Pre-Diabetic, Scared and Tired of Being "Chubby" - Need Additional Motivation

Hi Everyone. I swear this will be like my 5th time on a site like this and really trying to lose weight. The last time I lost weight I lost about 80 pounds in a year. It wasn't because of diet and exercise, but the stress of a failing marriage. I looked great, but was so sick I could hardly eat. Once I decided to take control of my life and move out on my own with our children, the weight slowly came back on, and this time, it brought friends!

Now that I have been diagnosed with pre-diabetes and I have been on metformin for 4 months, it's time for me to step up a little bit and get my healthy eating and some kind of exercise going. I'm scared to death! Scared to fail, scared to get sick from not eating right, scared to look better and be better. I know that last part sounds foolish, but it's scary. I remember before when I lost weight and I went into the plus sized section to buy some jeans I couldn't fit anything and I was afraid to go into the "regular" sized section. I didn't know how to shop those sizes. It was foreign to me.

I want to be a better and healthier me for my new husband and my children. I don't want to be/get sick because of complications from the extra weight I carry. I know better, yet I fail daily by not even attempting to exercise. If I could get past the fear or looking different, and body changes, and being embarrassed by not being able to keep up with a work-out, maybe I could do this. Funny how I could be embarrassed about not being able to keep up with a work-out, but not embarrassed about my appearance now. Go figure.

Hopefully I will be able to read some profiles and stories here that can/will help me on this journey. Thanks for reading.


  • jodie3134
    jodie3134 Posts: 60 Member
    Good for you... Taking your life and your body back :). I am in the same boat. I've tried so many diets and haven't stuck to any! 80 lbs is a long term goal... For now I'm shooting To lose the 20 I put back on the last year. I too have higher blood sugar and it scares me!!! I'm taking my life back and doing something good for my self! Please feel free to add me as a friend!
  • foreverinhishands26
    Hello Sandy! You can friend me if you want and maybe we can work together. I am on this site again and at my all time high, so I need to loose weight as well. 50 pounds would probably put me where I should be. I love food, so I need to learn to eat smaller portions. I have a trainer who is working with me once a week and I have 1600 calories to work with, but its still hard. I can eat whatever my biggest challenge is staying in the 1600 calorie mark.

    Have a great day. I think I figured this out so lets see if I can friend you.

  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Hi Jodie and Rachael. Thanks for replying to my post. I really appreciate it. I would like to lose about 80 total, but my short term goal is 32 pounds. Once I reach that, I think I'll set goals in 10 pound increments until I get to where I would like to be. How did the 2 of you get motivated to exercise, AND how did you get started? Did you join a gym, start walking, get in a group? Right now, I prefer walking or at-home work outs. I never liked going to the gym. Seems like everyone in there is always already super fit.
  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Good for you! You have a great starting goal and wonderful motivators. I have about the same to loose as you and, though I have not been diagnosed with diabetes or prediabetes it's always in the back of my mind because it runs heavily through my family. Feel free to add me.
  • MsTiffamee
    MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
    I joined MFP when my husband was diagnosed with Diabetes. His doctor told him he should sign up and start trying to lose weight and I didn't want him to do it I'm obese as I needed and wanted this as much as him! We started at the end of August. We logged, ate right, and exercised up until Thanksgiving. We took the holidays off and started back at it last Monday. I have lost a total of 48lbs. He has lost 60+lbs. You can do it. It's scary, but it will be so worth it!
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for replying ladies. It's scary, but I want and need this so bad. Being accountable for what I eat and logging everything that goes into my mouth is HUGE!!! Even before, i would have never counted a beverage, or a few small pieces of candy, or even a hand-full of popcorn. Accountability is key for me. Wish MFP had a way to add meds here. I'm hoping I'll lose enough weight to come off my metformin and my BP meds.
  • kyuille
    kyuille Posts: 13
    Im a registered nurse, and nothing makes me more happier than a person taking control of their health situation. It is music to my ears! You go girl!!
  • anarchysbitch
    anarchysbitch Posts: 64 Member
    Hey there,

    I lost 30 kgs (about 70 pounds) when I was 23 just through exercise and portion control and was really proud of myself then I had a bad, really bad break up that made me lose my self worth and i gained it all back and then some over the course of 5 years :neutral_face:. Only now at 31 do I feel motivated enough to start my journey again and now I don't have to do it on my own but I have an awesome community like this to make sure i stay on track. I feel my weight has caused me to not make the most of opportunities that I could of had. I'm a musician and i gig often and i always self concious on stage. This year that will change :smiley: I have added you.
  • csmullins78
    csmullins78 Posts: 61 Member
    Like most everyone else, I've tried and failed every diet. The only thing that consistently works for me is calorie counting with moderate exercise. When I stop tracking my calories, I gain weight.

    This time around, I'm doing it for "life" not for a temporary weight loss. Yeah, yeah, everyone says that. What I mean is that I'm approaching this in a different way than I did before. Yes, I want to stick to 1200-1400 calories, but I allow myself to eat what I want and go over (or occasionally under) my calorie goal. Yesterday, I ate 1530 calories. Big deal. I've got to live with this for the rest of my life! A couple days ago, I ate 1800 calories. You know what? I never once even thought that I failed my diet or fell off the wagon. I'm looking big picture, long term.

    And since January 1, I've lost 10 pounds! (I lost 7 the first 10 days).

    As for exercise, last time I did this successfully, I was going to the gym about 5 days a week. I'd walk on the treadmill or ride the bike. Now, for financial reasons, I dropped the gym membership and am doing exercise videos at home and going on walks. At this point, I don't think it matters so much what I do but just that I DO IT.

    Good luck!
  • kelly30mad
    Add me x
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks for sharing ladies. It's amazing to see how much we have in common as far as our weight loss and gains and the reasons behind them. I started changing my eating habits prior to joining here, but I am so afraid to get on the scale right now. I have noticed that since logging my foods and what I eat, calories don't go as far as I thought they did! One great meal is about 1100/1200 calories! That means I would have to be careful with everything else I eat. I've just been looking up foods in the database on MFP just to see how many calories are in the things I was eating before. Man, I was shocked to see that a DQ pineapple milkshake had more calories than the footlong chilidog!!!!!! SMH, and I would get both at the same time. Shame on me, but when you know better, you do better.
  • cds_momto3
    cds_momto3 Posts: 316 Member
    You can do it!! I'm trying to lose 30-40 pounds and it's a daunting thing to think about so I'm setting mini-goals for myself; lose ten pounds and go get a manicure, etc. I'll send you a friend request - I think having encouragement helps so much!
  • kelly30mad
    Good for u.. Like u I hav had a battle over the last 10 years. I lost my mother and my best friend, found out my son had a disability, suffered a marriage breakdown and moved home.. I felt like I was never gonna feel anything but sad and be on anti depressants for the rest of my life.. Now I hav another son and a wonderful partner. My group of friends r small but very supportive ☺️.. I'm learning to love life again and can't wait to get fit and health so I can throw everything into our future!!! I love my life and I'm gonna live it
  • SandyCoils
    SandyCoils Posts: 164 Member
    Thank you all so much for replying and adding me as a friend. I've been lurking in the threads to see how things work here and it's so refreshing to see so much positivity and support. Can't wait until Monday morning to weigh in. Hope I have some good news to post.
  • Fii__
    Fii__ Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Sandy, feel free to friend me if you like, I'm not sure how to friend you as I'm new to the friends side of MFP. I'm pre diabetic too. Doc wants me to lose 5 more kgs. I'm in Australia, we work in kilograms but it's 11 pounds. Anyway I'd love to befriend you and anyone else here with pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes.