Need friends to keep me on track!

Hey guys! I'm a 33 yr old mom of two with over 60 lbs to loose. I'm an emotional eater, and with my *kitten* marriage and difficulties raising a child with behavioral/learning dissabilities...I ate my way to 192 lbs. I'm so tired of hiding from mirrors. Avoiding social interactions. Purposely keeping myself out of family photos of my kids. There are so many reasons why I have to do this for my kids, but I really first and foremost, have to do this for me.

I am ready to do what it takes to work off this excess baggage in more ways than one! I need motivational friends to help keep me on point and working towards my goal :). We can motivate eachother!


  • briankgibbs
    briankgibbs Posts: 1 Member
    Let's do this and rock it out! I have about 20 lbs to lose over the next few weeks
  • lwoods0315
    lwoods0315 Posts: 13 Member
    Stop avoiding pictures girl. You don't have to look at them now but believe me one day you'll wish you had them. Either when your old and remembering your young pretty skin or when you lose weight and want to compare you'll be glad you have them
  • kmvana2015
    kmvana2015 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm Katherine. I'm 40 with 2 kids. My daughter has epilepsy and my husband is never home, he is always traveling. I need support as well. I am an emotional and stress eater. I also need motivation to get more active. I use to work out all the time and now I cant motivate myself to do anything!

    Dont let that scale determine your worth!!!!! You can do it!!!
  • ayreka7
    ayreka7 Posts: 198 Member
    Hi, you can add me for motivation too. I also have two kids. One has many behavioral/ learning disabilities as well. I have about 90lbs I want to lose by my child's 9th birthday in Feb 2016. Determined to do it this time. We can motivate each other!
  • KarynKAT
    KarynKAT Posts: 7 Member
    I too am in the same boat. Unhappy and limited support. Add me as a friend as well. I am a 38 mother of 2 girls. my husband is a produce farmer and is NEVER home. I work full time, care for the kids solely myself and all household responsibilities are mine. On top of that I also have to manage the day to day operations of the farm, I do the books, A/R, A/P and all the ordering and arrangement of the shipping. I too am an emotional eater and have eaten my way to 60lb gain.
  • ZabaZaba81
    ZabaZaba81 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey, I'm Monika. Im 34, married, have 10month old baby girl. I joined MFP yesterday so I am new to all of this but very motivated.
    I'm just like you...overweight and avoiding mirrors. Not willing to go anywhere because none of my old clothes fit me anymore and I refuse to buy bigger size. I gained a lot of weight after my pregnancy and need to loose about 40lbs :O.
    Working night shift as RN is not helping me loose the weight either...
    Please add me as ur friend so we can support and motivate each other :)
  • Hi im ellie, im also a mother. I have a 3 year old son. I am at 250 and i feel like ill never lose the weight, its so hard. I want to be at 140 and it seems impossible, j have no support system, no friends and my husband is fit so i feel like noone understands or can talk to me. I also avoid going out because im embarrassed of how fat i let myself get, i dont know how i let myself get here.
  • Hey guys! I'm a 33 yr old mom of two with over 60 lbs to loose. I'm an emotional eater, and with my *kitten* marriage and difficulties raising a child with behavioral/learning dissabilities...I ate my way to 192 lbs. I'm so tired of hiding from mirrors. Avoiding social interactions. Purposely keeping myself out of family photos of my kids. There are so many reasons why I have to do this for my kids, but I really first and foremost, have to do this for me.

    I am ready to do what it takes to work off this excess baggage in more ways than one! I need motivational friends to help keep me on point and working towards my goal :). We can motivate eachother!

    I would love to have some friends to keep the motivation high! May I add you as a friend?

  • cbills65
    cbills65 Posts: 164 Member
    Happy to help with support and motivation. I'll add you as a friend. :smile:
  • I have 2st to shed so add me! I have no fitness buddies
  • kmvana2015 wrote: »
    Hi. I'm Katherine. I'm 40 with 2 kids. My daughter has epilepsy and my husband is never home, he is always traveling. I need support as well. I am an emotional and stress eater. I also need motivation to get more active. I use to work out all the time and now I cant motivate myself to do anything!

    Dont let that scale determine your worth!!!!! You can do it!!!

    My husband avoids being home so he doesn't have to deal. It's sad, but it's his loss. Thanks for the reply, it's nice to have like minded people in my support network.

    Determined to loose this weight and feel better about myself and it sounds like you are too. Let's do this!

  • cbills65 wrote: »
    Happy to help with support and motivation. I'll add you as a friend. :smile:

    Thank you!
  • vfauvarque wrote: »
    Hey guys! I'm a 33 yr old mom of two with over 60 lbs to loose. I'm an emotional eater, and with my *kitten* marriage and difficulties raising a child with behavioral/learning dissabilities...I ate my way to 192 lbs. I'm so tired of hiding from mirrors. Avoiding social interactions. Purposely keeping myself out of family photos of my kids. There are so many reasons why I have to do this for my kids, but I really first and foremost, have to do this for me.

    I am ready to do what it takes to work off this excess baggage in more ways than one! I need motivational friends to help keep me on point and working towards my goal :). We can motivate eachother!

    I would love to have some friends to keep the motivation high! May I add you as a friend?

    Yes please!
  • Hi im ellie, im also a mother. I have a 3 year old son. I am at 250 and i feel like ill never lose the weight, its so hard. I want to be at 140 and it seems impossible, j have no support system, no friends and my husband is fit so i feel like noone understands or can talk to me. I also avoid going out because im embarrassed of how fat i let myself get, i dont know how i let myself get here.

    I totally get it. You shoul check out the success stories here, there are some people here that have lost 100-250 lbs! Anything is possible with a positive mind frame and hard work.

    My husband is also fit. The man could eat twinkies all day and not gain a pound. Gah, I'm so jealous! Don't let it get you down. Whats done is done. Focus on the now, and take it one step at a time (literally lol). Set you goal for 10% of your body weight. Once you meet that goal (and u will), then set another 10% goal. Looking at the big picture is overwhelming.

    We can do this girl :)
  • erabidue
    erabidue Posts: 1 Member
    I'm looking for the same thing. I'm 31 mother of 2 beautiful kids. I stress eat and I'm trying so hard to break the habit. I wake up with good intentions to eat great and all it takes for me is one bad decision and I'm off for the day. I work out religiously so I know the problem with my weight loss is diet. My husband is amazing and supportive and loving in my journey but he has always been skinny so I don't always feel like he gets the struggle or understands these triggers I have when the day gets hectic.
  • Hi! Im Erica. I have been using MFP for over a yr and I nvr looked through any of the chat room or motivation support info. I am a mother to 3 children & will turn 37 next month and have struggled with weight gain/loss... forever. I have been lonely on here... Im excited! Yayyy...DIET Buddies! We all can do it! I started at 215 last year and now am at 156. Im ve had a few falls off the wagon...climbed back on... took some time off during Christmas but Im back and ready to finish this before summer clothes season!
  • ToshaRozema
    ToshaRozema Posts: 30 Member
    Add me please :)
  • Penniesjourney
    Penniesjourney Posts: 4 Member
    Add me please need pals on here
  • klwrn15
    klwrn15 Posts: 3 Member
    Add me too to anyone needing or wanting support I'm new on here too! :D
  • Welcome to the jungle here you have come to the right place for support. I teach and coach and the job constraints and demands have caused me to be sickened by what I see in the mirror and need the encouragement too. So feel free to add me anyone who wants help and wants to give help as well.