Do cleanses work?



  • mattn72
    mattn72 Posts: 14 Member
    My favorite cleanse always does the trick.....
    Bud light draft at night and black coffee the next morning.

    All clean by noon.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member

    CICO are pretty much all you need (unless medical issues are part of things and then you need to be working with your doctor)

  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I honestly don't understand why anyone would do a cleanse when they cost money, deprive you of delicious foods, are miserable especially if prolonged, and totally scientifically unnecessary.

    While I understand that people want quick and easy fixes, I can't see what's easy or convenient about eating nothing but juiced celery or whatever for 2 weeks. How is this better than just learning portion control?.............

    I think it's because a lot people want something quick -- they want to drop 5 lbs so they can fit into a slinky dress for a party or something, or they think a "kick start" will get them on the path to weight loss. I've never done a "cleanse" but in my foolish youth I used to go on starvation diets that lasted a day or two for just that reason. The summer I was 17 I had an "apple day" once a week, where I'd eat an apple for bfast, an apple for lunch, and an apple for dinner. Stupid, I know, but I felt "skinny" doing it and that was all that mattered.
  • MissMissle
    MissMissle Posts: 293 Member
    Cleanse - "rid (a person, place, or thing) of something seen as unpleasant, unwanted, or defiling."

    I am a person, place, or thing.
    I see my poopies as unpleasent, unwanted, or defiling.
    I do a "cleanse" and poop exits my body in a timely maner, sometimes, in a super fast manner.
    So in short, heck yeah, cleanses totally work!

    The great thing is you can call anything you want a cleanse. Water, chocolate, coffee, pills, a normal diet, a normal way of life, your everyday routine. And if it works for you, you don't need any "proof", 'scientific evidence" or "cited studies" because it worked for you, and that's all you should care about. Yet somehow people always demand "proof"....

    "cleanse" is a dirty word on MFP because most people assume it means some over priced pill of sorts that you buy at a drug store and pop hoping to miraculously loose weight. But thats not the definition of cleanse. if i do something and it makes me poop, I consider that cleansing. This can be through food, drink, exersice, every day living and every day body functions doing their thing.... So yes, yes, cleanses work.

    In reality - we all know what "cleanses" are marketed as. Magic pills! Yaaaaaaaay magic pills magic pills magic pills! If there was a magic pill out there that worked, I would be the skinniest, healthiest person i know, because I am so lazy I would literally spend any amount of moeny to make this healthy life style thing easier - unfortunetly, they dont exist (whhhhyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    UHG. BTW have you seen that thing you put your feet in and its supposed to pull all the toxins out of your body??? WTF IS THAT???? And every time someone tells me Dr. Oz said something all i can think of is that insurance commercial where that girl sais shes dating a French Model she met on the internet, and since it was on the internet it must be true, and his this big wonky looking goof.

    Side note. The sugar free gummy bear cleanse DOES work, and there's plenty of your proof out there.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I do a 7 day body cleanse every other month or so (Arbonne). You eat while you are on it, you just add the cleanse to 32 oz of water. It's gentle - no extra trips to the bathroom. I love it because about day 4 or 5, my skin starts to look really good, with a nice glow to it.

    I have a feeling it's the extra water, not the "cleanse" that's added that is helping your skin.

    I upped my water intake from 8 cups a day to 12 cups (minimum), and my skin has never been better. In fact, I used to have permanent "worry" wrinkles across my forehead, and they're all but gone now, thanks to good ol' agua, straight from the tap or a filter pitcher.

    Just drink an extra 32-64oz of plain water (or the fruit/veggie infused as suggested above, that sounds delicious, too) every day. You're welcome, MFP members!:flowerforyou:
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    I do a 7 day body cleanse every other month or so (Arbonne). You eat while you are on it, you just add the cleanse to 32 oz of water. It's gentle - no extra trips to the bathroom. I love it because about day 4 or 5, my skin starts to look really good, with a nice glow to it.

    I have a feeling it's the extra water, not the "cleanse" that's added that is helping your skin.

    I upped my water intake from 8 cups a day to 12 cups (minimum), and my skin has never been better. In fact, I used to have permanent "worry" wrinkles across my forehead, and they're all but gone now, thanks to good ol' agua, straight from the tap or a filter pitcher.

    Just drink an extra 32-64oz of plain water (or the fruit/veggie infused as suggested above, that sounds delicious, too) every day. You're welcome, MFP members!:flowerforyou:

    Agreed. When I'm hydrated, I always feel less puffy in my face, and I feel much better overall, since I'm hydrated.

    And yes...that water sounds awesome!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    This cleansing water... How many antioxidants leave the mint leaves and cucumber? How many are needed to have a benefit?
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member

    UHG. BTW have you seen that thing you put your feet in and its supposed to pull all the toxins out of your body??? WTF IS THAT???? And every time someone tells me Dr. Oz said something all i can think of is that insurance commercial where that girl sais shes dating a French Model she met on the internet, and since it was on the internet it must be true, and his this big wonky looking goof.

    Side note. The sugar free gummy bear cleanse DOES work, and there's plenty of your proof out there.

    I saw someone doing the foot thing at the state fair last year. Ewww. I didn't want to engage the guy in conversation by asking the age old question ("What toxins would this rid me of that my liver & kidneys won't?") and how it worked for fear I'd get frustrated and ruin my day at the fair.

    The sugar-free gummy bear reviews are hilarious.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I do a 7 day body cleanse every other month or so (Arbonne). You eat while you are on it, you just add the cleanse to 32 oz of water. It's gentle - no extra trips to the bathroom. I love it because about day 4 or 5, my skin starts to look really good, with a nice glow to it.

    The Chernobyl Cleanse?
    Ooo those foreign cleanses are the best by far!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    This cleansing water... How many antioxidants leave the mint leaves and cucumber? How many are needed to have a benefit?

    I don't use fruit/veggies for "cleansing" purposes (just for taste), but I personally like to slice everything open if I'm going to be infusing it in water. For the mint, you could probably chop one in half to help release some of the flavor.