time I gave birth (to a 6 pound baby) I was 180 pounds. I couldn't believe it. I am so chubby and I can't eat anything I want now. I look at photos that were taken of me during my pregnancy and after and it's just atrocious. I never want to see myself like that again. So just yesterday, I downloaded this app. I need to make a change. I need to get off the couch and stop being lazy. I need to watch what I eat, count calories and yes, excersize. So it's day two and I'm down two pounds. I think my body is pissed at me (lol) but I'm still pushing. I want to lose 50 pounds. I'm 170 now and started at 172. I want to be a healthy 120. For my son, my husband and for me. I want to feel great by looking great and not be embarrassed by my gut or have to wear a one piece bathing suit. So here's to the long journey ahead! Feel free to add me if you would like. I would love to see other success stories as well!


  • deedavis27
    deedavis27 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there -I have around 20 kgs to lose too - which I think is around the same as yourself. I can't blame my kids for my weight gain as they are both over 20 haha but I do blame myself for being lazy enjoying too much good oops sorry bad food and wine. I saw a photo of myself over the Christmas period and thought wow I am that fat lady that people talk about. This is my second week and so far I have lost 4 kgs and going well.
    Good luck to you :-)
  • FullofSuccess
    FullofSuccess Posts: 44 Member
    Just sent you a request... I have 55 lbs to loose. It not going to be easy. We can do this.