50 year old mom empty nester

Hi. I am looking for motivational/supportve friends. I am a 50 year old woman, a full time working professional and a recent empty nester. In the past month since I dropped my kids off at college, my husband and I changed our eating and I started tracking here. Today I am at 14 lbs. many more to go (have not really figured that out - but I think about 40 more), but I have had some not to so great blood test results and other family members that died I heir early 50's, so thus is really important to me.

I log in every day and am a good communicator (ie: I respond quickly)

Feel free to friend me if you felt that I could be supportive to you and visa versa..



  • sandytaffy
    sandytaffy Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Bluetoast.

    You can add me as a friend. I am in my 50s. I have no children, but I do need to lose weight. So far I have one additional friend on MFP and she is a great source of inspiration. As is just getting on the Community tab and clicking on any request and reading both the request and the members reply.

    I do have MPF up almost always, just so I can conveniently add my food items. I will mostly try to check messages either early or late or when I get a break--but, I will respond.

    Right now I am still trying to find my groove, but the MFP tools are very helpful and I believe I will only improve as I continue to log in my information. I believe I have been recording for a little more than a week.

    If there is any way I can help you, please feel free to ask.

    Good luck and I do hope you and I will become mutual friends.
  • nettasue35
    nettasue35 Posts: 190 Member
    welcome to mfp. f.r. sent
  • dollbud40
    dollbud40 Posts: 118 Member
    Well Hello! I am 47 and also an empty nester! I am always looking for friends to share support with! I am sending you a friend request!
  • northwoods1111
    northwoods1111 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello-I'm also in my fifties and our tail-ender headed off to college in August. I too began focusing on healthy living in early September after we moved our daughter and grandson to Texas and I had three weeks before heading to Seattle for the birth of another grandchild.

    I've been using MFP for about two months now, but today is the first day that I've used the message boards. In early September I downloaded a number of other similar tools (Lose it, Spark People, etc...) but decided to stay with MFP because of the connected accounts and the way to add food items using the bar codes. Just this week I bought a Fitbit. I had been using my iPhone and tried out a number of the connected apps (Runtastic, etc...) but they used so much battery-and while I usually have my phone on me, the Fitbit can attach to my bra for the day. I bought the cheap one, because I don't need to monitor my sleep. I seem to be a data driven person and love watching the steps accumulate, and see the food log give real nutritional information.

    I'm motivated to work on overall health just for me. I'm not doing it for a daughter's wedding or a reunion, or to fit into a favorite dress-I'm doing it to feel better, look better and get stronger. I'm choosing small goals and will give myself as much time as I need-because this time it's for a lifetime. Like many folks out there, I've been down this road before. This time, I want to read recent studies on weight loss to take as much of the mystery out of the process as possible. I want to avoid the gimmicks. I want to find a lifelong way to live my life in a healthy way.

    I really love the tools on MFP and believe that they'll just be getting better and better. I decided to start using the blog because I know I need an accountability piece, and this could be it. My first goal is to move out of the obese category to overweight. I have about 10 more pounds to achieve that. After that I'll choose another attainable goal. I believe in breaking up a big problem into small pieces.

    It's too bad that so many have similar struggles, but it is so great to have a really wonderful tool like MFP to help. I would be happy to support others who have similar goals.
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    I am an empty nester and 56. I have been battling my weight for quite some time, I have joined WW and also back on MFP for support,
    Started back tracking on MFP, and I started working out again...I had a very long siesta so to speak, lol...last week was my restart, I made it to the gym 5 days and I managed to lose approximately 4 lbs....which brought me back to the same weight I left MFP at..lol. This week I have been on track and hopefully I will have a lose..trying to keep up the momentum :-)

    Add me as a friend if you like.

    Have a great evening :-)
  • deevalentine
    deevalentine Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I really can relate to what youre going thru I have been on a yo-yo ride with weight forever. I started with mfp last year i had tons of support but then the holidays hit and I fail terribly! I gained back all the weight i lost and i lost all the friends that supported me. So Im truly starting back over again, It is my goal this time to loose this weight and make a life style change so that i will never gain it back again not even during holidays and events. I like friends that reply back and really motivate each other when they can because this is what i do! I will be sending you a friend request and if you add me i will support you all the way! I love motivation!
  • 59gi
    59gi Posts: 307 Member
    Love to be your friend in weight loss. I lost 9lbs so far started June 3 , 2014.:smile:
  • phillyb2013
    phillyb2013 Posts: 271 Member
    Yes, I get frustrated at times; but I keep telling myself I am not alone with this battle and I am realizing I dont need to eat the same amount as my hubby, lol....note to self...hahahaha.

    Today was work out day # 4 for this week - I have been taking Tuesdays off mainly to get home early to tend to our mini schnauzer so my hubby can hit his gym, lol. I have to say I enjoy knowing I can go straight home without feeling guilty, lol.

    How did ya'll do today? What works for ya'll, food and or work out ideas.

    Have a great Friday :-)

    Phyllis in NC
  • HI. I'm 49 and just dropped 1 off at College, a 14 yr. old at home and I'm engaged. I totally let myself go the past 1 1/2 years and am so over it. I am at 170 now and want to get down to 155. Add me as a friend. The support can go both ways. :)
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    edited January 2015
    Hi I am 55 and can relate to the yo yo diet. I have been to SW and WW each time I lost just over one stone, but it just crept back on. I often ask myself why do I do that? The answer to that is I have a weakness for sweet things and wine. But this time I want to keep it off. I want to change bad habits for good ones and get my 'get up and go' back. Both my daughters are very supportive in whatever I do. So is my husband. Our youngest was my gym buddy but she moved across the sea to join her sister. I think it was at that point that my motivation got up and left with her. I understand the empty nest feeling but must also look upon it as a new beginning for me. I have had a few health issues and needed to sort out my diet to improve them. I have been on MFP since December and have lost 5 lb so far. I want to start this journey to make a life long change. I hope you will come along with me and add me as a friend, as Stephanie states support can go both ways.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member

    January 21, 2015 7:38AM
    Morning everyone, enjoy what you eat but dont forget to track it! Thought of the day, be positive about yourself, what you eat, and exercise. Speak later off to work now
  • Hi ! I also am a fairly new empty nester. i have been enjoying my wine on a daily basis, and a glass or 2 disinhibits me enough that I eat like it is my last day on earth! With kids around I had too much to do to indulge myself with such bad habits. Anyway in the past year, I have gained 15 pounds--which I attribute to boredom and a bit of the blues. I lost 55 pounds in 2009-2010 and managed to keep it off until this past year. I am back to all of my unhealthy eating habits and need to stop the insanity before i have gained it all back. I need to be accountable to someone--apparently I am not accountable to myself. Will take any encouragement! Starting day 2 in my journey.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    drwmom23 wrote: »
    Hi ! I also am a fairly new empty nester. i have been enjoying my wine on a daily basis, and a glass or 2 disinhibits me enough that I eat like it is my last day on earth! With kids around I had too much to do to indulge myself with such bad habits. Anyway in the past year, I have gained 15 pounds--which I attribute to boredom and a bit of the blues. I lost 55 pounds in 2009-2010 and managed to keep it off until this past year. I am back to all of my unhealthy eating habits and need to stop the insanity before i have gained it all back. I need to be accountable to someone--apparently I am not accountable to myself. Will take any encouragement! Starting day 2 in my journey.

    Hi drwmom23 I think we all know that blues feeling. My problem is weekends when I have a couple or more glasses of wine, it throws all the good work through the window. However you have come to the right place for support we are all in it together!
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    What has worked in the past for me is reflection, why did I grab the chocolates? what mood was I in when eating them? can I change anything? I now take my own snacks to work instead of heading for the chocolates, I record what snacks I take to work before I leave the house and if I don't eat them I remove them from the tracker. I am a bit of an emotional eater and eat chocolate for comfort. I now take sachets of instant hot chocolate (33 calories) as it gives me my chocolate fix instead of eating a bar.
  • cotewalter
    cotewalter Posts: 111 Member
    I came here in the first place because of blood work that was not good. Since then I have lost around 60 lbs. I went away for a bit and gained 5-10 back so I am sticking right here because I need some accountability.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    edited January 2015
    cotewalter wrote: »
    I came here in the first place because of blood work that was not good. Since then I have lost around 60 lbs. I went away for a bit and gained 5-10 back so I am sticking right here because I need some accountability.

    I think we all need accountability cotewalter! Well done with your previous weight loss, you know you can and will loose those extra pounds, as I said previously we can do it together!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 516 Member
    Always love to give and get extra support. Friend request sent.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    Hi everyone how's it going?
  • kellystjohn105
    kellystjohn105 Posts: 104 Member
    Hello Ladies - I'm 50 and have 2 kids in college (sophomore and senior). I had a hard time after the youngest one left so I got myself a Harley Davidson Motorcycle and a new puppy named Harley.....mid life crisis I guess.

    I started on MFP 2 days ago. It was recommended to me by my y-change coach at the ymca. I'm determined to lose some weight (this time) so I'm working out 4 days a week, meeting with a nutrition coach and logging everything into MFP. I'm loving it so far....and feeling super motivated. I'm just hoping I don't lose interest like I have over and over in the past.

    Both of my children are college athletes and will be starting their seasons in mid February. I'm really hoping to show up to their games looking healthier and fit.

    my 6-week goal (started two days ago) is to lose 12+ pounds and run 2 miles in 28 minutes. I'm weighing in on Tuesdays.

    If there are any message boards out there that y'all recommend, please let me know. I'm looking for motivation and accountability.
  • dmoseley389
    dmoseley389 Posts: 78 Member
    Hello Ladies - I'm 50 and have 2 kids in college (sophomore and senior). I had a hard time after the youngest one left so I got myself a Harley Davidson Motorcycle and a new puppy named Harley.....mid life crisis I guess.

    I started on MFP 2 days ago. It was recommended to me by my y-change coach at the ymca. I'm determined to lose some weight (this time) so I'm working out 4 days a week, meeting with a nutrition coach and logging everything into MFP. I'm loving it so far....and feeling super motivated. I'm just hoping I don't lose interest like I have over and over in the past.

    Both of my children are college athletes and will be starting their seasons in mid February. I'm really hoping to show up to their games looking healthier and fit.

    my 6-week goal (started two days ago) is to lose 12+ pounds and run 2 miles in 28 minutes. I'm weighing in on Tuesdays.

    If there are any message boards out there that y'all recommend, please let me know. I'm looking for motivation and accountability.

    Hi Kelly join this group they have an exercise chat room that is very motivational
    Group Fifty, Female and Fun!